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Madden Breaks it Down


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Still!? Correct me if I'm wrong, but you were 15 when the home-version of Pong was released. Brother, you got in at the ground floor! I love it!

yeah...that sounds about right...also spent a lot of high times at the arcade at the Como Mall...


My son's (16ish) friends are always surprised when they first meet me that I play on the 360. :(

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For those who are married how does your wife feel about you playing Madden still? Does she understand?


I live with my girlfriend. We are basically living the married life for all intents and purposes.


She really has no problem with me playing video games. She understands and usually goes into the bedroom to watch TV and/or read/cruise the internet while I am playing. Every once in awhile, I find a game she enjoys and she will play too.

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For those who are married how does your wife feel about you playing Madden still? Does she understand?

I've been married for almost 22 years...she doesn't understand but that doesn't matter, it gives her an easy out on gift giving occassions.

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For those who are married how does your wife feel about you playing Madden still? Does she understand?


Probably the same way wives feel about guys who like model airplanes/train sets/weekly poker games/beer league softball/MESSAGE BOARDS--at the end of the day, they're all boyish things to do.

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I've been married for almost 22 years...she doesn't understand but that doesn't matter, it gives her an easy out on gift giving occassions.

I am 46, and still play video games, but wouldn't consider myself a gamer. Ane the above point is so on target. First Christmas morning I spent at my future in-laws house, wife to be gives me a PlayStation. Holy scmoley. mother in law was real impressed with a 34 yr old getting excited about getting a video game. Course that was followed by the Sega "Dreamcast" and then the 360 and lastly the WII all on Christmas.

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For those who are married how does your wife feel about you playing Madden still? Does she understand?

I'm over 40, have been married almost 10 years, and still like to play games. If my wife gives me any grief about it, I just smack her right in the eye and tell her "Go fix me a turkey pot pie!" Then, I apologize to her later and buy her something nice. Works every time. :(

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I'm well over 30 and still play video games, and yes I get laid. I also target shoot, scuba dive, weight lift, and read extensively. In addition I collect lead soldiers and paint my own. I used to play Avalon Hill games but lately I've drifted away from that.


What's my point?


Bite me if you don't like it.

Avalon Hill, eh? Try this link: Titan

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For those who are married how does your wife feel about you playing Madden still? Does she understand?

When we first got married I played alot. Now, with 3 year old and a 1 1/2 year old boys, I don't have time like I used to. They definitely consume most of that. The wife is very happy about that. My 3 year old was given the PS2. Right at about the age of 2 he actually learned how to play. I came home from work and he was playing "Crash Bandicoot" all by himself and I mean actually moving the guy around completing his objectives. It was amazing to me. Now he plays games on average of about 4-6 hours a day. He wouldn't be happy if he didn't have it. I have my XBox 360 to play when I get time in the evening, when everyone is asleep, if I choose to play. I don't play but maybe once or twice a week. I have other things that take up my time. Speding time with my wife and children, reading, prayer, chruch functions/activities, and music take up most of my time. Oh yeah, and the internet :(

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yeah...that sounds about right...also spent a lot of high times at the arcade at the Como Mall...


Ever play Star Castle at the Como mall? Maybe it was the Thruway Mall, my memory decieves me.

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