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Everything posted by WildBills

  1. What a !@#$ing pervert. Disgusting deviant should be in jail. Dude has some serious issues to think this would go unnoticed.
  2. Tyrod Taylor sucks The Bills broke a record for rushing TD's this year. So, I will give you one guess where most of those points came from.
  3. I kept telling my Dad. Don't worry. They'll lose. Just wait and see. It never fails with the Bills. It's absolutely sickening.
  4. How could the Bills have kept him? He quit. or don't you remember that?
  5. Goodwin must have hurt himself playing tic tac toe with Rob Ryan.
  6. Trade for Tony Romo who is way better than Tyrod could ever dream of being.
  7. This is the cliff notes of the only thing that needs to be said about Tyrod. I can't believe I read all 54 pages from beginning to end.
  8. What a shocker. Harvin is out of today's game with a migraine. What a disgustingly gross joke.
  9. No chance that Washington lets Kirk Cousins out of the building without a contract once the season is done. If they do. I hope the Bills jump on the opportunity to get him signed. He would be a much better option than I'm a running back playing the quarterback postion Tyrod Taylor.
  10. My main point is that Tyrod is not good enough. But he is good enough to keep him until the Bills find someone better. I just hope the Bills aren't stupid enough to think he is magically going to get better. He isn't. If he was, he would have showed a lot more progress already this year. They need to keep drafting until they find someone good enough. Some people watch the all 22 afterwards and watch the game more than once with dvr and rewind and rewind and rewatch plays over and over. I am one of those people. Tyrod's progression is slower than an turtle crossing a road.
  11. I didn't say he was good I just noticed that he scanned the whole field very fast. Derek Carr was even faster I thought and threw it quicker as well. and more accurate.
  12. I've never seen a quarterback's progression as slow as Tyrod's. There is no hope for him. I was watching Derek Carr's and Brock Osweiler's eyes on Monday night and they scanned their entire field in one second. It made me so sad. It takes Tyrod double that time, and then another second to decide where to throw it. That's why his throws are always late. Can't win consistently with a QB like that. He shouldn't be a starter in this league. He was where he should be in Baltimore. Sitting on the sideline waiting for a starting qb to get injured.
  13. There will be a lawsuit for hurt feelings before the season is over.
  14. Is it really that hard to just spell out the actual words you want to use? Jesus christ.
  15. The season was over the day this putrid team lost to the Titans at home. Their coach is a loser and making them all losers. It's !@#$ing sad.
  16. This just proves that Chan is a liar and an idiot.
  17. rid·dle 1 (rdl) tr.v. rid·dled, rid·dling, rid·dles 1. To pierce with numerous holes; perforate I think both bones had some holes in them.
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