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Everything posted by Pilsner

  1. I think the Deep State and accomplices (msm and lying witnesses) have made up or embellished Jordan’s role in that scandal. Since you are for justice and the truth, why don’t you dig up info about what a steaming pile Schiff and his ilk are? I work full time so I don’t often get the chance to come on here. But you are a full time troll. You live here. Your droppings are everywhere. You have plenty of time to see the truth of how treacherous the libs and deep state are. You have eyes. Use them.
  2. What I admit to is that I think it’s shameful what the liberal rags and treasonous msm have done trying to sully his name. They will stoop to anything to keep Jordan from doing his job. Now he can keep an eye on piece of Schiff.
  3. https://www.citizenfreepress.com/breaking/breaking-jim-jordan-moved-to-adam-schiffs-impeachment-committee/
  4. It will indeed be quite interesting to see how things unfold and witness how the Bobs and Garys react to more truth coming out. Will they admit they are wrong or double down. Will they see the light or melt like the wicked witch or slither away into a deep, dark, moldy hole.
  5. Tiberius, it's been months but I have not blocked you yet. I have held out a smidgen of hope that you would come to your senses. You have been bombarded with facts but you are a resilient one. You do not let facts deter you from your agenda. You are either truly delusional or are a paid troll. I will not ask you which because at this point I believe you to be too far gone. I am tolerant and wish you to heal someday from your malady. I doubt you will be tolerant in return though. I suppose since you said 'Nuff said' anything I've said can be disregarded. I am sure there are numerous lurkers who laugh at you daily. I know I have. But I just had to tell you that there is something not right in your noggin. Please get it checked out for your sake.
  6. Good luck to you KD. A bit windy up here in Shasta county and we lost power for a minute but that’s it. At least you are stocked up properly.
  7. https://www.citizenfreepress.com/breaking/hong-kong-subway-beatdown/
  8. Perhaps something similar to the Walk Away movement is in order. For the treasonous folk a Hang Them All movement could gain some traction. I wish I could make a good meme for it but I don’t have that know how.
  9. https://www.citizenfreepress.com/breaking/touching-moment-in-hong-kong/
  10. I’ve been curious about trying Black Rifle coffee. Seems like a good company to support.
  11. What do you not know? You are an endless source of information. Hopefully the current Japanese (*****) ships have improved fire fighting capabilities over their WWII brethren. Why won’t this sight let me say J.a.p?
  12. I was really hoping for Spain to do well so I could nickname him the Inquisitor.
  13. https://www.citizenfreepress.com/breaking/rbg-the-six-billion-dollar-woman/
  14. https://news.usni.org/2019/08/23/marines-considering-flying-u-s-f-35bs-off-of-japans-largest-warships One of those Japanese warships is named the Kaga. The previous Kaga was one of four carriers (other three were the Akagi, Hiryu and Soryu) which the U.S. defeated at the Battle of Midway. Weird twist in history. It seems like current China has taken on the role of WWII era imperialistic Japan. Perhaps China will need to get Midway'ed in the near future.
  15. https://www.citizenfreepress.com/breaking/john-solomon-boom-joseph-mifsud-lawyer-confirms-mifsud-was-cia-spy-not-russian-operative/
  16. https://www.naturalnews.com/2019-08-15-release-of-official-autopsy-showing-broken-bones-in-jeffrey-epsteins-neck-is-all-the-proof-we-need-that-hes-still-alive-heres-why.html
  17. https://www.citizenfreepress.com/breaking/famed-pathologist-dr-cyril-wecht-casts-major-doubt-on-epstein-suicide/
  18. ? None, but that will change someday. You guys and gals must have some great memories.
  19. https://www.citizenfreepress.com/breaking/we-know-where-all-your-children-live/ Lefties threaten Ice workers.
  20. https://www.citizenfreepress.com/breaking/china-begins-military-invasion-of-hong-kong-raw-video/
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