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Enough with these gay jokes...not really funny

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And I would like you to know that just because I think you are dumb, stupid, and otherwise deficient, I in NO way think you are a homosexual.


Well, thank you for being an !@#$. I'm glad to see that when you disagree with someone else's point, you ignore the argument itself and resort to random personal attacks.


You know how I can tell you're gay...? :thumbdown:


The same way I can tell you're ignorant

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uh oh, this looks to be this week's 20 pager...


...and that would be gay. :thumbdown:


















What? This thread would then be: wanton.


gay /geɪ/ [gey] adjective, -er, -est, noun, adverb

 4. licentious; dissipated; wanton: The baron is a gay old rogue with an eye for the ladies. See this old guy likes girls, but he is still taking a wanton, or reckless, approach, much like the posters in this thread, who could therefore also be called: gay.



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Enough with the gay jokes...Every other thread has them. It's a little worrisome how much gay innuendo there is on this board. Get over it already. And no, I'm not gay, but it degrades and has no place here.


just my opin.

could you give a specific example? your statement is real broad

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You know what?


If someone on this board started making insensitive race jokes that person would get shunned and probably banned.

How are gay jokes different?


Reading this thread made me

1. Sad

2. Embarassed for most members of this board

3. Offended


Did you ever think that out of the hundreds(?) of members that perhaps even one of them is gay or lesbian?

How do you think they feel when an occasional joke turns into a regular immature stab?


Kudos to the original poster for bringing light to this problem.



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You know what?


If someone on this board started making insensitive race jokes that person would get shunned and probably banned.

How are gay jokes different?


Reading this thread made me

1. Sad

2. Embarrassed for most members of this board

3. Offended


Did you ever think that out of the hundreds(?) of members that perhaps even one of them is gay or lesbian?

How do you think they feel when an occasional joke turns into a regular immature stab?


Kudos to the original poster for bringing light to this problem.



I have lots of gay friends .Nothing different about any wise crack about religion , nationality , sex , anorexic , or fat people . people need to toughen up a little . These days you can't say anything without offending somebody . You can not spank your kid or have him sit in a corner or have the teacher mark his paper in red . Things are going way overboard in everything .

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I remember this Italian American spokesperson, talking about how the Sopranos were perpetuating unfavorable stereotypes regarding Italians.


Funny thing is, I went to my grandfather's funeral and all these guys who look like made men in Sopranos type attire are there. I was like, holy moley look at all the pinky rings and long coats.


But I'm Italian, so comments like this are ok.

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Somebody get the nails, the sledge hammer, and the wooden cross :thumbsup: I kid, I kid, but you had to know you were asking for it with this thread bruh :P The question is, why does it bother you that much? Why should someone else's free speech be muzzled because of your "opinion"? We have enough communism in the world, don't you think :lol:



wow, this might be one of the dumbest rebuttals I've seen on this board.... gee, why should lame ass jokes bother someone that isn't an upstate hillbilly? making gay jokes all the time makes someone seem like a homophobic 15 year old. it's just a matter of intelligence and maturity. oh, and class. if you are going to be homophobic, maybe you should keep it to yourself. and actually free speech has nothing to do with a communist economic system. i don't know where you get the 2 things confused. i know someone asking for the gay rhetoric to stop is being terribly unreasonable and is probably infringing on your civil liberties but in the interest in not sounding like a bunch of rednecks, maybe y'all can cool it with the gay jokes.

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You know what?


If someone on this board started making insensitive race jokes that person would get shunned and probably banned.

How are gay jokes different?


Reading this thread made me

1. Sad

2. Embarassed for most members of this board

3. Offended


Did you ever think that out of the hundreds(?) of members that perhaps even one of them is gay or lesbian?

How do you think they feel when an occasional joke turns into a regular immature stab?


Kudos to the original poster for bringing light to this problem.





i couldn't agree more.

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I like Dice's (Andrew Dice Clay) view on the whole thing: Gays want their rights? I'll give em' rights. 10% off vazeline now get the f**k back in the closet. Perhaps we should get Miss California's opinion on this.



or maybe you should just STFU...? and what's "vazeline"?

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have a yabba dabba doo time,

a dabba doo time,

we'll have a gay old time

I had to attend a 1950s music show put on by an oldsters' chorus group recently.


The changed the lyrics of "The Great Pretender" because it says "...just laughing and gay like a clown".


They made it "laughing all day like a clown" or some such.


Pretty ridiculous, IMO.

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I really don't feel like it's PC. You really don't see anyone commenting on how our RB needs be be less niggardly (yes it's a word and it doesn't mean what you think, nor is it even correctly used here much like gay=stupid) when he gets arrested. It's just not appropriate so people don't do it (at least in a public forum).


If you accept that about 10% of the populace is homosexual then you have to figure that there about 5 gay players on the team at any one time.

But no one would say that.. niggardly sounds so gay. Maybe our RB needs to be less thug or g. But then, someone would call me a poser. Crap, on second thought, maybe it's better to be gay.

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My two cents: On the one hand, there is too much insensitivity in the world and on the other, people are offended by the slightest remark. I don't think there is anything wrong with jokes unless they are intending to be mean spirited.


Example: What do you call a bouncer at a gay bar? A flamethrower. To me, it's just a manipulation of slang terms to create an already existing word and is not intended to be mean-spirited.


In conclusion, I feel jokes are fine as long as their intention isn't to be denegrating.

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Has anyone come out of the closet yet ? Who is still in the closet and what are you looking for ? I found a pair of old slippers that had been shoved way to the back of the closet .Found the cat in the back sleeping on some clothes that had fallen on the floor . How often do you check out your closet ? :wacko:

My air conditioner came out of the closet a couple weeks ago.


I'm going to pistol whip the next guy who says "Shenanigans."

Hey Farva what's the name of that restaurant you like with all the goofy sh-- on the walls and the mozzarella sticks?

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ok, not really a fan of Andrew Dice Clay. I have no idea what "vazeline" is.

All vazeline is is vaseline in the Dicemans NYC accent. You have to see him to understand I guess, the way he pronounces things is a big part of his comedy.

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Atta boy......admission is the first step towards reconciliation. :lol:


That piece of paper that is included with a job application - the one that is *optional* - your race/sex/ethnicity. It's optional in the sense that if you don't fill it out, they optionally toss your application into the trash can.


Tip: ALWAYS check "Other". :lol:

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