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RIP Ted Kennedy


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That's what I find SO sad about the Kennedy family's legacy - that people actually believe they stood for, by, and with the masses.



See that is the difference between you and I. I can disconnect from the whole "Limo Liberal" thing. Of course they stood for, by, and with the masses. Why didn't they? All I am saying is that the Kennedy's enabled many ways for people to get a "leg up." Obviuously they had their "leg up" through their old man's wealth. What is wrong with being benevolent? Your notion of having to live like the masses to help/stand by the masses is silly and clouds your judgment.


It is all about what you want to do. As much as the Kenedy's were competitive amonst themselves, I don't see them as wanting to distance themselves from the rest of the pack. I see isolation, wanting a somewhat private life, and wanting to do the things they wanted to do... No matter how risky or affluent it seemed. Who doesn't want that... I don't see "Jonesing" OUTSIDE of the family/sibling dynamic They set their own standard and pace. Who doesn't want that

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Actually the bottom line is that TK did not get indicted or convicted of the crime of murder or manslaughter. E nd of story.

End of story? No, actually that IS the story - that Ted Kennedy and the whole freakin' Kennedy clan are a bunch of lying scumbags who use their power and privilege to circumvent the law, and avoid its consequences when they run afoul of it.


That was the point, which you now seem to have conveniently forgotten. You attempted to proffer that there was no basis for a murder charge because no judge or grand jury made such a charge...


As to murder...sit down with the retired judge and look at the penal law definition and get back to me how you see mens rea or for that matter the actus reus that would justify such a charge...especially since no judge or grand jury made it at the time?


To which I pointed out that you were simply ignorant of that fact that the foreman of the grand jury alleged corruption by a judge, several police officers, and other authorities to prevent them from conducting a legitimate investigation of the crime...


In a recent interview with The Vineyard Gazette, Leslie Leland, the foreman of the grand jury that investigated the accident, said the panel was pressured by a judge and a prosecutor not to pursue the case.


''I think that we were manipulated,'' Mr. Leland said, ''and I think that we were blocked from doing our job, and if you want to use the word cover-up, then O.K., that's what it was.''


Ms. Kopechne's parents also spoke up recently, in the July issue of Ladies' Home Journal. ''He was worried about himself, not about Mary Jo,'' said Joseph Kopechne. Gwen Kopechne insisted, ''Somebody's hiding something.''


Link - New York Times (your 'Bible', I believe)


That allegation of corruption and a cover-up is well-supported by John Farrar - the diver that recovered Mary Jo Kopechne's body...


Link - Farrar interview


And even the Massachusetts State Police detective who investigated the accident stated, "Senator Kennedy killed that girl the same as if he put a gun to her head and pulled the trigger." - George Killen ~ State Police Detective-Lieutenant


And Laura Bush didn't either...end of that story.

THAT never was a story, until YOU introduced it as a most bizarre and obtuse digression - one that, BTW, made absolutely no sense whatsoever. Kinda of like saying, "My uncle has a red pencil box. So there. End of THAT story."


Second, I'm not seeing any legitimate material that changes TK's significant contributions to the country over the last fifty some years. End of THAT story.


Yes - that IS the end of THAT story, because, well, because it's impossible to see that which you haven't bothered to see! :wallbash:


You haven't read any of the books I cited. Not a single one. Not even the first one - The Senator: My Ten Years with Ted Kennedy) by Kennedy-aide Richard Burke, whom you frantically attempted to discredit, then proudly posted the results of your cursory Internet search - which was, BTW, nothing more that a hasty and desperate smear-campaign by the Kennedy machine, one they began mobilizing even before the book's publication to undermine the author's first-hand revelation of Kennedy's miscreant behavior.


Try to remember - I posted, in response to Sage, that if he really wanted to know what Ted Kennedy was all about, read something other than the revisionist hero worship of the Kennedy sycophants. I suggested Burke's tome. You ran to Google to find disparaging info on the author. I stated I could provide many others, which I did. The reason you see nothing in them is because you haven't read - nor seen - a single one of them.


Third, the guy wasn't perfect. Hell, nobody is.

Eureka! You've finally made a factual and relevant remark.


Fourth, I never said that Bush and Cheney were dead, but from your lips to God's ear.

You seem to have a hard time staying 'on point' - or, for that matter, even remembering what the point is. 'el Tigre' posted...


Whenever a person passes we should focus on the positives of their life. God takes care of the rest.


to which I responded...


Let's hear some positives about Hitler and Mussolini.


to which you came back with the obtuse remark...


