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Sully tells it like it is.


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Jauron is a man who coaches not to lose. But he took it to a new extreme here on Sunday. He coached not to lose by more than 10 points.


This season could go spiraling downward in a hurry. The Bills continue to lose players and replace them with rookies and marginal talents. At some point, management has to take the blame for filling out the roster on the cheap and calling it a youth movement.
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There's no doubt (for me, anyway) that Sully likes attention, and might remind us a little too often about how he's not paid to write puff pieces about the team. However - and I think I'm in the minority here - I don't think any of the questions asked were so unfair or tricky so as to justify the attitude TO pulled off with the reporters. The "affected" celebrity athlete, with dark sunglasses on at the podium who is ... <sigh> ... so misunderstood ... tragically forced to endure eternal torment from the wicked little people ....


True, there are few Bills that will give responsive answers to good questions anyway, but it's still fair for reporters covering the team to ask them and it's equally fair to expect a (sincerely) polite response, even if it's not completely responsive - or partially responsive, like in the little bits Evans sometimes lets out.


One of the reporters (I think it was Hamilton?) did shoot back with a frustrated, "you don't care what I think" when TO turned around a legitimate question and put it back to the reporter. I thought that was unprofessional, albeit largely true -TO was there to be interviewed, not the reporter.


If I missed a question, please add it ... I cut and pasted from a secondary source and did not verify or cite-check it to the original transcript.


The guy can be such a talent, and as Bills fans we all want to see him get the ball more, but he's not exactly a guy who requires protection from the vicious, hardhitting (?) Buffalo/Rochester media.


Q: What did you think of the offense overall?

Q: Why do you think the offense didn't execute?

Q: On the deep ball at the tunnel end did you pull up on that?

Q: Trent couldn't get the ball downfield and it seemed like everything was short and check downs.

Q: Was it something their defense was doing out there?

Q: Do you like the plays that are called?

Q: Do you feel you and Lee (Evans) are being wasted in this offense?

Q: How about the decisions that are made after the plays are called? The quarterback's decisions after the play is called?

Q: Your frustration level right now?

Q: Any thoughts on the end of your catch streak (185 straight games)?

Q: Did it have any meaning to you at all?

Q: Do you feel bad for the defense?

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According to this site the Bills aren't going on the cheap. they're actually top 10 in salary for this year, not sure if this is their cash to cap formula but i don't think it is.

Sully doesn't tell it like it is, he tells it like he knows will rile people up and get people talking. He's an !@#$ in person and its no wonder he lives alone, i know his landlord.


As for paul hamilton, why does wgr use this guy as some sort of guru on the Bills AND sabres, and why is he always sarcastic??

I can tell you as a former player you get kind of tired getting jerkoff questions from guys who never suited up and are just trying to get you pissed.

The players job is to play football not be a PR expert.

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There's no doubt (for me, anyway) that Sully likes attention, and might remind us a little too often about how he's not paid to write puff pieces about the team. However - and I think I'm in the minority here - I don't think any of the questions asked were so unfair or tricky so as to justify the attitude TO pulled off with the reporters. The "affected" celebrity athlete, with dark sunglasses on at the podium who is ... <sigh> ... so misunderstood ... tragically forced to endure eternal torment from the wicked little people ....


True, there are few Bills that will give responsive answers to good questions anyway, but it's still fair for reporters covering the team to ask them and it's equally fair to expect a (sincerely) polite response, even if it's not completely responsive - or partially responsive, like in the little bits Evans sometimes lets out.


One of the reporters (I think it was Hamilton?) did shoot back with a frustrated, "you don't care what I think" when TO turned around a legitimate question and put it back to the reporter. I thought that was unprofessional, albeit largely true -TO was there to be interviewed, not the reporter.


If I missed a question, please add it ... I cut and pasted from a secondary source and did not verify or cite-check it to the original transcript.


The guy can be such a talent, and as Bills fans we all want to see him get the ball more, but he's not exactly a guy who requires protection from the vicious, hardhitting (?) Buffalo/Rochester media.


Q: What did you think of the offense overall?

Q: Why do you think the offense didn't execute?

Q: On the deep ball at the tunnel end did you pull up on that?

Q: Trent couldn't get the ball downfield and it seemed like everything was short and check downs.

Q: Was it something their defense was doing out there?

Q: Do you like the plays that are called?

Q: Do you feel you and Lee (Evans) are being wasted in this offense?

Q: How about the decisions that are made after the plays are called? The quarterback's decisions after the play is called?

Q: Your frustration level right now?

Q: Any thoughts on the end of your catch streak (185 straight games)?

Q: Did it have any meaning to you at all?

Q: Do you feel bad for the defense?

Sully has a big time vendetta for TO, as do many others, big deal. I really don't care about TO's press conferences, but I am concerned with 0 catches! As well as him and LE being targeted so little. Who gives a rats a$$ if he plays nice with the media...

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again i dont know where sully comes up wit hthis cheap stuff. THe bills are middle of the road playing in one of the poorest cities in america. I dont think he has an argument there.

Yea we released some guys who were overpaid but notice that they havent been signed by anyone??? Hes just a dick.

