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(OT) My sons game last night is still bugging me.


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This topic I am sure will get me called certain names, but I am going to lay it out as it was.


Last night my sons team is in the playoffs (7th Grade). The opposing team goes off on them like well... anyone through the Bills on a road game :flirt: But the comments from the stands is what gets me. One guy whos son is named Shaquille (Nope not kidding) is dressed in gangsta attire...OR thinks he is a Jedi Knight...


Anyway, he is screaming at this kid for the entire first series. Ripping him that he isn't making every damn play on Defense. (Note Shaq is one of the smallest kids on the team. a good 5" shorter than most and skinny but FAST. He is playing Safety at this time....) So the other team runs a sweep...and scores. What happens next is what gets me.


Ol' Buy is yelling at the coaches saying "Get those damn WHITE Cornerbacks outta there coach". "Hey coach...Get those damn WHITE CB's off the field..." Ok so at this time I look at him and say "Hey...if you have an issue then do it on your own time...keep KIDS out of your personal issues" He yells back "Well name for me a WHITE CB? In any league on any team" I Said "What the hell does this have to do with 7th Grade football? So I kid you not the guy starts mumbling about "white kids this, white kids that...."


Here is the kicker, We are a 'magnet' school. You have to apply to get into our MS. and we still have this stupid stevestojan going on? So now old boy takes his ass down to the track. And is yelling at his kid off and on all night (His jedi gansta hood up all night) Of course the wife appologises to me and says "He is just upset at the game" And I told her "No he isn't, it's something else and you know it." She put her head down and said 'Yeah I know' .


Another note:Shaq is a damn good kid mostly. My son likes him and vice versa. Hell Shaq went to our coaches and bitched my son wasn't playing safety enough. I will say if not for Shaq we wouldn't have been 9-1. Plays both ways and is one hell of an athlete, small but one hell of an athlete. As his dad was walking by I said "hey Shaq had one hell of a season" Assclown pops off "The hell he did" and keeps walking.


I just don't understand why assclowns like him are still around. I bet that kid got his ass beat at home for us losing 44-0 (BTW....the whole damn team sucked for some reason....) AND he has to listen to how the ALL BLACK Coaching staff played a white guy at corner.


Sorry to vent but this is pure BS on many levels. I just pray that Shaq doesn't grow up like his dad with the same deep planted hate.

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And "they" say we (white folk) are racist? This is what gets my shorts in a bunch. Lets just say the situation in the stands was turned around and you (white guy) were yelling about the quarterback being black, saying get the dumb black qb out of there, there aren't any smart black qb's in any league anywhere....... and so on. You probably would have had EVERY member of the ACLU on your doorstep that night. There's a double standard here and it's disgusting. A parent like that should be banned from attending any games, or at least unable to watch the games from the stands where other parents and family are trying to enjoy seeing their son or daughter play a sport. This is totally disgusting and should be addressed by the other parents, coaches and faculty of the school. I feel sorry for that poor kid having to grow up with someone like that pretending to be a role model for him. This is going to sound racist but I swear it isn't but no wonder why there are so many young black men and women in this country struggling. They are being taught by their elders that whitey is no good while all the white kids are being taught that black kids are the same. Some things just don't add up but "they" will always say that it's the white people fault, not the blacks.


:I starred in Brokeback Mountain: racists and reversed racists

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Hey ICE U did the right thing by backing up that kid. That was very noble of you and U didn't have to do that, always remember stay out of family squabble. That D*CKH**DS issue is that he had an oppurtunity to paly good footbal and he missed his train, probably 4 some reason and hasn't been able to let it go. SO now he is trying ti live ehat could have been of his life through his KIDS EYES. That it.


Hey U did good. From now on worry about your son. :flirt:

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Youth sports in general is insane...my son's a pretty good athlete, he plays baseball, football and basketball. I've seen and heard it all, parents ripping on kids (thier own and other kids) and coaches, the politics of coaching, the insane drive of coaches, the pressure put on kids as young as 9 or 10 years old, it's just nuts...I can't wait until he hits high school. :flirt:

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Ignorance applies equally to all races.



