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Everything posted by WhitewalkerInPhilly

  1. Maybe next year when Greg Roman's been poached to be a head coach after winning a Superbowl we can get Chip to be OC [/sarcasm]
  2. I saw this article a while back, talking about how Roman used players in the power run game. The section on the F-Tight End/H-Back looks a lot like what we might be doing. http://billsmafia.com/2015/02/25/breaking-buffalo-bills-oc-greg-romans-power-run-game/
  3. And that's the downside of overspending when you're already in cap purgatory.
  4. I completely agree. Everything else you can get a contributor for in the draft.
  5. I wonder if the Eagles will consider it outside tampering. Either way Stephen smith completely trolled his audience hard, and him crowing about it now is annoying.
  6. I'm now going back to the old Raffi cassettes which have bored a hole into my subconscious: "Baby Bulaga in the deep blue sea..."
  7. I'm just worried that Chip looks at this, looks back at Shady, looks at the entirely reasonable new contract he intends to sign as says "Hey, we could do that!"
  8. I also saw a Tim Graham tweet that they like Brown. Seriously, last year we went in with CJ, Freddy, Boobe and Brown. What makes you think we wouldn't just swap out CJ for Shady and call it a done deal?
  9. Yeah like Poojer, I live in the area and have heard no local response of the sort. That isn't to say that people aren't a little mystified. DJAX was cut for nothing but dead money on the cap after a Pro Bowl year, Shady was a fan favorite and Maclin had a great year, and was their last really good receiver. Chip truly trusts his system, and the idea seems to be that he considers himself General Patton in regards to personnel, the system and play calling. If you stray, or talk or don't buy in, you are replaceable. I am curious to see how it works.
  10. Rodak's Imagine Spot for Sammy: "Wait, the QB is supposed to throw it to me, and not the DB? WHAAAAAAT?"
  11. Love it! Correct me if I'm wrong, but does it feel like the first in years that Front Office and Coaching staff are on the same page, and have a clear and established plan of attack and the means to do it?
  12. Alas, probably yes. Seeing the vets who got tagged, and the anticipation that a lot of big names are about to get overpaid, I can easily see this happening.
  13. TBH, I would say somewhere around Sanchez. Both had success when there weren't asked to do too much, and work a power run game. For reference, looking at what Sanchez did in Philly with the passing "mastermind" of Chip Kelly was being able to hold his own against mediocre teams, but crumpling like a house of cards against serious teams coming down the stretch in December. If EJ can't win out against Cassel, that is the level of competence you have to look forward to.People celebrating about Cassel should take notice.
  14. Come on, seriously? Compared to Federal Income Tax and sometimes city tax, how many thousands are they going to save against a few million in salary. ...I just got really sad reading that.
  15. Yes. Looking from a pure cap standpoint, I would love this. Even with all the cuts so far, and an expected Ellerbe cut for $5.7M,that puts them with an expected cap post draft of $10M. A Suh deal at $18M would mean a cut of a vet, plus letting Odrick walk, plus making a frontloaded Clay deal a poison pill.
  16. Man, the Bills would have to do some cap magic to get him with the transition tag, while dealing with the Shady hit. I'm not saying it couldn't be done, but if Miami really wants Suh, you could make a deal that is an absolute poison pill for Miami to swallow.
  17. I think the concern is that there seems like a good chance Mariota falls to 6. I hear reports that the Eagles would trade the farm, including Nick Foles if got there.
  18. I'm actually worried about the Jets this year. They have a ton of money in free agency. Even with Idzik's cuts they still have a strong front 7. With their draft pick they have a strong chance of getting Mariota or Nick Foles via trade.
  19. They would have to do some real cap magic to keep both. They currently have 2 million in cap room, even after jetting Hartline and Gibson. And that's before draft picks I believe. I can't see Suh going for less than $10M plus signing bonus and probably a good bit more than Mario. Not counting Clay (who they just tagged), here's who they'd safe between 4.5-7.5M in cap space pre June 1st: Cameron Wake, Ellerbe, Reshad Jones, Mike Pouncey, Earl Mitchell, Randy Starks. Getting both Suh and Odrick would probably mean cutting 3 of those guys at best, maybe up to 5.
  20. Good. If they do that, they are letting Odrick walk. Odrick could be a three down replacement for Hughes at significantly less money.
  21. It would be sad to lose him. But in Rex's system he'd be a third down specialist. For what he is likely to get on the open market I can imagine picking up a solid guard and an Alan Branch like journeyman 3-4 DE. You can get a one down speed rusher in the draft, or dirt cheap like Sam or Blackmon if that's all you are asking of them.
  22. I definitely agree. Even more than signing Hughes. I am glass half full that Roman's scheme is a better fit for Glenn, Kujo and Richardson, but it would be nice to pick up someone to make the run blocking absolutely dominant.
  23. Would anyone consider him to play the Heavy 5 technique, a la Alan Branch? He graded out positively as a 3-4 DE, which he would kind of be in Pettine/Rex's system.
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