Mussolini made the trains run on time. George Bush threw a nice opening pitch. See...its not impossible to find something nice to say. Gotta admit that Hitler and Cheney are a bit of a stretch though.


You see, the whole exchange was about not speaking ill of the dead. Your introduction of Bush and Cheney into the exchange was as obtuse as your strange digression regarding Laura Bush earlier in the thread.


They have wonderful new drugs for ADD these days - you should get some.

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Let me sum up this discussion:


The Senator: "I hate Ted Kennedy!"

Tenny: (puts fingers in ears) "I can't hear you. La la la la la la..."


Tenny: "I still can't hear you. Neener neener neener neener..."



Almost, DC, but more like...


The Senator: "Ted Kennedy is a murderous, misogynist scumbag who, just like the rest of his family, used power and privilege to avoid the consequences of his miscreant behavior!"

Tenny: "Oh yeah? I suggest you find the legal definition of murder - which, btw, no judge or grand jury ever charged against TK."

The Senator: "That's because the foreman of that grand jury claims they were manipulated by a judge, police, and other authorities, who blocked them from doing their job and conducting a thorough investigation. Here's ample attribution from several credible sources, along with a detailed explanation of the penal code you requested, particularly as it relates to murder and malice aforethought.

Tenny: (puts fingers in ears) "I can't hear you. La la la la la la..."


Tenny: "I still can't hear you. Neener neener neener neener...I'm not going to look at any of it...neener neener neener...I never said George Bush and Dick Cheney were dead...neener neener neener...Laura Bush was never charged with murder...neener neener neener...end of story...neener neener neener..."



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Hey Senator, I thought it was just the 20 cent thread... You getting a little compulsive. If you were born another 10 years earlier, you would have been a hippie! :unsure:

For the life of me, EII, I can't understand why you haven't brought up the Kanes' guilty plea yesterday, but let's save that for another thread - I'm having too much fun bashing that murdering scumbag Ted Kennedy, and exposing Tennessee Boy for the ridiculous charlatan he is! :wallbash:

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For the life of me, EII, I can't understand why you haven't brought up the Kanes' guilty plea yesterday, but let's save that for another thread - I'm having too much fun bashing that murdering scumbag Ted Kennedy, and exposing Tennessee Boy for the ridiculous charlatan he is! :unsure:



Becausre I am not THAT compulsive! :wallbash:


Dude... Let the liberal hate go! I know you were young and impressionable during the whole late 1960's, early 1970's. That you had to watch a lot of smelly hippies frolicking in the mud or getting shot on campus. You and Cincy should get a two for one deal on a "couch trip." You in the Cincy, OH/Covington, KY area? I hear Cincy doesn't like to travel by that new fangled device they call a horseless carriage. Carriage, horseless? Hogwash!



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Obviously, your knowledge of Title IX and the insanity that surrounds it is severely limited, so I will refrain from hurling insults. Here's a nice little summary from the NYT if you care to educate yourself:






This is Title IX reality... think about that quote for awhile. A law passed to address real or perceived gender discrimination in sports culminates in schools dropping programs financed by private individuals in order to meet some artificial quota. A law passed to expand opportunity results in less opportunity. Awesome.


and I'm sure you are pounding on your congressmen to force equal numbers in engineering classes, dance classes, early child care, and art classes... :wallbash:


Can you explain why there isn't a call for its repeal? Is it because Americans are entirely satisfied with the (IMO, outstanding) results or are the opponents simply cowards?

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Can you explain why there isn't a call for its repeal? Is it because Americans are entirely satisfied with the (IMO, outstanding) results or are the opponents simply cowards?


Perception that it fosters equality (which it does, in a sense - an equal lack of opportunity), and the fact that it's actually rather difficult to get a law repealed, practically speaking.


At the risk of overstating things, Title IX is a good example of the road to hell being paved with good intentions.

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In an NPR interview with Kennedy’s friend Ed Klein, formerly of Newsweek and the New York Times, it was revealed that the infamous car accident was one of Kennedy’s favorite topics of humor. It turns out the Senator frequently joked about Mary Jo Kopechne asking his friends, “Have you heard any new jokes about Chappaquiddick?”







What a swell guy.

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Can you explain why there isn't a call for its repeal? Is it because Americans are entirely satisfied with the (IMO, outstanding) results or are the opponents simply cowards?

Perhaps because people are more concerned about when College Football is going to finally have a playoff? You know, something the media beats us over the head with constantly?


I seriously doubt that the average American knows much at all about the realities of Title IX. We're a culture based on ignorance. Cowardice? Somehow I doubt it.

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