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john clayton speculates schonert's dismissal


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i remember when our new HC job was up in the air between Mike Sherman and DJ......Marv hired DJ cuz he was good friends with him. good going marv....thanks for screwing us. i was pulling for mike sherman the whole way but thats me.


um Sherman stinks. he's out of the NFL last I heard.


and I think the "shortly" of the subject line is the issue.

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i remember when our new HC job was up in the air between Mike Sherman and DJ......Marv hired DJ cuz he was good friends with him. good going marv....thanks for screwing us. i was pulling for mike sherman the whole way but thats me.


Mike Sherman is really proving his legacy as an nfl coach without Favre....oh wait :thumbsup:

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Jauron's next. Bobby April will be interim HC to end the season and will either take over if he does well/shows potential. Otherwise bring on Martyball! Or Dungy, Cowher, Shanny. Leslie Frazier perhaps?



im fine with anyone besides DJ......just as long as RW is willing to open his wallet which he isnt known for doing...but he did bring TO here so maybe.....

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Yeah. Ralphy may look to hire a co-ordinator, someone who'd be a first time HC to save a buck because the big name free agent coaches will cost a lot.



and he wants to win a SB???!!!! maybe we should hire a former beli-cheat employee. at least the guy knows how to win....wait......beli-CHEAT...that explains it

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If we are going to do it, we should do it now and early so we can get the new regime in here in time to matter this season.


There are a plethora of great coaches out there, so lets do it now while we are the only ones looking if we are going to do it.






Gruden (although I dont like Gruden and think hes way over rated, but maybe he could help the offense)




Just to name a few...


My preference would be Cowher, Shannahan or Mariucci...


you think Ralph is going to fire Jauron, pay him the remaining two years on his deal, whatever is left on Turks then go out and hire one of those guys for what it would cost to bring any of them in....give me a break, never gonna happen

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um Sherman stinks. he's out of the NFL last I heard.

Yep. And Marv wasn't friends with Dick. IIRC, they never met before he interviewed him. Still, Marv could have found a better HC. Right?


And this move smacks of Ralph's doing, not Jauron, who is loyal to his assistants to a fault. And from the tone of players the past few weeks, I don't think any of them liked Turk and/or his scheme. Let's hope AVP is better.

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Jauron's next. Bobby April will be interim HC to end the season and will either take over if he does well/shows potential. Otherwise bring on Martyball! Or Dungy, Cowher, Shanny. Leslie Frazier perhaps?

But you can bet RW is now kicking himself for not heeding The Senator's advice to replace both Jauron AND Schonert with - while he was still available - "The Mad Scientist of Football" himself...


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In terms of "could come back to hurt" the Bills, I'm thinking more along the lines of the time when Jim McNally said that a former Arizona coach called him before a game a few years ago and spilled the beans. We owned them that day... knew what they were doing before they did.


I hope the parting of ways with Schonert was at least civil. Have serious doubts about that, tho. Does Turk seem to be the vindictive type? I only hope that his regard for/Stanford linkage with Trent Edwards might hold his tongue.

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In terms of "could come back to hurt" the Bills, I'm thinking more along the lines of the time when Jim McNally said that a former Arizona coach called him before a game a few years ago and spilled the beans. We owned them that day... knew what they were doing before they did.


I hope the parting of ways with Schonert was at least civil. Have serious doubts about that, tho. Does Turk seem to be the vindictive type? I only hope that his regard for/Stanford linkage with Trent Edwards might hold his tongue.



Chances are his contract prohibits him from talking about the specifics of the scheme with any other coach. However, the practical reality is that this would be hard to prove if it was done covertly and wisely. It is an issue of honesty and integrity.

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Chances are his contract prohibits him from talking about the specifics of the scheme with any other coach. However, the practical reality is that this would be hard to prove if it was done covertly and wisely. It is an issue of honesty and integrity.


And pride. If Turk's ego is as big as I've heard, I could easily see him being spiteful out of wounded pride.

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