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Im a Saints fan, but...


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Welcome to the board. My quick take on this game is that the Saints will easily put 30 on the board; the big question is whether the Bills can match up in a shootout. I actually think this is a great game for the no-huddle because Gregg Williams insists on using multiple personnel looks throughout a game, and anything the Bills can do to foul that up is beneficial.


Saints look damn near unstoppable on offense. It must be fun rooting for a team like that.


Enjoy your week here.

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Welcome. Did you bring Juleps from Pat O'Brien's with you?


i always end up gettting wrecked off hurricanes from patty o's. matter of fact i buy the pat obrien powder mix and make a gaterade cooler full for concerts i go to at darien lake.


those things sneak up on you....very tasty but tricky

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If your D is as bad as Tampa's we might give you a game. Our stats are inflated by a playing a lousy defense at home. We expect Brees to pick our defense apart, but for the most part we should contain your run game. We will run well and throw some short passes on your D to make our passing stats look acceptable. We will throw to TO once he looks like he is about to blow a gasket. You can cover Lee Evans with a shadow he never gets open anymore or drops it when he does or the pass won't make it to him.



I actually don't think this is sarcasm, which means you have a misinformed or angry guy here, Streetcar. Teams that don't double-cover Lee Evans pay bigtime. If our running attack works against you, expect Lee to hurt you when the safeties come up. The man is seriously dangerous.

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Our D is better, but NO offense is stronger. This game has all the makings of a shoot-out, so natually it'll end 13-10 and really piss off the fantasy football world ... LOL.


Our best chance is long sustained drives and keep the ball out Brees's hands and make the most of our offensive chances. Going into NE looked similarily daunting .... still this is just a tough match-up for us.

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thanks again everyone. Yes Eball it is fun pulling for them. It is still strange for me because coming up watching the Saints it was always Defense and ball control on O with more running. When we had the dome patrol in the early 90's now that was fun to go to games since you can participate on defense more. One thing you cant play down in this game is special teams. That is where any team can catch up to them. The offense is usually fine when they arnt getting too cute (and that happened a couple of times last year) Our defense is not as bad as they have been. They may surprise some people but the no huddle could expose them since Williams cant do his subs like he wants. We will see.

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thanks again everyone. Yes Eball it is fun pulling for them. It is still strange for me because coming up watching the Saints it was always Defense and ball control on O with more running. When we had the dome patrol in the early 90's now that was fun to go to games since you can participate on defense more. One thing you cant play down in this game is special teams. That is where any team can catch up to them. The offense is usually fine when they arnt getting too cute (and that happened a couple of times last year) Our defense is not as bad as they have been. They may surprise some people but the no huddle could expose them since Williams cant do his subs like he wants. We will see.


Overall, the Bills' special teams have been the best in the league the past 4 or 5 years, but they have been pretty bad so far this year. (You may have heard that a fumble was lost on a KO return on opening night.) I expect that is because of the new rules and new personnel. I also expect that to turn around very soon because Bobby April is the best special teams coach in the league and because the Bills have a strong commitment to special teams.

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Those rankings are a little skewed considering Brady threw for like 60 attempts and Leftwitch threw 50 times.




Why have we seen over 100 pass plays in 2 games? Because 1.) teams can't run on us and 2.) we've played the vast majority of BOTH games with a two-score lead.


I could care less about how many pass yards we give up given those set of circumstances.


BTW, how good does it feel to say "team's can't run on us!?"

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I am aware that Bobby April is great. He is from here and coached our ST although it was a horrible time for us under Duh Coach. I was watching the fumble and I know it hurt fans but a brain freeze in the heat of the moment is easier to correct than the continued poor play that the Saints have shown so far on coverage teams.

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Hey gang, I hope you guys don’t mind a Saints fan being here for a bit. I don’t talk trash and I like to be truthful about my team so I wont be an obnoxiously over the top homer.


This is actually the first time I have joined a non division rival’s forum but I decided it would be the best way to learn about a team I don’t know much about (I knew more about them in the day - loved Thurman Thomas and was a huge Bruce Smith fan). I did watch the game against the Pats and I won’t even mention how it ended but I loved what I saw of Edwards and the no huddle scares me with our D. I’m sure you guys can tell me plenty about our DC and I’m looking forward to hearing it. Yes we are all worried about our D here in NOLA but right now our biggest problem is special teams IMO. It was horrible against the Lions and it got better in Philly but still is plenty weak.


Anyway, I look forward to posting with you for the week and maybe beyond if you have me. Ask me anything about the Saints and Ill answer honestly if I know. Thanks. Street


Welcome abaord. I have the Saints @ 20-1 to win it all. :thumbsup: So far so good. It'd be okay with me if the saints lose their only game this week, say 37-34.

