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  2. Trump’s not going to jail in New York. He’s a first-time offender and no one lost money because of his actions - like in the Madoff case. The humiliation is palpable, though.
  3. It's also a squirrel for us to chase, considering we've just spent 10 pages discussing a player unlikely to make the final roster. Let's say you were to take the brain of an elite DL, and put it into Steveson's body. How well do you think he'd do? If you like the answer to that question, then ask yourself this: does Steveson have time to learn a sufficient amount of that elite DL's skill set, before he washes out of the NFL? Probably not? Okay, well in that case what can be done to shorten his learning curve? Undersized, athletic DL. So you think, situational pass rusher. Great. If he can focus 90% of his learning just on that one thing, maybe he shows enough to at least make the practice squad. That keeps his NFL career alive, and gives him the time he needs to keep learning the position.
  4. Well, OK, let's suppose we say probably so despite any lack of evidence in our "Diggs lost a step" world. How does that support the narrative that the O played better under Brady, clearly otherwise unsupported? Keep in mind, it's not merely a nominal drop, it's a drop near to near league worst in two key metrics that are far from what typical playoff QBs demonstrate. It's at least somewhat more complex than having a single reason no doubt, but at the heart of it and from where I sit, it's largely due to the notion that Allen was forced to play an aspect of the game that is a weakness for him, not a strength. ... which BTW also led to his having twice as carries in running the ball as well. We'll find out more this coming season to be sure. Unless Brady entirely changes his offense, from what it was under him that is, there's little reason to expect much more than more of the same. Anyone then thinking that we're going to win the division by winning games on D/STs TDs or by barely beating teams with poor Ds like the Chargers on top of that may be heavily disappointed. I have my strongest of suspicions otherwise, but I'll keep those to myself for now.
  5. Awwww Awwww Awwww Is Alvin Bragg running for Federal office? Did Joe Biden personally direct state prosecutors to charge Trump with crimes, himself? Awwww Awwww Awwww ”It’s so UNFAIR. Nothing like this has EVER occurred before in our COUNTRY.” Awwww Awwww Awwww So SAD!
  6. Today
  7. You can use hands without holding... First it's technique..... You're allowed to get inside and under your opponent shoulder pads and use it as leverage... Wrestlers are Masters at leverage... Anything outside the pads will get a flag... If you're inside and under the pads... You're allowed to grab and control all you want , they won't throw a flag So he needs to get coached on using his leverage to get under the shoulder pads instead of around them... To where he can use his explosiveness and grappling and move people around like a steering wheel... Once you get that leverage inside the shoulder pads you're the driver If you get your hands inside... You control the other person and they won't throw a flag
  8. You just seemed to discount them when projecting a 17 game season under Brady despite leaving out the two playoff games. PFF's grades are the most objective analysis of catchable target throw % out there and Allen didn't slip very much from Dorsey to Brady. They were very much in line with his 2021 and 2022 season. Yet his completion percentage went down about 10% points. It's probably that our WR's last year over performed under Dorsey and under performed under Brady. I guess my point is I'm not freaking out that Josh is all of a sudden going to revert back to 2019 Josh Allen just because of the loss of Diggs and Davis.
  9. Elite TEs don't exactly grow on trees. There have been a handful of those guys over the last 20 years. It doesn't stop teams from trying, though.
  10. Not really sure what pick the Bills have made that was “embarrassing”. When I think of an embarrassing pick I think of a pick that many thought was bad at the time and turned out to be bad. I can’t think of a high pick that fits that description. Even some of their more notable busts like Cody Ford, Zay Jones and Boogie Basham all were players projected to go around those selections and in the case of Zay he turned in a good NFL career just not with the Bills. I can’t think of any other big busts, Elam’s early returns are not great but he’s shown he can play here and there. The Bills are mostly a team in the draft that hit a lot singles and doubles. They don’t hit a ton of home runs but they also don’t “strike out” too often either. Each draft they find a lot of starting caliber players which builds a strong deep roster. The Bills just need a couple more big time selections here or there.
  11. What I love about this regime is when they hit on a draft pick, it’s a dinger. When they miss, it’s embarrassing. It’s money ball style drafting and I can live with it.
  12. It might of been, but it was hardly new. Had only about 2500 seats. Saw so many good bands there before they made it to the big time. My 1st concert was there, Genesis in ‘74. Mind blowing., also ELO, Billy Joel, The Tubes, they were wild, Kansas. And again, in ‘78 I had to take my brother to see some band he liked called Van Halen, I was glad he was a fan.
  13. You need someone that can get open without schemes. Elite TE with a bunch of 2’s and 3’s at WR is a good way to go. Having an elite TE is proven to be successful for multiple teams. It’ll be interesting to see where TE contracts go from here.
  14. Can he avoid holding? It’s probably instinctive at this point.
  15. Ah yes, ad hominems - the desperate flail of a defeated man. I already gave you the research. Do with it what you will.
  16. You're not asking a great athlete who never played football before to play a "skill" position (i.e. RB, QB, WR, CB) you're asking him to play DT. "Get past that big guy, ok you did that. Now swing left behind your teammate and get past that guy etc., etc." It won't be from physicalness that he doesn't make it, it will be mental. How quickly can he learn to follow the defensive calls and then eventually, how quickly can he learn to adapt to the changes when all goes to hell and he needs to adapt to what is going on to make a play. Some great athletes are great because they are coachable and hopefully he is that type. IMO, hard for anyone sane to poo poo this signing when who we are dropping is a punter that would not have made the team anyway. Why not take a minor risk and see what the guy can mentally understand and do when given a chance.
  17. You’re unwillingness to procreate is probably helping society, just not for the reasons you suspect.
  18. This is a very, very good thing for everyone besides people (very few) that derive their wealth from a growing population.
  19. Spelled correctly, it would be even more difficult: it is "gnocchi".
  20. Yes, but if I remember right it was billed as the new century theatre.... the price was $6.00. I'll have to look tomorrow for more details off of the stub.
  21. Tannehill gets a bad rap he would have been the best quarterback in 20 years pre Josh Allen We had one 4,000 yards season in 50 years... I think he had three with the dolphins Not a top five guy... But certainly in the top 12-14 when he had his athleticism He's a hard guy to move on from because it's hard to get better... Titans learn that
  22. NFL don’t care if both rosters drop dead at kickoff. The money’s been made by then. Of the Super Bowl ever gets played outside the US, I’ll lose it. I already hate myself for liking the NFL as much as I do.
  23. Kendal Vickers isn't on the team anymore.
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