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Brady a daddy... again?

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This is such a loser mentality.


If you don't want another team to run up the score, tell your team to not let them do so. Simple.


Also, all this homophobic riffing on Brady is a very thin beard barely concealing your unusual obsession with this guy. He's a pro sports superstar with 3 SB rings, he's a handsome man, he married a supermodel (after tossing away a slightly less gorgeous woman whom he impregnated)-----so.....all this makes him GAY, right?


Going on and on like this can't make you feel better about the Bills, so why do it? I don't get it, unless it is a way for you to hide your struggle with your own orientation, Senator Craig.


Look, if Brady was a Bill right now, you would all would be doing a 2 knee shuffle away from TO and right to Brady.


How is calling out an arrogant jerk for being an arrogant jerk a "loser mentality"? He opened his mouth both at the SB and in that Esquire interview and sounded like a prima donna a-hole who thought he was better than he was. "17 points, huh? Is Plax going to play defense?" That's literally what he said--if anyone else had said that they'd get ripped a new one by the media, like Plax did just for predicting his team would win the game. That Esquire article last summer was almost as bad. He came off like one of the rich and mean pretty boys you'd see in a John Hughes movie in the '80s, the ones who ultimately get their comeuppance, which last season karma provided in the form of Bernard Pollard. Funny how you didn't respond to the substance of my post....

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How is calling out an arrogant jerk for being an arrogant jerk a "loser mentality"? He opened his mouth both at the SB and in that Esquire interview and sounded like a prima donna a-hole who thought he was better than he was. "17 points, huh? Is Plax going to play defense?" That's literally what he said--if anyone else had said that they'd get ripped a new one by the media, like Plax did just for predicting his team would win the game. That Esquire article last summer was almost as bad. He came off like one of the rich and mean pretty boys you'd see in a John Hughes movie in the '80s, the ones who ultimately get their comeuppance, which last season karma provided in the form of Bernard Pollard. Funny how you didn't respond to the substance of my post....

Ever seen a more arrogant, more unctuous a-hole than this...



The idiot* actually thought they'd* score more like 42 points - but I guess the Giants had something else in mind...


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I wonder how good Brady* would have been had he not known the defense's calls all those years. Perhaps we will see in the years to come, assuming the Patsies* can't find a new way to cheat. I would definitely check for stealing radio transmission signals. Bellicheat* is nothing if not resourceful, especially at games in Foxboro*. Remember all those visiting teams suddenly losing their radio signal to the QB during key, successful drives. Bellicheat*can simply tell his minions to let the signal go through this time but record what is said.


To Jauron: every third call on defense should be one added to the actual call on the headset. Oops!!! Patsie* fans probably do espionage work on this site!

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I know times are tough, and some might be strapped for cash, but it's never been more important to get out there and spend.


Let's get the economy moving again...




As long as Vince Wolfork*, who DELIBERATELY injured the Bills starting QB is still with the Patsies*, I'm not going to feel bad at all about Brady* being ACCEDENTALLY injured, like last year, and maybe accidentally injured again this year if it should chance to happen.

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As long as Vince Wolfork*, who DELIBERATELY injured the Bills starting QB is still with the Patsies*, I'm not going to feel bad at all about Brady* being ACCEDENTALLY injured, like last year, and maybe accidentally injured again this year if it should chance to happen.

And I'll be wearing my Pollard jersey to the MNF season opener in Fagsboro...


19 and 0 baby!!! :blink:




PosLUSZny!!!!! :unsure:

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Great video link--Brady seems to get a pass from the media on things like that. People made a big deal out of Burress's prediction of a Giant win as "smack talk" that he wouldn't be able to back up, but nobody said squat about Brady's diss of Plax (and the Giant D) before the game even though, IMHO, his statements were a lot more "bulletin board material" than Plax's were. Of course, we all saw how that played out, fortunately. Another great example was his Esquire interview last summer, when he came across yet again as a pompous, egotistical arse who enjoyed running up the score, including on the Bills. He must have some real great PR spin-meisters (no sh*t, huh) both inside and outside NFL HQ to keep his popularity up despite sounding like a jerk quite often when he opens his mouth. And before I get called a "Brady hater", I actually thought he had been (or seemed) pretty humble earlier in his career and was able to poke fun at himself (his SNL appearance a few years ago being a good example of that)....
This is such a loser mentality.


If you don't want another team to run up the score, tell your team to not let them do so. Simple.


Also, all this homophobic riffing on Brady is a very thin beard barely concealing your unusual obsession with this guy. He's a pro sports superstar with 3 SB rings, he's a handsome man, he married a supermodel (after tossing away a slightly less gorgeous woman whom he impregnated)-----so.....all this makes him GAY, right?


Going on and on like this can't make you feel better about the Bills, so why do it? I don't get it, unless it is a way for you to hide your struggle with your own orientation, Senator Craig.


Look, if Brady was a Bill right now, you would all would be doing a 2 knee shuffle away from TO and right to Brady.

Call him Travis! Mulpile babies, shortly spaced, multiple mothers.


Next, prison for Tom!!!

No, you're gay because you enjoy the soft caress of Tom* Brady*, and his* hot breath on the back of your neck...




