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Everything posted by Hossage

  1. The other day I was at the beer store when a 30 year old friend of mine rode up on his bike. Just then a cop car pulled in and hit his bike. He made an agile move to save himself, but his bike was knocked a couple feet. The cop got out and said "Why did you just ride your bike into my parked car and then fall off of it?" We will likely never know what really happened.
  2. Skooobys original post was: According to him, the Bucs have tossed out just about everybody they had and should be considered rebuilding. He told me the Bills current offensive threats will roll their the Bucs D and he would bet against his own team. Just thought I would pass this along, he is not rich and is no expert or pro in any sports. I talked to a guy yesterday who was not an expert about aquariums. He said that freshwater salt is fine for a brackish tank. He said that I might want to toss out everything except for the green spotted puffers and start rebuilding, because when they get big they will roll everything in the tank. I am just passing this along. This man was clearly poor, and not an expert in any fish. Maybe im being too hard on you here. Half the people on this board dont know what theyre talking about either, but its not a big deal.
  3. Farve was above average during his entire career, excepting the year before last, when he was excellent. He played very well against us twice last year. As far as the whole retiring thing; he's a little flaky. There are worse things.
  4. If oher is such a stud I didnt notice it. I could be wrong.
  5. How this untested line comes together will be the biggest factor this year. Am I excited about it? Yeah, but I am also dreading seeing it unravel all over again, and seeing lynch average 3 ypc on the same old stretch play again.
  6. I think the cops should beat the sh-- out of people.
  7. Idle hands are the devils tools. Why werent these women baking instead of cheating?
  8. God, I hated Elway. I still do. He was an above average qb on good teams for a long time and smiled a lot, so I guess that means he should be in the hall of fame, right?
  9. This is a salute to all my men who still think "Left, left, left right left" when they walk out to get the mail in the morning.
  10. T.O. got into trouble in philly by pointing out that his team was not working hard, that the coaches werent asking them to, and that McNabb's weight gain and fatigue on the field were factors in their super bowl losses. Pretty standard stuff, really.
  11. I saw his high school highlights, and I was not impressed. He looked ungaingly and not in control of himself. He did not have incredible speed and looked like he could have been brought down by a stiff breeze. However, there is no denying his height advantage, and he has clearly filled out very well since then. I dont think there is any doubt that James would be a good player in a variety of sports given his athleticism and size.
  12. I know a couple dudes who write or produce for major sports media. It is all drivel. They dont care what they write, and nobody questions them.
  13. I hear Ted Bundy is available.
  14. On or off paper we are the easiest offense to scout in the NFL. More than 50% of our runs in some games are the stretch play to the right.
  15. The defense on both sides of the field was awful. I noticed players lightly caressing each other instead of tackling.
  16. Comparing Rhodes to Fred Taylor is absurd. Taylor has been an elite back in the NFL for years. He would undoubtedly be our starter.
  17. I had a similar problem yesterday, so i switched to drinking a glass of water in between beers.
  18. I thought we would go 0 and 6 in the AFC East. That didnt make it any easier to stomach.
  19. I dont think the wildcat offense is a gimmick, or that it will wont work as well this year as last. When the single wing offense is run correctly, having a quarterback as a runner gives you an extra blocker and opens up a world of playaction, draws, misdirection plays, blocking schemes and deception in general which are legitimately hard to defend against. If you have players that can block and receive, the defense has a hard time picking what personnel to put on the field.
  20. Who here can picture lovie smith saying "Rex Grossman is our quarterback."?
  21. They play harder, the atmosphere is great, and the referees understand the spirit of the game. The NFL is almost a parody of itself anymore.
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