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Anyone notice how much better WGR is without Schopp??


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The only one worse that Schoppy is that piece of garbage Jeremy White. Man would I love to beat his ass. Schoop and White should have there own show on from 2AM ro 6AM called "WE ARE FREAKING DOUCHE BAGS AND NO ONE LIKES US - NOT EVEN OUR FAMILIES"

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I like Bulldog with Philiponi (sp). This 1000x better than listening to schopp make cracks on other callers because he is soooo smart!



I normally don't care so much about this stuff and don't have the chance to listen to these guys much anyway seeing that i'm on the left coast, but, honestly, what qualifies Schopp as being "smart" anyway?


There's the MENSA claim, but he went to St. John Fischer for Journalism (or the like) for cripes sake. I mean, i'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but at least i did engineering at UB. I could probably breeze through journalism at SJF without attending half of the classes.


What else? He plays scrabble, enjoys tennis, and tries to speak using proper grammar on the radio. Yay, good for him. What's next? I'm going to find out that he is on his way to solving the Riemann Hypothesis because he likes polo?


Spare me.


Just a random vent...nothing to see here :flirt:

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Seem like one or the other has been either on vacation or "sick" for months. They are definitely trying to reduce staff and forcing them to take unpaid time off. I love the way Schopp pretends that he cares about the credibility of the show, but when the Bills were 4-0 last year and knowledgeable callers were pointing out the falacy of them being good (played one team missing 3 offensive lineman and two with coached about to be fired), he mocked and derided each caller, because he wanted to have "positive" shows. Now all he does is crap on the Bills and Sabres, while telling us how he doesn't even like the sports. Is it too much to ask for guys who love sports and our teams????

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Care to explain?



pre·dicta·bili·ty n.

pre·dicta·ble adj.

pre·dicta·bly adv.

pre·dictive adj.

pre·dictive·ly adv.

pre·dictive·ness n.

pre·dictor n.

Synonyms: predict, call, forecast, foretell, prognosticate

These verbs mean to tell about something in advance of its occurrence by means of special knowledge or inference: predict an eclipse; couldn't call the outcome of the game; forecasting the weather; foretold events that would happen; prognosticating a rebellion :flirt:

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S & B remind me of another pair of AM radio employees, Herb Tarlek and Les Nessman of WKRP.


They also thought they were pretty smart.


But their employer described them as 'obtuse' and 'addle-minded' (in this very funny episode).


The good news was it only cost them $5 each to find that out!



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Seem like one or the other has been either on vacation or "sick" for months. They are definitely trying to reduce staff and forcing them to take unpaid time off. I love the way Schopp pretends that he cares about the credibility of the show, but when the Bills were 4-0 last year and knowledgeable callers were pointing out the falacy of them being good (played one team missing 3 offensive lineman and two with coached about to be fired), he mocked and derided each caller, because he wanted to have "positive" shows. Now all he does is crap on the Bills and Sabres, while telling us how he doesn't even like the sports. Is it too much to ask for guys who love sports and our teams????

Filliaponi dosent like hockey or the sabres eithier he claims.. why don't they keep this information to themselves

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I tried to deal with WGR last year regarding some promotional items they wanted to "purchase". It turned out by "purchase" they really meant trading. If the got 10,000 license plate holders with WGR 55 Sports imprinted on them they'd give my company X amount of free commercials. The station really has no legitimate sponsors during the 3-7 PM period. Everything is a trade - back doctors, physical fitness equipment etc. The 'personalities' can make extra money by setting up live, remote broadcasts. We're talking $200 bucks or so at best. It's a very cheap operation. If they didn't have the Sabre games they might just revert to a music or political talk station!

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I tried to deal with WGR last year regarding some promotional items they wanted to "purchase". It turned out by "purchase" they really meant trading. If the got 10,000 license plate holders with WGR 55 Sports imprinted on them they'd give my company X amount of free commercials. The station really has no legitimate sponsors during the 3-7 PM period. Everything is a trade - back doctors, physical fitness equipment etc. The 'personalities' can make extra money by setting up live, remote broadcasts. We're talking $200 bucks or so at best. It's a very cheap operation. If they didn't have the Sabre games they might just revert to a music or political talk station!



Yep, that's pretty much how radio works.

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Schopp is entertaining and is usually accurate with his assessments. He is a dick to callers because it's entertaining. Whether he's like that off air, I don't know but I do know that I enjoy listening to him more than that dial tone bulldog and pretty much anyone else on wgr.


Mind you, I may lose some credibility points because I liked listening to chuck dickerson and his schtick too...lol.

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I like Bulldog with Philiponi (sp). This 1000x better than listening to schopp make cracks on other callers because he is soooo smart!


"I haven't. I think the show SUCKS without Schopp. In fact, Schopp should be on 24/7 on WGR, WECK, WBEN and ESPN radio at the same time."




Preston Ridlehuber(aka Mike Schopp)

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So, will anyone bother to answer the question? Is Schopp really permanently gone?

Haven't listened lately, but I'd assume that he's trying to fit in a vacation before the season begins. (Not all that uncommon.) I'll get that confirmed, though -- been meaning to catch up with Andy R. anyway.

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I'll be the first to say he is arrogant, and that can be a little irritating. But there is no questioning his talent and intelligence. ESPN radio pursued this guy for a reason.


My guess is, most of you haters are probably the people he laid into during a call-in that was going nowhere.


Oh...wait...I forgot-most of the people here are the typical tbd whiners. Carry on.

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