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Republican Tea Bagging is sweeping the nation!

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Is a public temper tantrum featuring mechanical pigs, pitchforks, awful minuteman costumes, misspelled hand-scrawled signs, tea bags, fanny packs, fifth string conservative pundits, and a wide variety of America's ugliest white trash really the most effective way to get your message across? Come to think of it, wouldn't you actually need a message in order to get a message across? Behold the mind-blowing mass stupidity of the Tea-Bag movement!














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Why is it when liberals protest it's called a "movement," and when conservatives protest it's call a "white trash temper tantrum?" I wouldn't worry too much if I were you. So far you've covered these demonstrations more than MSNBC and CNN combined. We'll see if they can keep a blind eye on Wednesday.


(By the way, "fifth string" is being used as a modifier, so you should really use a hyphen there. Just wanted to correct you before you jumped in your own shiitt.)

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Why is it when liberals protest it's called a "movement," and when conservatives protest it's call a "white trash temper tantrum?" I wouldn't worry too much if I were you. So far you've covered these demonstrations more than MSNBC and CNN combined. We'll see if they can keep a blind eye on Wednesday.


(By the way, "fifth string" is being used as a modifier, so you should really use a hyphen there. Just wanted to correct you before you jumped in your own shiitt.)


It's 6 AM on the West Coast and you're already doing the message board thing? Let me guess- you've got a Tea-Bagging in San Bernardino this morning and you're up bright and early to iron your faux revolutionary garb?


(Size XXXXXL of course)

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How cute....eliot_retard has a new IP address and log in. But the MO hasn't changed a bit. Still too stupid to articulate a thought on anything, but can't get enough of posting meaningless links to things he doesn't understand.



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It's 6 AM on the West Coast and you're already doing the message board thing? Let me guess- you've got a Tea-Bagging in San Bernardino this morning and you're up bright and early to iron your faux revolutionary garb?


(Size XXXXXL of course)

Actually I've been an early riser since I was a 11 years old, when my father was waking me at 4:30 a.m. to help get his restaurant opened by 6 a.m. It was usually earlier on Sundays since we had to assemble the 15 sections of the NY Times. Not that I'd expect you to understand the concept of rising early to get a jump on the work day. But thanks for yet another biting commentary on something for which you have absolutely no knowledge. Make sure you spread as much of your talking points as possible before Wednesday. I'm sure Pelosi is counting on you.

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By the way...this is a great place to let everyone know that there is likely a Tax Day Tea Party in your area.


Simply go to http://taxdayteaparty.com/ and look for your state on the right.

And this freedom to protest openly to express your views brought to you by the people who decided that Dissent is Patriotic, and then did something about it. Not the "stay the course crowd".


The last regime would have had the SS, CIA, FBI and who knows all else there taking names and detaining you.


So enjoy your right, have a great time protesting.


You're welcome.

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And this freedom to protest openly to express your views brought to you by the people who decided that Dissent is Patriotic, and then did something about it. Not the "stay the course crowd".


The last regime would have had the SS, CIA, FBI and who knows all else there taking names and detaining you.


So enjoy your right, have a great time protesting.


You're welcome.


So the people who voted for Obama are the ones we should thank for our freedom of speech? Wow, that's rich. :thumbdown:

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And this freedom to protest openly to express your views brought to you by the people who decided that Dissent is Patriotic, and then did something about it. Not the "stay the course crowd".


The last regime would have had the SS, CIA, FBI and who knows all else there taking names and detaining you.


So enjoy your right, have a great time protesting.


You're welcome.



Like in the City of Chicago, where the city made the group change the place for the protest after they got the permits and printed up literature. Or ACORN who is trying to infiltrate the tea parties to cause violence so then the press can say they are violent.


The police love conservative demonstrators. We behave. At the three protests I have gone to, the police have thanked us and the only problems were from leftist kooks that showed up.

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Actually I've been an early riser since I was a 11 years old, when my father was waking me at 4:30 a.m. to help get his restaurant opened by 6 a.m. It was usually earlier on Sundays since we had to assemble the 15 sections of the NY Times. Not that I'd expect you to understand the concept of rising early to get a jump on the work day.


"Getting a jump on the work day"? Its 5 hours later and you're still online. Weird.

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How cute....eliot_retard has a new IP address and log in. But the MO hasn't changed a bit. Still too stupid to articulate a thought on anything, but can't get enough of posting meaningless links to things he doesn't understand.




This is why I love this forum!


Did you just accuse me of "sock puppetry"? Way to really throw down the gauntlet!

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Why is it when liberals protest it's called a "movement," and when conservatives protest it's call a "white trash temper tantrum?"


Cuz what are they protesting against? I mean this whole thing would be admirably noble except for the part where they have nothing they are fighting for or against.


Taxes? Obama just cut taxes for every single one of these people who are protesting.


Spending? Well then why didn't they do this when Bush pushed for TARP?

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Cuz what are they protesting against? I mean this whole thing would be admirably noble except for the part where they have nothing they are fighting for or against.


Taxes? Obama just cut taxes for every single one of these people who are protesting.


Spending? Well then why didn't they do this when Bush pushed for TARP?



Are you really that retarded or just pretending to be?

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Cuz what are they protesting against? I mean this whole thing would be admirably noble except for the part where they have nothing they are fighting for or against.


Taxes? Obama just cut taxes for every single one of these people who are protesting.


Spending? Well then why didn't they do this when Bush pushed for TARP?

You know, it might be a good idea if you just avoid conversations on topics which you clearly have absolutely no knowledge.

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LOL, ya, I bet I don't. This is a "we lost the election" temper tantrum with no real logic behind it. It's based on republican fear machine bred misconceptions of who Obama is and what he is doing.

I'm confused. First you say the anti-tax protesters are the very people getting tax cuts from Obama, which on it's own is clearly on par with the idea that it takes an hour to boil pasta. Then you say these are just disgruntled voters or, as you and Bad Leftenant say, a white trash temper tantrum. The reality is, this isn't a Republican fear machine because the Republican party is in such shambles right now, they couldn't create "fear machine bred misconceptions" if they tried. If you had any clue what these protests are about, you'd realize it's not about Democrats or Republicans. It's about the ridiculous amount of reckless, irresponsible and unaccountable spending that is taking place in DC while simultaneously handing out entitlements to people, with no accountability.


Try paying attention to what is going on. Republicans have lost elections and you've never seen this before. These are people on all sides of the aisle yelling about irresponsible spending. Many of them are people who realize they made a mistake voting for a man who, as an example, has no problem putting a $650B down payment on a nationalized health care program that has no plan to it, and yet doesn't have the nutsack to answer a reporter's question about an American hostage.


I know you may have no problem with it, but if you were the voice of reason, you wouldn't spend half your time stepping on your own tongue and speaking out your ass.


At this point, you probably wish I were dead, too, huh? C'mon. Admit. It's okay.

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