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Another Conservative Railroaded by

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As our Founding Fathers roll in their grave.




A prominent South Carolina Republican killed his Facebook page Sunday after being caught likening the First Lady to an escaped gorilla.


Commenting on a report posted to Facebook about a gorilla escape at a zoo in Columbia, S.C., Friday, longtime GOP activist Rusty DePass wrote, "I'm sure it's just one of Michelle's ancestors - probably harmless."

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As our Founding Fathers roll in their grave.




Railroaded by whom, exactly? Himself, yeah. Ficticious left wing members of the mainstream media? No. Unless you believe he was forced at gunpoint by the MSM to post what he did on Facebook. Like you and the retribution your ignorant posts invite, he brought it all on himself. Also like you, he should learn to STFU before saying stupid things. It's obvious you two dip from the same douche nozzle.

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Railroaded by whom, exactly? Himself, yeah. Ficticious left wing members of the mainstream media? No. Unless you believe he was forced at gunpoint by the MSM to post what he did on Facebook. Like you and the retribution your ignorant posts invite, he brought it all on himself. Also like you, he should learn to STFU before saying stupid things. It's obvious you two dip from the same douche nozzle.


Welcome to the Ignore button. You'll be there for at least a week.

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