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Everything posted by Thoner7

  1. 4 wins would be an increbile season for Dick and our Bills next season. My prediction, 2-14.
  2. Found this on another site, seems pretty interesting. Take into account that some of the guys, like Holmgren and Shanahan, are also the teams GM. Good ole' Dickie, right at the bottom. Thanks Ralph. NFL COACHES SALARIES http://coacheshotseat.com/SalariesNFLCoaches.htm # Coach Name Team Age Conf/Div Compensation* 1 Mike Holmgren Seattle Seahawks 60 NFC West $8,000,000 2 Mike Shanahan Denver Broncos 56 AFC West $6,000,000 3 Jeff Fisher Tennessee Titans 50 AFC South $5,500,000 4 Lovie Smith Chicago Bears 50 NFC North $5,500,000 5 Bill Billichick New England Patriots 56 AFC East $5,000,000 6 Tony Dungy Indianapolis Colts 53 AFC South $5,000,000 7 Tom Coughlin New York Giants 62 NFC East $4,250,000 8 Jon Gruden Tampa Bay Buccaneers 45 NFC South $4,000,000 9 Andy Reid Philadelphia Eagles 50 NFC East $3,500,000 10 John Fox Carolina Panthers 53 NFC South $3,000,000 11 Gary Kubiak Houston Texans 47 AFC South $3,000,000 12 Norv Turner San Diego Chargers 49 AFC West $3,000,000 13 Sean Payton New Orleans Saints 46 NFC South $3,000,000 14 Mike Smith Atlanta Falcons 50 NFC South $3,000,000 15 Mike McCarthy Green Bay Packers 45 NFC North $3,000,000 16 Wade Phillips Dallas Cowboys 61 NFC East $3,000,000 17 Tony Sparano Miami Dolphins 48 NFC East $3,000,000 18 John Harbaugh Baltimore Ravens 47 AFC North $3,000,000 19 Jim Zorn Washington Redskins 56 NFC East $3,000,000 20 Marvin Lewis Cincinnati Bengals 50 AFC North $2,750,000 21 Mike Nolan San Francisco 49ers 49 NFC West $2,500,000 22 Eric Mangini New York Jets 37 AFC East $2,500,000 23 Ken Whisenhunt Arizona Cardinals 46 NFC West $2,500,000 24 Jack Del Rio Jacksonville Jaguars 45 AFC South $2,500,000 25 Mike Tomlin Pittsburgh Steelers 36 AFC North $2,500,000 26 Scott Linehan St. Louis Rams 44 NFC West $2,000,000 27 Herm Edwards Kansas City Chiefs 56 AFC West $2,000,000 28 Romeo Crennell Cleveland Browns 61 AFC North $1,750,000 29 Rod Marinelli Detroit Lions 55 NFC North $1,500,000 30 - Jauron Buffalo Bills 61 AFC East $1,500,000 31 Brad Childress Minnesota Vikings 52 NFC North $1,250,000 32 Lane Kiffin Oakland Raiders 33 AFC West $1,250,000 *Compensation is estimated
  3. Yea, Ralph really strikes me as the Jack Bauer type.... But if the NFL wanted proof of Patriot Cheating, then they shouldn't have destroyed it! But Honestly - I have heard some crazy rumors that Ralph was at least looking into the possibility of "gifting" ownership of the Bills to Jim, Bruce, Therman, Andre etc. in some type of scheme to save some tax dollars yet still get some money from the "gift". I dont think its true, but it was through an NFL employee, not Bills. Im sure his info is way off, but an NFL franchise as a "gift" sounds pretty major.
  4. What is a new OC going to do when DICK just over-rules his play calls for terrible ones? Dick has admitted to changing the play call multiple times when asked about these retarded calls that lose games. A new OC wont do anything to improve us because they are all approved/disapproved by DICK.
  5. Sam Bradford is not the QB everyone thinks he is going to be in the NFL. He has a great team around him, and has never been asked to win his team the game. He is not the Matt Ryan or Peyton Manning type where the opposing team had to key on him, they keyed on their run game (ala Matt Leinart/Reggie Bush). He would be no improvement over Trent.
  6. He would be a relatively cheap vetern player. He should also be more encouraged to stay once this DICK of a coach and some of his regime is gone. I have no problem retaining the good players on our team, although it would be something new.
  7. Yea and my HS teams passing game would have been more "dominant" if Peyton Manning was our QB. Schobel was a #1 end for one year, now he stinks. Why did they give him a huge extension when he had a Jason Peters Esq 3 years left on his deal again? Lee Evens is a #1 WR, he deserved it, although im not sure if he deserved that much. Moss and Plaxico both got less money per year just 6 montsh before...
  8. Im not suprised. He trained Manning and has great gameplans. In NY he got their Oline to play great, and uses 3 great RBs to win games, and lets Manning do it through the air with ease because of the running game and PA. Oakland has a young QB who needs some help, and 3 great running backs. Let him build their line, establish the run, and make the QBs job easy.... sounds like we need this guy eh? Dont forget at how abismal Eli looked before the ground game got rolling in NY, now he is a Superbowl MVP.
