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Playing NE 1st game gives us best shot of beating them

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The Zebra Conspiracy against the Bills lives on.


.....and yes.....I am serious. There are way too many mind-numbing calls that have hurt the Bills over the years to call it coincidence.


I think there should be a pinned thread regarding this subject. I couldn agree with you more. My roomate, who has hated the bills forever, has watched every bill game with me for the last 6 years. He is convinced that the officials make more bad calls against the bills then any ithe team, by FAR. He laughs at how unbalanced the officiating is for the bills.

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At first I thought not as much as you think. But once I digest the thought I completely agree with you. The first 4 weeks of the season are more prone to upsets due to teams being more amped to play and there is less film out to study. well as not knowing who is good and who is bad at that point.


But Bills vs New England, week one can be dangerous territory for an upset. The Bills have a new offense that won't have much if any serious film to study. The Dolphins debuted the wild cat and burnt the Pats for 35 points. The Bills also won't be deflated by a slow start or injuries you know things that get teams down as the season wears on.


Brady will also be a little rusty coming off an injury. Also Jaurons sub par coaching might be compensated by the fact that he won't have to make long term adjustments (which hurt us last year in our down the stretch fade). I am not saying that the Bills will upset the Pats but the game being at the start of the season is only to the Bills advantage.



Big difference here, though. No one knew the Wildcat was coming. The media already spilled the beans on the no-huddle. The Pats will be ready for it.

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TKO did have a good game that day with a couple of INT's. If our D is bolstered by the addition of Maybin and the return of Schoebel, we can get some pressure on Brady. His timing may be off in his first game back. Plus, it wouldn't hurt to have guys hitting him to make him think about his knee injury last year. Blitz, Blitz, Blitz. I say we employ the same style D that we used against the Cowboys and Romo a couple of years ago.


Actually, the big thing to watch that game would be the running of Fred taylor. If our front 4 cannot contain him, we will have a long day.

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game 1 will be our best shot to win


unfortunately - the real outcome will be that Bellicheat will provide a blue print to exploit our offensive weaknesses for the next 15 games


I don't think Bellichek needs to set the blue print for stopping Turk. Turk has done nothing in the league to be called a offensive genius yet.

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I think playing NE first game is our best scenario.


First it will be Brady's first live game in a year. His conditioning and timing will only improve through the season. Also, it takes a while to get over the psychological impact of being injured. Second, Belicheat won't have 09 season game film (except for what he secretly filmed during training camp) to game plan against our new no huddle.


From the Bills perspective, Jauron seems adequate when he has time to prepare and analyze all the imperical evidence etc. He doesn't do as well making geme time and mid season adjustments when things have heated up and you have to rely on gut feel and intuition. (Fast start --> Slow fade)


I just think facing NE first game presents the best opportunity to beat them. A win would be very significant because it will set the tone for the season, give the team confidence they can compete and win against the best, and break the psychological hold NE has over Buffalo due to dominating us the last 10 years.


All valid points, but four big things against the Bills:


1) Brady will want to make a statement on MNF.

2) Zebras in New England

3) Jauron vs. Bellicheat in a game situation.

4) See #3.

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Big difference here, though. No one knew the Wildcat was coming. The media already spilled the beans on the no-huddle. The Pats will be ready for it.


The Devil's Advocate in me says that if ANYONE can be ready for the No-Huddle, it will be Belicheat. Remember the 1990 Super Bowl.....


That having been said, the thing to remember with the No-Huddle is that the defensive personnel have to be VERY flexible in their assignments, because they can't rely on substituting and on breathers. They have to be in great shape. One cannot coach the latter. One can ride the players harder than hell, but if they're not into it, they're not into it.


My hope - HOPE - that the Bills's offensive line will be anchored by two rookie guards who are not experienced, but whom are only 22 years old. Ones conditioning at 22 is a lot different than it is for most of the posters on this board. Remember to old expression - "Youth is wasted on the young". Let's hope it isn't for the Bills' offensive line. Young guards can outrun fat older linebackers.


"Across the Universe" - The Beatles

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I think playing NE first game is our best scenario.


First it will be Brady's first live game in a year. His conditioning and timing will only improve through the season. Also, it takes a while to get over the psychological impact of being injured. Second, Belicheat won't have 09 season game film (except for what he secretly filmed during training camp) to game plan against our new no huddle.


From the Bills perspective, Jauron seems adequate when he has time to prepare and analyze all the imperical evidence etc. He doesn't do as well making geme time and mid season adjustments when things have heated up and you have to rely on gut feel and intuition. (Fast start --> Slow fade)


I just think facing NE first game presents the best opportunity to beat them. A win would be very significant because it will set the tone for the season, give the team confidence they can compete and win against the best, and break the psychological hold NE has over Buffalo due to dominating us the last 10 years.


