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Physical, Violent, Snotknocker team...


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..that's Jaworski describing Rex Ryans Jets. How would you describe Jaurons Bills ?

They are not Jauron's Bills, they are our(fans) Bills, give us a coach with a solid NFL background, smart play calling and as passionate about winning as us fans, then I'll be willing to name the Bills his team...

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The sad thing about the Jets is that they are getting their butts kicked, but still look better than the Bills.


That's ok though, it's just preseason. The Bills will turn it on when the season starts like they always do. Same with Jauron: he may look weak now, but when the season starts he will turn into a fearless coaching genius like he always does.

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I'll have to check the film and evaluate the entire preseason before I can give an opinion on the Bills. I just know that they are a good group, a smart group, who loves to compete. They really want to win, but it's the NFL and winning is hard. But they try real hard.

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