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Everything posted by Hossage

  1. Hey laser lips, yo mama was a snowblower.
  2. And will they still get as much help from the refs and cheating?
  3. We are better than them if we want to win. Last year we didnt.
  4. I can see them keeping four backs too. I just dont see any of our guys being effective as H backs. Another factor is how many receivers they will want to carry, given that the position just got deeper. I was surprised that they went out and replaced Darian Barnes, considering how little he was on the field. Mcintyre was used even less.
  5. So, Pushthepile, you figure I just have a weird thing for talking about fullbacks, right? Next time I will start a post on whether my totally anonymous analysis is credible or not. I am sure it will be a barrel of greased lightning. We could also talk about the Bills, if you guys want.
  6. Keith Ellison runs from contact. I have never seen him take on a fullback or a running back with a full head of steam, and I have watched film on all of our games. He often misses easy tackles. He is pretty good in pass coverage.
  7. I believe I have seen them all. Maybe I missed a backup or a tight end lined up at the position. Youll be surprised to learn that the criteria I am using to evaluate them is how well they can block. So, in other words, you think I have no idea what I am talking about. Whatever, man. You dont have to answer the question if you dont want to.
  8. I am convinced he isnt better than any FB i have seen play recently in the NFL I realize this is insignificant and mean spirited, but look how important Polite is to Miami.
  9. Rhodes just sucks. He has no lateral movement, isnt powerful and is easy to bring down. He does have some speed and can catch.
  10. I tried to broad jump a 66 inch concrete wall once. Except I had just taken a bunch of muscle relaxants and I didnt realize the top of it was slippery. So instead of looking cool like Jim Wendling, I skinned my shins.
  11. If we armed our offensive line with tasers, they would be more effective.
  12. The world is full of cheap and average number 2 backs to play the Marshawn Lynch role.
  13. The fact is that someone else will probably pay peters more than we will. He has everything to gain by not cooperating, except for respect. If he plays the way he did last year, he isnt worth half of what he is asking.
  14. Its St. Patricks day. How smashed are you on this day of solemn religious observance?
  15. When he first joined the league he kept breaking out of the huddle and trying to sniff the lines on the field. He has matured and gone to rehab since, and I think he might be a good pickup.
  16. Thats all natural. I look that way and i dont even lift.
  17. I dont know where canada is, and i dont have a snowmobile or glass beads to trade with the natives.
  18. I am a little skeptical of their timing method, although they have improved lately. The only reliable method is the fully electronic method with a starting gun. The fastest 40 meter dash ever recorded with the correct olympic method was a 4.48 by Ben Johnson in 1988. The ten meter speed is most indicative of upper body strength per pound.
  19. We have two talented, mobile, small tight ends. They arent world beaters, but schouman and fine have done what you would expect of them. We dont use them as tight slot receivers in versatile formations as it is, and they dont catch many passes, so why dont we have a tight end that can block? A multifaceted fullback would be perfect for this team. Our two running back sets were very effective, especially because freddy jackson is a receiving threat and edwards is a good short passer. Kliensasser is a free agent. He is a physical specimen and will be cheap.
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