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interesting proposal to split NY state

Should NY be split into 2 states?  

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  1. 1. Should NY be split into 2 states?

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I have no idea if this is legit or not, but i heard an interesting debate on a local talk radio show.


The premise was that NY should split into 2 states, downstate (NYC and long island) and the rest of the state. After doing 10 seconds of googling, this is the first article i came across so maybe this isnt a total fallacy? Would you support it?



excerpt "Republican lawmakers say that New York City and upstate New York have vastly different needs and priorities, so much so that voters ought to have the chance to split the state.


Talk show host Bill Nojay says start with property taxes.


“Most people in New York City don't pay property taxes because they're renters. Therefore, the crushing burden of property taxes that we feel in upstate is not felt in New York City,” Nojay says. "

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I have no idea if this is legit or not, but i heard an interesting debate on a local talk radio show.


The premise was that NY should split into 2 states, downstate (NYC and long island) and the rest of the state. After doing 10 seconds of googling, this is the first article i came across so maybe this isnt a total fallacy? Would you support it?



excerpt "Republican lawmakers say that New York City and upstate New York have vastly different needs and priorities, so much so that voters ought to have the chance to split the state.


Talk show host Bill Nojay says start with property taxes.


“Most people in New York City don't pay property taxes because they're renters. Therefore, the crushing burden of property taxes that we feel in upstate is not felt in New York City,” Nojay says. "


So there are no taxes being paid on those buildings that the renters live in? :lol:

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So there are no taxes being paid on those buildings that the renters live in? :lol:

Exactly. Something doesn't jive. Each side claims the other is living off them. I would guess Manhattan alone generates more tax revenue than the rest of upstate NY combined.



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So there are no taxes being paid on those buildings that the renters live in? :lol:

i dont rent in NYC so i dont know... i dont imagine the millions of renters pay taxes, most likely the building owners pay some sort of taxes?


all i know is i have a dinky little 1200 sq ft. home thats over 60 years old and nothing special about it and my taxes are well over 3g per year.


to compare, my parents own a house in florida almost twice the size in a gated community and pay FAR less than I do for taxes. and they dont have state income tax either...


I <3 NY. not.

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Exactly. Something doesn't jive. Each side claims the other is living off them. I would guess Manhattan alone generates more tax revenue than the rest of upstate NY combined.




Yeah & my guess is they probably have 20xs the expenses that all of Upstate have combined. Split the state up. I have been saying it for years. Our votes are meaningless in upstate NY. It is impossible for upstate to vote someone in that makes upstates needs a priority because there are not enough votes. Plus I read that 80% of the energy generated from Niagara Falls is sent to NYC. Why is it that even in the winter time I have a $100 bill for electricity. In the summertime with the pool going & the AC going sometimes it pushes $200. Why is that when we have one of the wonders of the world generating enough energy for everybody. Because it all gets shipped to that cess pool downstate. I do alot of work in NYC, & really see first hand the different ways of life & needs. NYC is too big & should be there own separate state.

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i dont rent in NYC so i dont know... i dont imagine the millions of renters pay taxes, most likely the building owners pay some sort of taxes?

Yes, the building owners are paying property tax on the entire building. You don't think the state would miss out on potential tax revenue, do you? :lol:

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Perhaps i am just dumb, but as a renter, i have always been under the assumption that the property taxes on a rental gets passed on to the renter as part of the monthly rent.

It's not a line item, but yeah, they incorporate that.


In Minnesota, you can fill out a rebate form to get some money back from the state government based on how much you earn.

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Yes, the building owners are paying property tax on the entire building. You don't think the state would miss out on potential tax revenue, do you? :lol:

no i dont think the state would miss out at all... im just not sure where exactly they get it. im not a landlord and i've never rented or looked up where propert taxes come from on renters. like i said im assuming the state taxes the proprty owner.

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the point of the "tax-payer" statement was to point out that in NYC you have the building owner paying the taxes. And that building owner is usually a corporation. Yes, it gets split up and included as part of the rent payment, but it is not on an individual person to pay it. The residents aren't worried about when their property taxes are due and how much they are, it's just part of their monthly check. Where as in Buffalo, my grandmother has to be ready to cut the govt a massive check.


yes, NYC is paying property taxes, but the stress and direct hit on the bank account doesnt happen to the people.

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It's not a line item, but yeah, they incorporate that.


In Minnesota, you can fill out a rebate form to get some money back from the state government based on how much you earn.


I know it isn't listed as part of rent, but any expense the landlord has for basic operation is being passed onto the renter.


And you never answered my question the other day...Matt's or the 5-8 club for the juicy lucy?

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I know it isn't listed as part of rent, but any expense the landlord has for basic operation is being passed onto the renter.


And you never answered my question the other day...Matt's or the 5-8 club for the juicy lucy?

I never saw your message!


I've never been to the 5-8 club, but people at work say that one's the best... I need to get there this summer to make up my own mind. :lol:

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Perhaps i am just dumb, but as a renter, i have always been under the assumption that the property taxes on a rental gets passed on to the renter as part of the monthly rent.


That would only be if the owner of the building wanted to make money. :lol:


I used to get a kick out of people that opened a restaurant and complained "you mean I have to pay to clean the linens and for cleaning supplies?" One of the many reasons why so many restaurants (including busy ones) go out of business. People don't realize what all the costs are when the open a business. That's what scares me about the government taking over businesses. They have no idea how to run the businesses they're taking over. But that arguement is for another forum.

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A split has been proposed in California as well.


From the Sacramento Bee back in February.


I think we're getting to the point where this could (and I stress emphasis on the word COULD) happen someday.


If it happens in NYS, I think it happens in California...or vice versa.



I highly doubt that it could happen - too many ripple effects - changes the Congress is probably the biggest issue. The NYS legislature and Congressional delegations just need to wake up to the fact that NYS is turning itself into a toilet by taxing its residents to death. There needs to be a hard look at priorities and cuts.


Living in TX we have no income tax but sales taxes and property taxes are where the local and state Govt's take in their money. Tax situation here is not the best but not oppressive. However we are about to have a budget crisis here.

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I know it isn't listed as part of rent, but any expense the landlord has for basic operation is being passed onto the renter.


And you never answered my question the other day...Matt's or the 5-8 club for the juicy lucy?


Hey, did you get that from Man Vs. Food? That was last week's show. Adam Richman is SICK! :rolleyes:


Not that he's svelte or anything, but how does he eat all that crap and still fit in the frame?

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