But what difference will a win over the Pats in Game One do if: (Fast start-->Slow fade) is the inevitable path for this DJ coached team?? :lol: You think one big win to start the 16 game marathon season will make DJ and Turk-ey suddenly do "well" making game time and mid season adjustments when things heat up, and they have to rely on gut feel and intuition?? :thumbsup:


Here's what I think: it's time for these players to start manning up and making DJ's job easier for him. This is their 4th season with the guy, its' time for the vets to earn their money and LEAD the younger players into the damn playoffs. If a big win in game one doesn't end up as a playoff season, or at least finish close to the playoffs with a winning record, then it will all get blown up again anyway, and the "big win over the Pats" will be as meaningless as the last "big win" over the Pats to start the season was way back in 2002....or was it 2003? :lol:

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I'd say there are definately advantages for both teams, although I think the Bills have more in this one.

Other than home field, and being considered better, the rest goes to Buffalo. I think the Bills will be more fired up, because I see them wanting more than anything to be considered top notch, and what better chance than N.E., game one, nationally televised? Secondly, I think, offensively, the Bills will go right at the Pats with the running game, right up the middle, where they have been very unsuccessful in the past - and if it works early, it should free up a few big passing plays - quick strikes down field. Of course, if it doesn't work, it could be disheartening, as Jauron hasn't been too good at switching game plans. I also think Brady will have much more trouble in his first few games - if he gets hit and pressured consistently. Again, if we can't get the pressure, I could see him carving us up. But, knowing how he responded against the Giants in the S.B., and considering the injury, I can't see us not coming at him hard and often early. So, we've got more of a new look offense for them to contend with, I'd say more to prove, more desire, and Brady could be a weak spot for them. All specualation, and all could go either way, but I'm feeling better about us playing them first than a few weeks into the season - they're the best team in the NFL at preparation. And - another thing - they've got new coordinators again. That could slow them down some, too.

Of course, on the flip side, I'd also have to say that Bellicheck is looking at this year, with all the contracts coming due next year, and the age of their team, as his best chance in the next few years to take it all - and they must be pretty pissed about blowing that perfect season.

It'll be a hell of a game to watch.



This is just me, but I think you're kidding yourself about motivation. Everybody's fired up in week one. And the Pats* will be screaming mad to prove that they are actually playoff material after missing them last year.

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The BIG Reason we beat them that day, was due to the PASS RUSH. We had Brady on his ass on the RWS turf for 3 hours and that was good enough for us to win.


I also think it was the first game for TKO as a Bills player.



Exactly!! That how the G-men made the perfet season!!! They constantly knocked him on his ass. How many pretty biys do you know that like to get pushed around. They need to get pressure on Brady and make him "rush". That will cause poor decesions.

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I think there should be a pinned thread regarding this subject. I couldn agree with you more. My roomate, who has hated the bills forever, has watched every bill game with me for the last 6 years. He is convinced that the officials make more bad calls against the bills then any ithe team, by FAR. He laughs at how unbalanced the officiating is for the bills.


I think the Bills could win the game against the Patsies* with fair officiating. I don't think it is reasonable based on past experience to expect fair officiating against NE*. We would have to overcome both the Patsies* and the officials to win the game. That may be difficult.


Even in the SB years the officiating was decent for the Bills in the playoffs but not in the SB's, especially the Skin's game and somewhat the Giants game.


In summary, it would be a miracle if the game was officiated evenly on Monday night in NE*. Expecting it to happen is unrealistic.

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The Devil's Advocate in me says that if ANYONE can be ready for the No-Huddle, it will be Belicheat. Remember the 1990 Super Bowl.....


That having been said, the thing to remember with the No-Huddle is that the defensive personnel have to be VERY flexible in their assignments, because they can't rely on substituting and on breathers. They have to be in great shape. One cannot coach the latter. One can ride the players harder than hell, but if they're not into it, they're not into it.


My hope - HOPE - that the Bills's offensive line will be anchored by two rookie guards who are not experienced, but whom are only 22 years old. Ones conditioning at 22 is a lot different than it is for most of the posters on this board. Remember to old expression - "Youth is wasted on the young". Let's hope it isn't for the Bills' offensive line. Young guards can outrun fat older linebackers.


"Across the Universe" - The Beatles

who is Walker going to outrun??

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Sounds like we're on the same page, just reading from different directions. If the interior of the Bills' offensive line holds, New England WON'T get pressure on Edwards. Oddly enough, I'm confident enough in our tackles (probably fodder for another thread in its own right).


Can the Bills get pressure on Brady? If I knew that, I wouldn't be posting on an idiotic fan board. I'd be on the beach in Trinidad, and wouldn't be at all concerned that my pickup lines aren't working on the dim-witted hottie for whom I'm buying drinks this particular evening - because my grossly-enlarged wallet wouid be of greater interest to her than my grossly enlarged......oh, wait a minute. This is a family show, isn't it?


Sorry, I digress. But the point is that I personally DON'T believe the Bills CAN put adequate pressure on Brady. I've never been a fan Aaron Schobel, and I'm really sceptical post-injury. Is this guy REALLY going to be able to cut it? Man, I hope so. Is Maybin going to be force for four downs per quarter? Man, I hope so. But I doubt it. Which makes me think that New England is going to put the requisite points on the board.


It's going to be a track meet.


Here's a broad-based question. Does the New England running attack worry you? What the hell happened to Maroney? I have to say that he really impressed me about 2 years ago. Truly. And then.....poof. Did he get injured? Or was it crack or a bad girlfriend?


"Beautiful Boy" - John Lennon (and real loud, too)

hehe---good post

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