Who's obsessed with him*? :unsure: Sounds like you're the one with the 'unusual' obsession :wacko:

Totally saw this coming. Too much time away from football and the girl had him 24-7, got him married and now she is pregnant.
Well I guess there is a slight chance that he's not gay. But I'm 100% sure that he's a douche bag.
Thanks, I do try...



OK, Maybin, you have your assignment -- make sure this never happens again. :blink:

Nice mix of old and new. Good stuff. Almost no reason to post.

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Why does Brady being married make him less driven? Probably the majority of nfl players are married, and the majority of skill players are probably married to pretty attractive women. So I doubt they just follow their wives around drooling over how hot they are, whilst their football careers go down the tube.

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For those who believe (hope) Brady is thinking retirement and at life after playing football, think again.




With his voice rising as he leaned forward in his chair, Brady said that playing 10 more seasons "is a big goal of mine, a very big goal. I want to play until I'm 41. And if I get to that point and still feel good, I'll keep playing. I mean, what the hell else am I going to do? I don't like anything else.


And this is Brady opining whilst bangin' a Vic Secrets hottie and still in honeymoon mode. Wait until the two have been married for a year or two ...... Brady won't be able to leave for work fast enough.

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This is such a loser mentality.


If you don't want another team to run up the score, tell your team to not let them do so. Simple.


Also, all this homophobic riffing on Brady is a very thin beard barely concealing your unusual obsession with this guy. He's a pro sports superstar with 3 SB rings, he's a handsome man, he married a supermodel (after tossing away a slightly less gorgeous woman whom he impregnated)-----so.....all this makes him GAY, right?


Going on and on like this can't make you feel better about the Bills, so why do it? I don't get it, unless it is a way for you to hide your struggle with your own orientation, Senator Craig.


Look, if Brady was a Bill right now, you would all would be doing a 2 knee shuffle away from TO and right to Brady.

[this is an automated response]


go suck an egg

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For those who believe (hope) Brady is thinking retirement and at life after playing football, think again.

The $15K/month child support payments are probably motivation to keep playing as long as possible.


I wonder how often the scumbag* sees his 2-year-old son?

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The $15K/month child support payments are probably motivation to keep playing as long as possible.


I wonder how often the scumbag* sees his 2-year-old son?


Somehow I don't think $ is a big issue in the Brady household :blink:

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Why does Brady being married make him less driven?


Because now he has to answer to someone when he's caught visiting glory holes in truck stop men's rooms all around Boston.


Come to think of it, i'm surprised you, pneumonic, afcfan, and Mr Weo haven't run into him at 2am while making your own rounds.

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Because now he has to answer to someone when he's caught visiting glory holes in truck stop men's rooms all around Boston.


Come to think of it, i'm surprised you, pneumonic, afcfan, and Mr Weo haven't run into him at 2am while making your own rounds.

This is all you've got. He's gay. Nothing else matters.


Tell you what, roll, over and take another good look at that sleeping hag your stuck with and not f***ing and then go and run to your Gateway and post about me or anyone else here who doesn't feel the need to call other players "gay" in order to feel like a real Bills fan.

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This is all you've got. He's gay. Nothing else matters.


Tell you what, roll, over and take another good look at that sleeping hag your stuck with and not f***ing and then go and run to your Gateway and post about me or anyone else here who doesn't feel the need to call other players "gay" in order to feel like a real Bills fan.

Weo, you're wasting your time with these mouth-breathers. They equate the degree of Bills fandom by how much they hate anyone who's not a Bill. Pretty sad because it reeks of jealousy and envy. Senator, you and your minions are completely transparent and it's pathetic.


Here's the truth though. Brady is a great football player, and has a smoking hot wife. And before that, he's been with at least one other smoking hot woman. The Senator is either a guy who beats it to these women or a closet homosexual on account of his obsession with another guy's nether regions. More importantly, you do not represent good Bills fans.


I await the obligatory lame gay-themed retort by Senator shoe-shiner.

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This is all you've got. He's gay. Nothing else matters.


Tell you what, roll, over and take another good look at that sleeping hag your stuck with and not f***ing and then go and run to your Gateway and post about me or anyone else here who doesn't feel the need to call other players "gay" in order to feel like a real Bills fan.

wow, you're touchy

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This is all you've got. He's gay. Nothing else matters.


Tell you what, roll, over and take another good look at that sleeping hag your stuck with and not f***ing and then go and run to your Gateway and post about me or anyone else here who doesn't feel the need to call other players "gay" in order to feel like a real Bills fan.


So the way to show your obviously superior intelligence and rapier-like wit is to counter a gay joke with a "your girlfriend is ugly" joke?


Feel free to take your hahh-don for tom brady all the way back to bahston.

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Unfortunately, Tom Brady is a damn good QB and the Pats are a damn good team. When they beat up on us during that Sunday/Monday night game, it was like watching men playing against boys. It has been years since we have beaten them.


The guy is a great QB, plays for a great team, and is married to a super model who makes more money than he does.


He is living a dream life. Give the guy some credit. He basically had to recruit himself to Michigan, got drafted in the 6th round, and made sure that he was ready if he ever got a chance to play. Carpe Diem.

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