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Everything posted by theNose76

  1. She looked alot hotter on TV. Those pics dont do her justice. Too bad theres no pics of the 13 year old kid, probably cant get the grin off his face.
  2. Hahha I love when they just say "do we need to bring in Johnson?" and you just immediately think of extreme questioning/pain techniques. Anyone else notice when the SoD was talking to Driscoll about finding out who the mole was - Sara (initially) - and how the guy working with him from DoD, forgot his name, confirmed it was Sara?? I thought that was REALLY fishy. He was also the one defending it when Edgar realized it was Marianne, and they all came around eventually on that. Something tells me HE may have some alterior motives, since he was the only one to say that it was Sara who was giving out confidential material. Could be something to watch. My favorite part of the episode was having Jack and Tony in the same frame, running with their weapons drawn - ahh the good ol days of 24
  3. I was looking through buffalonews.com and came across the "Around the League" section in the Sports - http://www.buffalonews.com/editorial/20050205/5000087.asp. Epitomizes in 2 paragraphs the difference between two of the leagues backs: How convenient that Jamal has to start serving his sentence now, and will only miss mini camp. That will really teach him a lesson. Conversely, Dunn does not get enough attention for all of the great work he does as an NFL player. Definitely deserving of the Man of the Year in the NFL. The reason he does this for single mothers is because his mother never had a house, and was killed while on duty as a police officer about 10 years ago.
  4. Hahahah here it is... http://www.jsonline.com/packer/news/jul02/57655.asp
  5. Sounds like the Najeh Davenport story from a few years ago. I'll see if I can dig up that doozy...
  6. I sat in 332, row 21 (on 35 yard line, Bills side, closer to tunnel end) for the last 2 years. I liked the seats alot. They were right at the cutoff of upper deck - rows 1-20 were more expensive than ours. I could see EVERYTHING. Great view of the scoreboard. Not many opposing fans, if at all - same guys sat in front of us both years, different to the sides, and 2 guys behind were there both years. My buddy took care of buying them, there were 5 of us in the group - and I paid $380 both years I think (not sure on 2004 because I paid him like 3 different times). I'm from Buffalo, going to college in Rochester, and it was a great experience and I'm really glad I did it. I always went to like 1 or so games a year before that, so this was a great time to go out there, tailgate early, hang out with the same people, see Kenny get doused in ketchup, and hope to see a Bills win. For me it was about 2 hours roundtrip, and I usually didn't mind the drive, but it was nice to stay at my parents' house in Tonawanda on the Sat nite before the game. So I would go with UD, or something comparable in cost - $350-400. Rockpile seats don't seem worth it. I sat in row 10 or so of that endzone once and those seats were terrible. IMO best seats in the house are 50 yd line, 1st row UD. Good luck!
  7. Easy: 98%, 4 miles, 165 secs (only screwed up Idaho) Hard: 76%, 34 miles, 270 secs (tough when the only frame of reference is Kentucky ) The easy one was definitely easier After the first few I was able to tell exactly what state is was when it came up and zoomed it right over. I only wish this talent of state placing meant something.
  8. Skip Bayless, who I usually think is intolerable, brought up a good point yesterday that I caught while flipping through the channels. Whatever happens on Sunday, TO will be looked as a hero. If he plays (which he says he will), it'll look like a miracle for him to even just play at all because of the severity of the injury. So if he makes one catch for 8 yards and means nothing in the game, that won't matter, because all will be looked at is the fact that he played. I agree 100%. That being said I hope the Eagles win, but htink the Pats will. Oh well
  9. I was at the Westward Ho casino in Las Vegas one night this summer and they had bottles of Blue for $1 . I couldn't believe it because that was probably the crappiest casino I had been to (and I was at most of them). I played $3 blackjack there for about 2 hours and won like $10 total lol. While in Vegas I liked to drink Dos Equis (XX in Spanish), very good Mexican beer - much better than Corona. Also had it at a bar/restaurant in Orlando when I was living down there called The Ale House, they had tons of beer on tap and that was one of them. Also, when I've been in Canada (NF) I've always said "Canadian" when ordering a Molson, since it's on tap EVERYWHERE. But in the States I say "Molson".
  10. I do the same in Rochester - say "the 390" and get weird looks. I also tend to call all of the interstates the Thruway, so people think I'm talking about I-90, the NYS Thruway, but I just mean any interstate. I agree, it does sound weird to NOT put a "the" before talking about a road.
  11. In the show that continues to defy reality - a character is arrested for treason (TREASON) in one season, then returns halfway through the next to rescue the star. Only on 24....
  12. Sounds like a smaller, slower version of Robert Gallery, which is a good thing. I'd take him in the 3rd, after we draft Nuge in the 2nd
  13. BDSSP was a subject on the Daily Show this week - Jon Stewart was talking about how Fox was worried about decency complaints since the show would be used on Super Bowl sunday. So they were going to change Damn to Darn. He said the next word in the title to be changed would be "Best."
  14. Not get caught for a couple years, win some Super Bowls, then lose some draft picks. Nice going, Mike Shanahan :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  15. Trade for a late rounder, SD just wanted to get rid of him. Worked out well for the phins this year
  16. Not sure about the planning aspect, but spending last summer in Vegas I saw tons of bachelor/bachelorette parties on the Strip. So there is definitely a market for it. My cousin's engaged to be married in June, and her fiancee is going to Vegas for a week with some of his buddies from school. So could very well work out. As long as costs are not too high I would say go for it.
  17. TD sure knew how to draft em when he was with Pittsburgh ehh
  18. Me and my buddies that I have season tickets with like to do the "53-man" test. If we see someone who is obvioulsy a fan of the other team (we go to school in Rochester, so a majority of football fans here are Bills fans, but there are some differing allegiances), we ask them to name as many players on the roster as they can. One time we were talking to a guy with a 49ers hat on, he got to about 7 players, we got about 10 more ourselves, and then he walked away shaking his head. If the going gets tough, I pull out the coaching staff on people. Always gets em
  19. I understand your point completely, just found it funny that they needed DoD clearance and the Secretary was right there!
  20. I concur. Harshest word may be crap. Napoleon says instead words like flipping and gosh. Very Morman of the writers, not surprising seeing as they're Mormans (note, that's not Moorman, it's the Ryan Denney version ).
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