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Welcome, saints fan. I think it should be a great game. Why some fans on this forum "expect to be drilled by the Saints" etc is totally beyond me. Certainly the Saints scare me. Any team that looks that proficient on offense has to cause concern. But I think we match up well and I expect a hard fought Bills win. The Saints look much more vulnerable on defense than the Bills. We will probably shut down the running game, so Drew Brees will be operating a one dimensional offense. Not that I don't think Brees will be effective - scoring 40+ points in two games can't be a fluke IMO. However I believe he is going to need to ring up in the neighborhood of 40 to have a chance to win. I'm not sure if he will be able to against the Bills. We have a solid secondary and a staunch run defense thus far. I don't think Brees has enough weapons to exploit our secondary. If we can generate any kind of pass rush (which has been surprisingly effective for us so far), I think we can contain the Saints offense and hold them to less than 30 points.


Conversely, our offense looks to cause fits for the Saints D. Not only do I expect even more effectiveness from Trent Edwards and the passing game, but we have a very stout rushing attack to provide balance and open it up. From a Saints fan's perspective, I think you need to control the clock dominantly to have a chance. But if TOP and turnovers are even comparable, I don't think the Saints D can't stop the Bills from hanging 30+ points. I am going to go with my gut and say Bills win, 38-28.

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thanks for that break down South Georgia. You may be right about most of that but I dont think our defense is 38 points bad. We are no better than middle of the pack D right now but most of the opinions you here from the National media are based on what they saw last year. They are capable of some stops and there are plenty of good players on our D. That is why I say shoring up our ST units is so important. If you get to 38 points, it isnt going to all come from your offense IMHO. I am concerned about your running attack and will be interested to see how we stand up up front. You couldnt tell much with Staford in game one and the stuff that the Eagles threw at us was crazy. They had some formations that looked like college ball. I give it to them for being that creative but it didnt pay off in the end.

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Welcome Streetcar!


Just gotta look at your pass offense production vs our pass defense and you'll get a good idea of how this game is gonna roll. NO - 2nd in passing yardage(323/game) BB - 2nd to LAST in pass yardage allowed (332/game).


I DO billieve our offense will give some fits to the Saints D, although i'm not convinced using the no huddle against the Saints is the way to go. The best chance the Bills have is to keep Brees off the field. They can do that with long and sustained drives, which the no huddle doesn't necessarily help with. Both of the first 2 weeks the Bills lost the TOP battle (MUCH closer in week 2 but still not over 30min).


The no huddle is not a hurry up, and hardly plays a factor in the Bills TOP for the game. The reason why we lost the TOP battle in the first game was too many 3 and outs and long drives by the Patriots. Also, the Bills would have likely won the TOP battle against the Bucs if not for the pick six.

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How do you like Malcolm Jenkins? Is he your nickelback? Does he play much?



they are going to play him at corner at least for a year or so. He came to camp late and hasnt won the nickle yet though he may by seasons end. He has been making his mark on special teams - one of the only guys who has.

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thanks for that break down South Georgia. You may be right about most of that but I dont think our defense is 38 points bad. We are no better than middle of the pack D right now but most of the opinions you here from the National media are based on what they saw last year. They are capable of some stops and there are plenty of good players on our D. That is why I say shoring up our ST units is so important. If you get to 38 points, it isnt going to all come from your offense IMHO. I am concerned about your running attack and will be interested to see how we stand up up front. You couldnt tell much with Staford in game one and the stuff that the Eagles threw at us was crazy. They had some formations that looked like college ball. I give it to them for being that creative but it didnt pay off in the end.


I don't think your D is 38 points bad either. I think we will have several short field opportunities to help get our points up to my prediction. I'm not saying we are going to score defensively for the third consecutive week, but I think there is a good chance that we will have several short field opportunities thanks to turnovers and/or good kick/punt returns. Even if we do ring up my predicted 38 points, I wouldn't think of it as a discredit to the Saints D as much as a credit to the Bills offense. If we continue to get the same good blocking (all things considered our O-line has been great), then our offense is one of if not the most dynamic in the league.


Should be a great game, and I certainly think the Saints are capable of beating any team in the league right now, if the breaks go their way.


Another interesting question for you too: being from Georgia I also like the Falcons (though admittedly I have no where near the passion for them that I do for the Bills), so I'm wondering how a fan of another team in the division likes their chances of toppling the birds in the NFC south? They seem to be a very complete team. Do you think the Saints are ready to challenge them in the division? At the start of the season I didn't think any NFC south team had a snowball's chance of taking the division from them. The Saints have planted a significant seed of doubt for me there: I still like the Birds better but they will have to beat the Saints: it isn't going to be handed to them for sure. What is your take on that?

