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Bills fan since 87

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Everything posted by Bills fan since 87

  1. Good fanbase to suffer said dreadful night. Merry Christmas bums
  2. The ESPN playoff machine was a lot more fun back then! Now I just sit back and look at Buffalo as the 1 seed. Which I do so glady.
  3. Remember when just making the playoffs was the dream? Crazy how our world has shifted. Thank you Josh Allen!
  4. Horrible decision making on that play, glorious play making. Results are what matters..Life with a blessed QB1!!!
  5. Are the NY radio shows down there that much better? I used to tune into the Fan when I still lived in the Adirondacks back in the 90s (yes, we got it waaaay up north in the ADKs for some reason) and it didn't seem all that special. But that was a long time ago. I'm not being sarcastic, just curious as if you think the NY radio show personalities are that much better; and why?
  6. I dunno, weather it's the morning show or the afternoon show I hear things I disagree with and things I agree with. I honestly think it's all pretty decent radio. they cover the Bills, talk about Bills related topics for the most part. That's all I'm asking for.. I think the criticism of WGR is way over the top sometimes. Just my opinion though.
  7. I always say it. The next big game Herbert wins will be his first. Here's another chance
  8. Actually, hourly looks absolutely fine. Weather was much ado about nothing!
  9. Maybe the best game experience I've ever been a part of. Just a unique and amazing day.
  10. I'm no Baker fan or hater but you can't deny that was a compelling story/finish last night. Just a fun all around ending to watch.....Unless you were the Raiders and their fainty playoff hopes. Ouch.
  11. Sophomore year of college, though I think I was home that weekend. I always go to PFR to check the stats and recap the season when you post these. I had forgotten about Billy Brooks and how solid a season he had that year. 11 tds leading the team. I remember getting a Bryce Paup jersey right before the season began. I beieve he got defensive player of the year this season.
  12. I'm tired of the blue on blues But whatever looks just fine so long as we win
  13. Figured as much! Thanks for confirming BWW is my best bet. Go Bills!
  14. Visiting my sister and her Family who live in that area for Christmas. They don't have Sunday ticket so I let them know i'd be ducking out Christmas eve day to watch the Bills/Bears game at a sports bar. I saw there is a Buffalo Wildwings close but anyone know of any better options or maybe even a bar where other Bills fans might be at? Thanks for any heads up. She is new to that area and her husband really isn't a football guy so they've been little help. Go Bills
  15. Meh, this way he at least gets to have a few words with other fans. Thats not so bad. Maybe get into a dialog on preferred sites? Thats how you should have led OP. "Preferred sites: There is always a way to get whatever you want on any jersey.
  16. Im not blaming him at all. Just pointing out the trend. Until he is part of an important win, he hasnt been. And there have been chances galore
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