  9. Not to mention better than Brady.... I am serious
  10. too bad San Fran just made Singletary their permenant HC, he knows what it takes to win. Does he have a coaching twin anywhere?
  11. why do so many want marty schottenhilmerdinger anyways? He has a terrible record in the playoffs, and is just as conservative as DICK. If you didnt notice, the good coaches are not conservative. They dont give the other team a chance to win by punting on 4th and short with 2 mins left, they go for it and get a first down. Conservative is a nice way to say "play to lose". Look at Billicheat, look at Sparano. Hell thats why the Fins won, they had 4th and short and got a first down, DICK would have punted and Brett would have won those green tards the game with all that time left. Get rid of the DICK, I want some BALLS as my head coach
  12. you are mistaken, the Bills have the second lowest strength of schedule, second only to Tennesse. The Bills are drafting 10th, no debate. EDIT: I have now seen multiple sites that have us at 10, others at 11. I dont want to sum all of the records of the two teams opponents, so I will hope its 10.. because it will matter so much. I guess if we get a new coach we may take a Pass Rushing OLB, but DICK already has one in Mitchell, they jsut never blitz him. I would say we need a pass covering LB, as neither Mitchell or Poz are very good at it. For that spot I love Nic Harris from Oklahoma, he is a "safety" for them, but they call it the "Roy back" (named after current cowboy Roy Williams- the safety), which is a hybrid LB/DB. He is 6-3, 235 and runs and hits like a beast. He is also a BAMF who plays with a mean streak- bordering a cheap, he would set one hell of an example for our girly D to follow. Switch him to LB, and I think you have a bigger badder version of Earnie Sims. The best part of all this, I checked some mock draft sites with player rankings, as a safety, no site had him ranked in the top ten of draft eligable safeties, but if you watch him play you know he is a monster. I think that means we could target him in the 3rd, 4th, or even later from the looks of it. I personally think DE is a much bigger need. Our D pretty much kept us in every game, and our LBs were solid, but we had no pass rush from the DEs. Schoble was out, but he was bad last year too, and either way one decent 30+ year old end is not going to cut it. Target Brown, Orakpo, Johnson, Hardy, whoever, just make it the right pick.
  13. I will not physically be able to what much more of it. I will however watch a lot more college ball, mainy because Goodell is killing the part of the NFL that is football, but the other reason would be to find the best college prospects, as the Bills will be drafting in the top 3 in 2010 with Dick at the helme
  14. If the NFL wants its Rooney Rule for Coaches, lets get a Rooney Rule for players too. I mean really, like 90% of them are black. What gives? White players can play just as good as the black ones. Teams should be forced to have at least one starting white player at each position, DL, LB, DB etc. Now that is equality.
  15. I found a link updated just before this weeks game. We have the 2nd lowest SOS in the league, which is good for our draft order. That puts us ahead of the Bolts, and San Fran if they win. we will pick either 10 or 11. http://www.fantasyfootballjungle.com/y/nfl...draft-order.php On another note Mays and Moore are not "cant miss prospects" Mays is not the dominante player he should be considering his measureables, and does not wrap up well. Moore had a great Jr year, but a down year this season and may not be as good as once thought. either way, Safety is a bad pick as our lines are weak, I struggle to see how another DB will fix our pass rush.
  16. We should* be ahead of the Bolts either way... I coulnd't find it online, but from what I saw before, the Bills had one of the easiest schedules in the league, I dont think the Bolts schedule is worse, so we should move past them as well.
  17. He will be gone. Ralph is a smart money hungry man. He is smart enough to realise that keeping DICK will really hurt him in ticket sales. He can think a step ahead and realise that by eating the $ from Dicks extension, and signing a new coach, he will actually make a bigger profit in the long run because the fans will have some hope and continue to fill his pockets. A new coach is just a long term investment to Ralph. He most likely will get him to resign though.
  18. 0-6 vrs the Pats in his three years....
  19. completely uninspired football. they didnt even get creative. they didnt even care, not the coaches not the players. At least Freddie was out there today, because he was the only one who did anything. That has to be DICKs last game.
  20. Man do we need a guy like this. Preston is getting victimized out there right now.
  21. Wow- as if you needed any more evidence that we need a center- there is 11 mins left in the second quater, and every other run play preston has been pushed 3-5 yards into the backfield. Somehow we are still getting production, but he is getting domminated.
  22. We also need a big time TE. With the talent in this draft class, we NEED to come away with a starting center, and from the look of it, we can do that in round 2 or even 3. I think adding a TE like Pettigrew, Gresham, or Coffman would be absolutely huge for the O. I dont know why it will happen though, because we have only had the same need since about '95.
  23. the pick traded for Bledsoe counts as a bust in my book
  24. please resign Hargrove, he was our best pass rusher last year. Doesn't that thought just kill you.
  25. Ummm Jason "The reason you play the game is to get to Hawaii" Peters?
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