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(OT) My sons game last night is still bugging me.


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Well.....I am going to offer somewhat of a different viewpoint here......


Since there are so many present and former parent coaches throwing their two cents in....I will throw you a scenario that happened no later then THIS YEAR


We play Inland Empire JAAF football down here (my son has 1 year left) and there was a severe uprise of parents from a few of the teams coaches...because they were volunteers and because they had the power....were starting their kids for the majority of the games and the rest of the kids were sitting on the bench with a "manditory 3 play rule"





I agree a bad coach can ruin a sport for a kid, but I'd like to share a different perspective. I feel to a certain point, if the parent spends their time and resources coaching a youth team, than their kid should play. They're the ones making an effort to arrange their schedules, plan the practices, etc. My personal experience is that competetive teams function better under a coach that doesn't have kids on the team. Usually not the case in little/youth leagues, but it becomes more commonplace with teams you had to try out for.


Did I misunderstand, but what it sounds like you dealt with is a coach playing his friend's kids, kid's friends, players living off past reputation or something of that nature. I've been on the wrong side of that and there's nothing more frustrating, especially when you know you're better than some of the people starting. Sounds like your boy was in a competetive league and just got a raw deal. I know it sucks, but it makes you appreciate a good coach when you deal with one.


I still think the PAL baseball leagues had it down best. Just kids, only adults were the dads who worked the night shift and they were there for supervision.

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Yeah it sucked....


But we always try to look at the positive....and there actually was one through all of this.....


Because he was a pretty good player but not so good that they absolutely had to put him on the field....it gave Brett an opportunity to identify his weaknesses....


Every year after year one....Brett has had problems at the beginning of the year with bad foot problems like achilles tendonitis....and the season before this one we got to the root of the problem


He doesn't run correctly....he doesn't even walk correctly....a friend of the family who also is a salesperson for footware identified it and put "shoe inserts" into his normal shoes and cleats.....and the pain he was having almost immediately was gone....and got better each day.....


It also got us to identify another big problem that we had not addressed.....and we got absolutely no feedback on this until a high school freshman coach (the same one where my son will be attending) had a heart to heart after the last game and had a candid talk (which I totally appreciated)


Brett does't run correctly....his form is bad....he has no forward lean....it mean....I didn't realize it was as bad as it is because he was always making plays when he was on the field


This coach (has a son on the team) has been eyeballing Brett for some time....he didn't want to say anything because he thought it would offend me...when he found out that it wouldn't he really opened up....


- He said that Brett made his plays solely from good instincts......positioning himself well at every snap...taking good angles....and being very strong for his age.....


- But he was always playing with a handicap of not being able to get burst, acceleration, and enough speed.....he was having to make sure everything else was right just to put himself in a position to make a play....the good news was when he was in position...he almost always made the play......


- He said that he had someone that could work with Brett till June....and this wasn't a parent coach or some expensive clinic.....he knew a kid (he was like a member of his family as he stayed with him when he was younger) a division II college standout corner and wide reciever who was going to be able to stay until June......


- We had our first session with him the other day....and sure enough he confirmed all the things he had said. But the goal isn't to be the fastest on the team.....he wants to be one of the fastest in the Inland Valley.

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I agree a bad coach can ruin a sport for a kid, but I'd like to share a different perspective. I feel to a certain point, if the parent spends their time and resources coaching a youth team, than their kid should play. They're the ones making an effort to arrange their schedules, plan the practices, etc. My personal experience is that competetive teams function better under a coach that doesn't have kids on the team. Usually not the case in little/youth leagues, but it becomes more commonplace with teams you had to try out for.


Did I misunderstand, but what it sounds like you dealt with is a coach playing his friend's kids, kid's friends, players living off past reputation or something of that nature. I've been on the wrong side of that and there's nothing more frustrating, especially when you know you're better than some of the people starting. Sounds like your boy was in a competetive league and just got a raw deal. I know it sucks, but it makes you appreciate a good coach when you deal with one.


I still think the PAL baseball leagues had it down best. Just kids, only adults were the dads who worked the night shift and they were there for supervision.




I think the absolute worst thing that can happen to a league is to have coaches coaching their own kids....because 7 times out of 10 you will have a parent coach that will go out of their way to be fair.....but then you have those parents who see an opportunity to absolutely take over a league and make it their own....


I think that is is a coaches obligation to make sure that ALL of the kids get to play....regardless of the talent level they start out with....if you have kids that are lacking....then you coach them up....and play them so that they are surrounded by experienced players.....not everyone is going to get equal time.....but a situation where the coaches sons play 95 percent of the game "because their dads put in the work" sets a bad precidnet.....the bench kids have absolutely NO motivation to get any better....these kids have aspirations of playing in high school just like these other kids......


Then you have the absolute bottom of the barrel dad coaches....the guy that wont take his kid out and replace him no matter HOW badly he is playing.....and wont coach up another kid to take their spot......but lives in a fairy tale world where he thinks he is being fair.....

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I still cant beleive that went on at such a young team...pathetic....