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Hey gang, I hope you guys don’t mind a Saints fan being here for a bit. I don’t talk trash and I like to be truthful about my team so I wont be an obnoxiously over the top homer.


This is actually the first time I have joined a non division rival’s forum but I decided it would be the best way to learn about a team I don’t know much about (I knew more about them in the day - loved Thurman Thomas and was a huge Bruce Smith fan). I did watch the game against the Pats and I won’t even mention how it ended but I loved what I saw of Edwards and the no huddle scares me with our D. I’m sure you guys can tell me plenty about our DC and I’m looking forward to hearing it. Yes we are all worried about our D here in NOLA but right now our biggest problem is special teams IMO. It was horrible against the Lions and it got better in Philly but still is plenty weak.


Anyway, I look forward to posting with you for the week and maybe beyond if you have me. Ask me anything about the Saints and Ill answer honestly if I know. Thanks. Street


Your best D is your offense...the keys to the game will be this:


1. Ball control by the Bills - Stopping the Saints O is just not going to happen, all we can hope is to slow it down a bit. The best way to do that is to keep them off the field, so I expect to see a heavy dose of Fred Jackson this week. Since we run the no huddle, we really will need to slow down a bit on getting to the line to eat some precious clock time up.


2. Our WR's have to be more involved - If we get into a shoot out (based on what Brees has done thus far, thats quite probable) we will need our best playmakers involed with Lee and TO and thus far they just arent touching the ball enough.


3. We have to Jam your WR's...Its amazing how far off the DB's have been playing against your WR's. Seems teams are so afraid of getting beat deep that they are playing way off the WR. For us to be able to slow your Offense, we absolutely have to jam your WR's at the line to give our defensive line time to put pressure on Brees by making him hold the ball longer.


4. Turnovers - We will not be able to afford any turnovers. They are always bad, but against such an offensive juggernaught like the Saints, they can be even more costly.


5. First downs - we must move the ball consistently, we cant afford so many short drives. Even if we only get a FG, we have to keep the chains moving and the Saints off the field.

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SouthGeorgia, I do think we will beat Atlanta but it will be tough. I think we will split with them head to head but they got the tougher schedule. They are well coached Ill say that. Our two teams always play each other tough even when one of the teams is bad and one is good. Those long time rivals run deep dont they.

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Your best D is your offense...the keys to the game will be this:


1. Ball control by the Bills - Stopping the Saints O is just not going to happen, all we can hope is to slow it down a bit. The best way to do that is to keep them off the field, so I expect to see a heavy dose of Fred Jackson this week. Since we run the no huddle, we really will need to slow down a bit on getting to the line to eat some precious clock time up.


2. Our WR's have to be more involved - If we get into a shoot out (based on what Brees has done thus far, thats quite probable) we will need our best playmakers involed with Lee and TO and thus far they just arent touching the ball enough.


3. We have to Jam your WR's...Its amazing how far off the DB's have been playing against your WR's. Seems teams are so afraid of getting beat deep that they are playing way off the WR. For us to be able to slow your Offense, we absolutely have to jam your WR's at the line to give our defensive line time to put pressure on Brees by making him hold the ball longer.


4. Turnovers - We will not be able to afford any turnovers. They are always bad, but against such an offensive juggernaught like the Saints, they can be even more costly.


5. First downs - we must move the ball consistently, we cant afford so many short drives. Even if we only get a FG, we have to keep the chains moving and the Saints off the field.


1. Duh.


2. Wrong. It isn't fantasy football. Case in point: against the Bucs, neither Lee Evans or TO amassed an impressive number of catches or yards. But they accounted for 14 points. All that matters is that they force teams to play reactive football. Who actually carries it or punches it in is utterly irrelevant.


3. Arguable but not totally incompetent at least. If you jam their wide receivers then you are asking to get burned deep, and Drew Brees is the kind of QB that can make you pay dearly for letting the WR get even one step's advantage. I would say this is conditional: *if* we can get decent pressure, then we can move up and press the WRs more aggressively. But we should start playing soft and make Drew prove that he can consistently beat us underneath and against our blitz package before we give them any chance at throwing it long (kind of like teams have done to Trent thus far).


4. Duh.


5. Duh.


Wow. One out of five of your comments warranted a legitimate response. That shatters your previous best of zero for eternity in comments that make sense. Good for you!


Just for the record, the other three points weren't bad at all, just obvious.

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