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  2. should have just kept Martin. also this chaos at the P position by Beane the past 4 seasons proves punting doesn't matter.
  3. My opinion is that Kincaid, Shakir and Coleman are all “young talent” being added to the passing game with expanding and emerging roles. That’s 3 players when only what 4 or at most 5 can be on the same field at the same time. How many young guys do we need? Do they all need to be “young talent” guys? Bills have invested their first two picks in the last two drafts into receivers.
  4. The one thing I like about both Epenesa and Rousseau is probably what the Bills liked about them... they are long and rangy and can create problems in the passing lanes. That's something that doesn't really show up in the box scores except in passes defensed and INTs (Epenesa had 2 last year). On passing downs where Ed Oliver is taking a blow, I like the idea of Epenesa and Rousseau taking turns in the middle to place their length in the central passing lanes and where their athleticism is more of a mismatch against interior O-linemen. Also, teams have a tendency to want to give second contracts to players they've drafted. It doesn't always work out but it helps foster good chemistry when a team rewards its own.
  5. Billsy, aren't you in Boston? They are playing the Tigers in half an hour. You should get out of the house and head over. Tix look cheap, they both kinda stink. But it's a nice day out...
  6. If you really think you’re better off having a bunch of Joes at WR then a top 10 guy then I don’t know what to tell you. There’s plenty of replies I could have made instead of what I did. But at the end of the day none of it makes a difference. In the end plenty of people were angry that Diggs dropped that pass last year which could have won us the game. Instead we want to replace him with a bunch of joes that aren’t even as good. And I’m perfectly fine getting rid of Diggs. But the fact is they are trying to replace hundreds of targets from last year with a has been head case, a guy that drops more balls than Davis, and a completely unknown rookie. Adding more young talent is not and wouldn’t have been a bad thing.
  7. Jets and Giants are teams without a city---they had an outdoor SB in Jersey. A disaster. Ditto Minneapolis. Indy??? lol. London all the way over those duds.
  8. you're an outlier for your alma mater, party and social scene. trump owns country clubs, graduated ivy league and wouldn't allow the vast majority of his supporters near the gates. I remember when Rockefeller R's were dominant, especially in NY. Now most are D's. or at the very least consided RINO's. It's a crying shame and the country is worse for it.
  9. I think it had many, many factors. That’s quite obvious as we know. A couple of those factors will not repeat themselves in our lifetimes. A QB taking the league by surprise and telling the league “here I am” only happens once. A global pandemic, once in a lifetime. They didn’t have quite the same level of success in 2021 with those receivers still on the roster.
  10. Another way Marxists "save our democracy..." Encouraging unelected bureaucrats to punish elected representatives of the people... Wholesome. American. Like apple pie. Thank God we have these people to "save democracy"
  11. Do you believe in magic in a young girl's heart? How the music can free her, whenever it starts And it's magic, if the music is groovy It makes you feel happy like an old-time movie I'll tell you about the magic, and it'll free your soul But it's like trying to tell a stranger 'bout rock and roll
  12. Shakir disappeared from this thread as the new signings push him down the depth chart...
  13. dec '23. You're Jonny on the spot ain't ya, sparky? Regardless, the case dropped, nothing filed or further. No guilt assigned. Sooo....nice try Skippy.
  14. Not sure why this thread about this trash piece of ***** is still circling the bowl.
  15. you keep changing the topic. to reset, we are talking about which is best for a rookie in a new town: rent or buy his home, which he may only be in for 2 years. There are myriad better investments than houses in KC. no need to discuss them here.
  16. Interesting thought about Diggs not going to the Hall of Fame. The WR position is interesting in today’s game compared w that of even 10 15 20 years ago. A lot of catches today doesn’t mean nearly as much as what it used to be. How many catches would the WR’s on Air Coryell or the Greatest Show on Turf have today? What about Andre Reed or Eric Moulds? What about Jimmy Smith and Keenan McCardell? The game doesn’t allow for nearly the physicality that it had in yesteryear. Just a different game catching when the safety can’t come running across the field and try and knock you out as the ball is landing in your hands. And the QB has to worry about being concussed on every drop back. Peter King said he voted for guys to get in the HOF who changed the game. Not many do that today. Mahomes. Kelce. Josh Allen. Maybe Justin Jefferson at some point. Gronk. Brady Brees Maybe Justin Tucker. I wouldn’t put Lamar there. Because Mike Vick did it all first. And I would argue was at least as good and probably more exciting. Aaron Rodgers. Big Ben. Maybe Derrick Henry. Maybe Matt Stafford. Aaron Donald. The punter from the Raiders and Texans who was drafted the same year as Janakowski. (His name escapes me at the moment) Was tremendous. Charles Woodson. (Not many defenders from the modern game) Urlacher. Always fun to argue about and discuss that. I have always thought that Kent Hull should have gotten in the Hall. But maybe I am. biased. Great career. And a great guy. There are a lot of great athletes today. But not many that transcend different eras of the game anymore.
  17. Hahahaha........you call me a POS because you're a pedophile, hahahahaha...........whatever pedo!
  18. Whoa, nice rant! Yes, i understand completely. I didnt bring up Trump or want to but....Everything levied against Trump is just so unfair! Context is not necessary for any of the garbage you bring up, no siree. Everything he did was by the book. He is after all, our hero. And nobody is stronger than a draft dodger with a Fupa that often looks like he's wearing diapers. I'd take him over Arnold back in his Pumping Iron days! PS: You people love comparing things that are not comparable. I know why you do it, most on the right have zero critical thinking skill, but why do it here? Just gonna take one bit from your Newsmax-esque rant, the classified docs. You know maybe the headline is the same but everything after that is different. Or maybe you don't? You don't know that Trump lied, kept the docs, moved them, lied about moving them, showed them while being taped to some random wench that wasn't authorized to view them...?
  19. do you think the “luxury” of 2020 had ANYTHING to do with the number of high quality receiving targets Allen had?
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