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There's no doubt (for me, anyway) that Sully likes attention, and might remind us a little too often about how he's not paid to write puff pieces about the team. However - and I think I'm in the minority here - I don't think any of the questions asked were so unfair or tricky so as to justify the attitude TO pulled off with the reporters. The "affected" celebrity athlete, with dark sunglasses on at the podium who is ... <sigh> ... so misunderstood ... tragically forced to endure eternal torment from the wicked little people ....


True, there are few Bills that will give responsive answers to good questions anyway, but it's still fair for reporters covering the team to ask them and it's equally fair to expect a (sincerely) polite response, even if it's not completely responsive - or partially responsive, like in the little bits Evans sometimes lets out.


One of the reporters (I think it was Hamilton?) did shoot back with a frustrated, "you don't care what I think" when TO turned around a legitimate question and put it back to the reporter. I thought that was unprofessional, albeit largely true -TO was there to be interviewed, not the reporter.


If I missed a question, please add it ... I cut and pasted from a secondary source and did not verify or cite-check it to the original transcript.


The guy can be such a talent, and as Bills fans we all want to see him get the ball more, but he's not exactly a guy who requires protection from the vicious, hardhitting (?) Buffalo/Rochester media.


Q: What did you think of the offense overall?

Q: Why do you think the offense didn't execute?

Q: On the deep ball at the tunnel end did you pull up on that?

Q: Trent couldn't get the ball downfield and it seemed like everything was short and check downs.

Q: Was it something their defense was doing out there?

Q: Do you like the plays that are called?

Q: Do you feel you and Lee (Evans) are being wasted in this offense?

Q: How about the decisions that are made after the plays are called? The quarterback's decisions after the play is called?

Q: Your frustration level right now?

Q: Any thoughts on the end of your catch streak (185 straight games)?

Q: Did it have any meaning to you at all?

Q: Do you feel bad for the defense?



I agree the questions given TOs history are probably legit, but why not ask them of Trent Edwards, the quarterback of DJ, not a wide receiver. That being said, I thought TOs response was perfect for TO. In this case, anything he says, look some of the headlines afterwards anyway, is going to be used against him. Keeping his mouth shut was the best thing he could do for both himself and the team.


"T.O. barely contains frustration" Toronto Sun

Owens begins to stir the pot Toronto Globe

Rochester D&C reports: 'Owens is frustrated,

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There is a reason Sully still writes for the snooze and hasn't moved on like so many of his counterparts (Jim Kelly, Vic Carruci, Tim Graham, etc...)


He is a one trick pony who found a niche in the Buffalo market. Writing negative, sarcastic pieces about a sports franchise in Buffalo is like shooting fish in a barrel.

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I agree the questions given TOs history are probably legit, but why not ask them of Trent Edwards, the quarterback of DJ, not a wide receiver. That being said, I thought TOs response was perfect for TO. In this case, anything he says, look some of the headlines afterwards anyway, is going to be used against him. Keeping his mouth shut was the best thing he could do for both himself and the team.


"T.O. barely contains frustration" Toronto Sun

Owens begins to stir the pot Toronto Globe

Rochester D&C reports: 'Owens is frustrated,



Sadly, I have to agree. Owens is being targeted by the people who want to be first in line w/ the, "See? I told you he was going to explode!" headline @ the ready.

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Sadly, I have to agree. Owens is being targeted by the people who want to be first in line w/ the, "See? I told you he was going to explode!" headline @ the ready.


I liked Deion Sanders reaction on NFL network saying that was the dumbest line of questioning he's ever heard. He was trying to bait TO into saying something "controversial".

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Felt the need to re-post this from yesterday with a few edits:


I heard the interview on the radio. It was broadcast on KNBR here in the bay area. I couldn't tell who was asking the questions but it was very clear that those asking the most questions (judging from the tone of the questions) were in fact trying to goad Owens into making a controversial statement.


Tom Tolbert the former NBA player and host of the afternoon drive time show called the interview session a "baiting session." And that's exactly what it sounded like. And I've been in that room and witnessed my share of post game interviews.


I used to play in the same City of Buffalo softball league as Jerry Sullivan. One game he was playing third base and as the base runner approached, Sullivan decoyed an incoming throw from the outfield in order to keep the runner from rounding third and heading for home. Thing is, you don't do crap like that in a slow-pitch softball game. The base runner was a middle aged, slightly overweight guy. If he thinks the throw is coming and decides to slide he could hurt himself. I was coaching third base and told him that he breached protocol by decoying a throw when none was coming. Sullivan said he was just trying to help the team win. To me that's like a base runner taking out the shortstop because he's trying to break up a double play. In slow-pitch softball.


The biggest problem I have with Sullivan is that I don't like when people with very little wisdom have a platform for espousing their opinions. That's why I've stopped reading his column. The only Buffalo News sports writer that I truly respect is Mark Gaughan. I also like former News writer Vic Carrucci. Both of them have great demeanor and temperament...that particular calmness and wisdom that Jerry Sullivan lacks. Jerry is just a shrill voice IMO.

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I used to play in the same City of Buffalo softball league as Jerry Sullivan. One game he was playing third base and as the base runner approached, Sullivan decoyed an incoming throw from the outfield in order to keep the runner from rounding third and heading for home. Thing is, you don't do crap like that in a slow-pitch softball game. The base runner was a middle aged, slightly overweight guy. If he thinks the throw is coming and decides to slide he could hurt himself....


So did you blow out a hammy or something?

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