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Everything posted by Hossage

  1. With the Orchard Park High School coaches taking control of the offense, we go to the playoffs. But with our coaches, are you kidding me? Playoffs? Let me start out saying this: Do not blame that season on the defense, OK? I don't care who you play, whether it's a high school team, a junior college team, a college team, much less an NFL team, when you are coached by the Ace and Gary of offense, Schonert and Jauron, you ain't gonna beat anybody. That was a disgraceful season. We gave it away. We gave the Dolphins the frigging playoff slot. In my opinion, that sucked
  2. Make Bryan Scott a linebacker and get it over with.
  3. Im thinking maybe we can have a prime time game in canada. Ouch.
  4. I have had more than one beer out in buffalo, and I have to say the scene is pretty weak. It it oddly depressed and unfriendly compared to a similar scene in other cities. Chippewa smells like teen spirit.
  5. I think Aaron is being optimistic about his foot in these interviews from what I have seen of him. Having said that, the season is a long way away, and lets not pretend that every NFL player is working hard in the offseason, so he might be just fine for the season opener.
  6. Er, im not sure i see chambers as having the skill to play tight end. Indeed, Jackson could have a role as a recieving fullback. Like patrick pass but better.
  7. You are assuming that he is training for bulk. The notion that he is a workout fanatic does not mean that he is at the highest weight of lean muscle that he can carry, especially at the wide receiver position. I played football and ran track at around 200-210 lbs, but I could easily carry 240. Age has little bearing on the ability to put on strength. I am not necessarily disagreeing with you, especially since he is not particularly tall. Whatever his ability to add strength may be, we could still use him more in this role even at his current weight. I think you have dismissed my idea out of hand. Assuming you are correct, I would like to know what the peanut gallery thinks of a versatile guy in this role for our team. Sort of like a Larry Centers type of guy. I think Jackson could be used more in this way also. Mile Sellers and Ladell bets are slightly more in the mold of a running back than i envision this role, but similar. A sort of quicker, smaller Chris Cooley.
  8. The broncos quick hitting running attack and playaction game, and the vertical deep passing threat of their tall , fast receivers and strong armed quarterback enabled royal to get the ball underneath in space. They could have used Roscoe Parish to devastating effect. Much like we were very successful with Peerless Price when we had Bledsoe, Moulds, Campbell running seam patterns and a successful running game.
  9. Coles is fast, can jump, has long arms and catches the deep ball well. At one time he had world class speed. If he is only an inch taller than Evans, he looks all of it to me. Your point is not lost that he is not a big possession receiver. Derek Fine and Shouman may fill that role for us. Robert Royal would have, except he drops most passes that are not thrown underhand to him.
  10. He will fit in very well with the jets. They let their safeties run around underneath and he will make plays there. I think we missed the boat on Leonard, but he was injured and young and not a physical specimen and the front office would have had a glut of average safeties on the roster. If we could give Ko Simpson his brain we would be fine.
  11. Considering his blocking skills and ability to run after the catch, and if we have Coles as a number 2, could we then move Reed into the role of a classic right halfback in the wing-t or a wing back in singleback sets? Reed is a former running back and has the ability to get open in space quickly. He is not incredibly fast, but he is agile and has great hands. As his career progresses, he has taken on more of a Hines Ward role as a blocker and underneath receiver in close formations. We have versatile players with our two small and fast tight ends, running backs that can catch, and a quarterback who can spread the ball around and throw accurately underneath. Who else can see an offense that draws players in close to the line of scrimmage and spreads the defense, but still retains the ability to run the ball? Like New England does so successfully with Whelker and receiving halfbacks/fullbacks, we could open up a world of playaction and quick hitting draws. We could use jackson in the role of an offset back in flexible spread formations also, like St. Loius did so successfully with Marshall Faulk. Tell me what you think, gentlemen.
  12. Im looking at Freeman and Laurinaitis possibly going that late. Who else do you gents like?
  13. Peterson doesnt seem to be as expensive as he was a couple years ago. He would be a big help.
  14. Could we make him a left defensive end? Or add depth to DT and put spencer johnson onthe left end to stop the run? If we arent going to get any rush out of denney or kelsay, and we arent, then why not put a beefier guy at end to at least stop the run?
  15. I can see him as a linebacker. Is he better or worse then keith "bruised knees" ellison?
  16. I think we can go to the playoffs with the team we have now. In other words, I think our coaching is so spectacularly bad that they are losing us most of our games. I believe our offensive coaching is the worst in the NFL. I watch our games on film, and I can predict the play more than half of the time. The other players can too, because they all rush to the right place before they could possibly be expected to react.
  17. I think jones is one of the better backs in the NFL. He is a physical specimen. Financial considerations aside, I would swap him for lynch.
  18. Toomer is everything you want in a receiver except he drops a lot of balls.
  19. Your pick is fine. I actually dont think Cushing is a hero. He gives up ground and tends to bend over at the waist to tackle. I just dont see him as an instinctive, athletic guy, but he has physcial tools similar to paul posluzny. As far as criticism is concerned, who cut your hair man? The miami vice haircut is one thing, but your pastel sweater tied over the shoulders is a little much.
  20. We need to build a zipline from toronto to buffalo so that our canadian fans dont back up at the border. That would allow us to increase ticket prices. I think we are missing out on a lot of revenue by not having a live buffalo mascot. With a new zipline-accessible luxury box petting zoo I think we would have enough cash to land the big free agents.
  21. I like picking up Kliensasser, but then I liked michael gaines when we had him for next to free. If were gonna run the effing stretch play 75% of the time we have a tight end on the right side of the field, we may as well have a tight end that weighs more than 235 with a prison wallet full of lead shot.
  22. Indeed, and Jackson can throw the ball too. But did we see one attempt at that at all last year? Nope, Instead we got the morale equivalent of being kicked in the testes.
  23. It is always a good idea to overpay for players from a superbowl team. Its not like they tank the next year or anything.
  24. Felton Huggins has to step up and be our leader this year. He has the touch to get his arms around a ball. And a manly name.
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