When my son first started youth football I was highly vocal....I wasn't beligerant towards the kids or the coaches....but loud (I admit I did give referees grief if they were really screwing up the calls)


But after that first year both my son and my wife asked me to tone it back a little.....so I did.....


god I love football......:D

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ICE, get used to it. I have a soon to be fifteen year-old son who's been playing travel hockey since he was seven. There's always going to be complete and total idiots at the games, whether it be the parents, the coaches or the refs. I've learned just to keep my mouth shut. I've learned that if you have a problem with a particular coach, let it go, because your kid will more than likely pay the price if he isn't already. If a coach has a kid on the team, more than likely he gets more playing time than any other player, even if his kid sucks royally. It's just the way it is. As for refs, there's some good and some bad. For instance there's one particular ref whose son was cut from a team a few years back to make room for my son. Well, everytime he happens to ref a game my son is playing in, he makes on average 3 phantom penalty calls against my son without fail. Last time he reffed a game (last week) the other team scored three goals on my sons three penalties, costing them the game. Luckily the coach knew they were bad calls.


Even with all the BS you have to put up with, its all worth it. I wouldn't trade watching my son play hockey for anything in the world. There's been some rough times in hockey, but he never quit, even when I wouldn't have blamed him one bit if he did quit. I'm so proud of him, he's playing AAA travel hockey, is on the JV hockey team and is on the Varsity team practice squad as a freshman trying to make their roster.


As my grandmother would say, sometimes you've gotta bite your tongue!

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This topic I am sure will get me called certain names,  but I am going to lay it out as it was.


Last night my sons team is in the playoffs (7th Grade). The opposing team goes off on them like well... anyone through the Bills on a road game  :rolleyes:  But the comments from the stands is what gets me.  One guy whos son is named Shaquille (Nope not kidding) is dressed in gangsta attire...OR thinks he is a Jedi Knight...


Anyway, he is screaming at this kid for the entire first series. Ripping him that he isn't making every damn play on Defense. (Note Shaq is one of the smallest kids on the team. a good 5" shorter than most and skinny but FAST. He is playing Safety at this time....)  So the other team runs a sweep...and scores.  What happens next is what gets me.


Ol' Buy is yelling at the coaches saying "Get those damn WHITE Cornerbacks outta there coach". "Hey coach...Get those damn WHITE CB's off the field..."  Ok so at this time I look at him and say "Hey...if you have an issue then do it on your own time...keep KIDS out of your personal issues"  He yells back "Well name for me a WHITE CB?  In any league on any team"  I Said "What the hell does this have to do with 7th Grade football?  So I kid you not the guy starts mumbling about "white kids this, white kids that...."


Here is the kicker, We are a 'magnet' school. You have to apply to get into our MS. and we still have this stupid stevestojan going on?  So now old boy takes his ass down to the track. And is yelling at his kid off and on all night (His jedi gansta hood up all night)  Of course the wife appologises to me and says "He is just upset at the game"  And I told her "No he isn't, it's something else and you know it."  She put her head down and said 'Yeah I know' .


Another note:Shaq is a damn good kid mostly. My son likes him and vice versa. Hell Shaq went to our coaches and bitched my son wasn't playing safety enough.  I will say if not for Shaq we wouldn't have been 9-1. Plays both ways and is one hell of an athlete, small but one hell of an athlete. As his dad was walking by I said "hey Shaq had one hell of a season"  Assclown pops off "The hell he did" and keeps walking.


I just don't understand why assclowns like him are still around. I bet that kid got his ass beat at home for us losing 44-0 (BTW....the whole damn team sucked for some reason....) AND he has to listen to how the ALL BLACK Coaching staff played a white guy at corner.


Sorry to vent but this is pure BS on many levels.  I just pray that Shaq doesn't grow up like his dad with the same deep planted hate.




what are you waiting for? go find this guy at his house and string him up in his front yard. and while he's dangling there tell him that you "just called a white cornerback to come cut him down, he'll be here any minute". that should solve his and his son's problem

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Not you the dildo Flomoe




What in the #$%^& did I say to offend you ICE? Sure I disagree with your stance on TD but that has nothing to do with this topic. I agreed wholeheartedly with you on this and you call me a dildo because of it. Totally uncalled for!!

If you were talking about my crack to stevestojan about his "kill whitey" comment, I thought he got it from a movie because I heard it before somewhere and I can't place what movie I've heard it it. Geesh, lighten up Francis!!

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What in the #$%^& did I say to offend you ICE? Sure I disagree with your stance on TD but that has nothing to do with this topic. I agreed wholeheartedly with you on this and you call me a dildo because of it. Totally uncalled for!!

If you were talking about my crack to stevestojan about his "kill whitey" comment, I thought he got it from a movie because I heard it before somewhere and I can't place what movie I've heard it it. Geesh, lighten up Francis!!






Manic Depressive"


Yeah real nice.

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Manic Depressive"


Yeah real nice.




Still uncalled for ICE but I guess you learned a few new words on the word of the day calendar that you have to use so feel free.

Back to the topic, did any of the other parents in the stands say anything to this guy or do you know if they have said anything to the school board about allowing this racist to attend any more games? I still feel that he should be banned from attending all school activities because of these comments that he made.

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Thanks Rockpile and Darin. I was wondering why he jumped all over me. Like I said ealier, I only disagree with ICE on his TD stance. I haven't called anyone names on here except Rudy and everyone knows he deserves it. Thanks guys

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Thanks Rockpile and Darin. I was wondering why he jumped all over me. Like I said ealier, I only disagree with ICE on his TD stance. I haven't called anyone names on here except Rudy and everyone knows he deserves it. Thanks guys



You can call me a name if you want to. :rolleyes:

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You can call me a name if you want to.  :rolleyes:




Okay Cutie, how's that? I honestly don't resort to name calling since it's immature and senseless, especially on here. I don't mind people giving their opinions and standing behind them but when someone disagress, it's totally unnecessary for name calling. Except for Rudy of course, lol. He is an idiot but I think he just does that to incite a response, lol.

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