This is so true. I went to the NE game earlier this year and met up with a college buddy before the game. Caught up with him at halftime and he had a miserable first half - turns out there was a guy behind him (white Bills fan) who kept using the phrase "dumb N-word" every time Henry touched the ball. Finally my friend politely confronted him about his behavior and then the guy gave my friend stevestojan for the rest of the game. There's no shortage of a-holes in this world.

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And "they" say we (white folk) are racist? This is what gets my shorts in a bunch. Lets just say the situation in the stands was turned around and you (white guy) were yelling about the quarterback being black, saying get the dumb black qb out of there, there aren't any smart black qb's in any league anywhere....... and so on. You probably would have had EVERY member of the ACLU on your doorstep that night. There's a double standard here and it's disgusting. A parent like that should be banned from attending any games, or at least unable to watch the games from the stands where other parents and family are trying to enjoy seeing their son or daughter play a sport. This is totally disgusting and should be addressed by the other parents, coaches and faculty of the school. I feel sorry for that poor kid having to grow up with someone like that pretending to be a role model for him. This is going to sound racist but I swear it isn't but no wonder why there are so many young black men and women in this country struggling. They are being taught by their elders that whitey is no good while all the white kids are being taught that black kids are the same. Some things just don't add up but "they" will always say that it's the white people fault, not the blacks.


:I starred in Brokeback Mountain:  racists and reversed racists


There is no such thing as a "reverse racist". That would imply that only white people are capable of being racist. The fact is, racists come in all forms, shapes, and sizes. It's too bad more people didn't speak up and put this "man" in his place. We're a society today that keeps quiet far too often.

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With pressure like this on these kids - has it ceased to be a "sport" or a "game" in the true sense of the word? Is this why people haven't learned how to win or lose with dignity and class? Is the increased pressure on these young kids contributing on the increase in teen suicides?

And I think it may be worse down here in the southern states.

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He doesnt have high expectations for his kid does he by naming him Shaquille? Im sure Shaquille had a very rough evening and probably heard a few racist terms also. Sounds like Shaquilles dad has found the dark side pf the force... :flirt:

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ICE, this guy is a time bomb waiting to go off. Last year during one of our games, through a pretty tough season, a dad who had been giving our staff the "what for" every game, confronted the head coach as we were coming back to the field from half time. He went chest to chest, pushed the head coach, all the while with the backup of some "friends". We other coaches stepped in to pull the guy off and the "your all a bunch of rasist, you won't play my son because...blah...blah...blah and then he starts throwing punches. This ended quickly, sherrif was called reports where filed, but no charges were placed as we figured we could sit down with the dad before the next game and come to an understanding. Note: half our staff is white, half black, w/ one asian.


Sad part is, his kid (like your situation) is a good kid, nice athlete, not the best, but very promising. So we are playing a ranked team, and we are very young and not close to being ranked, and its 6-6 at half time and this dad pulls this crap, the next Monday he has his kid leave the team and the school....very sad.


Coaches are not perfect, and I must admit I enjoy the occasional ripping we get from disgruntled parents, (keeps us honest) but when parents think their kid is a Div I prospect and he's not getting his fair shot because he's white, black or the coach is an idiot, that parent needs to stay home.

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Sad, very sad ICE!


Good job at standing up however. Perhaps trying to pull the guy aside next time and asking him if something is bothering him and perhaps letting him know that what he says will affect his kid and that the kid is just a kid and should be playing for fun, not just competition.


Tough call though. It's certainly easy to see where all the hatred comes from as people age however.

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One thing I didn't say. Before the game there were some other kids (yes black) and this older kid was tossing the football. I could tell he was really thinking about it but his technique was off. Gripping the ball wrong, Thumb not down on the final release etc.


My wife is watching me grimace and says "alright go help him". So we spend about 20 min working on techique. when done the kid is very appreciative. As we were leaving I see him tossing the ball the way I said. He yells at me ""Thanks again".


It was a cool feeling.

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I felt like I did what I could with the guy. Several people came up to me asking if I was going to 'deal' with him? I said what fight? What does that achieve? I also said 'why don't YOU deal with him'. nobody wanted to. Too bad more won't stand up and say something.

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My wife is watching me grimace and says "alright go help him". So we spend about 20 min working on techique. when done the kid is very appreciative. As we were leaving I see him tossing the ball the way I said. He yells at me ""Thanks again".


Is this good news ICE? Are you holding off on a divorce?

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