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If Buffalo were warm year round...

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I still think it would be geographically challenged... It is still sitting at a dead end of the lakes. Maybe at one time it had a industrial/commerce geographical adavantage (Erie Canal/Close proximity to Niagara Falls and hydroelectric during the dawn of electricity). With industrial technology quickly making those advantages irrelevant, the only answer to your question would be:


Tourism and what BFLO's geographical position could bring to that industry.



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Hey... That is exactly what I was referring to! 85 meters vertical is about 250 feet (just under half of say KB and not too much smaller than the minuscule places here in the mid-west)... Small, but just enough to start perfecting turns! And boarders mostly ride in the terrain park, big mountain riding is not always necessary.



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Ice Rescue


Not exactly BFLO, but on the other end of the lake. What a bunch of maroons (no pun intended) Yet, to answer the thread's topic question:


Probably not this.


It is 60.8 degrees just south of Lake Michigan and the ice on the river is breaking.... Even of it is 18 inches in some spots... So, even if it is 45-50 in BFLO (alee of the Lake Erie and the ice)... No doubt some dimwitted ice-fisherman will venture out.


This is where some of your tax dollars go folks... 50 degrees, Feb (fairly southern latitude... It ain't the UP of Michigan or northern ONT.) and people venture out onto the stuff.



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Ice Rescue


Not exactly BFLO, but on the other end of the lake. What a bunch of maroons (no pun intended) Yet, to answer the thread's topic question:


Probably not this.


It is 60.8 degrees just south of Lake Michigan and the ice on the river is breaking.... Even of it is 18 inches in some spots... So, even if it is 45-50 in BFLO (alee of the Lake Erie and the ice)... No doubt some dimwitted ice-fisherman will venture out.


This is where some of your tax dollars go folks... 50 degrees, Feb (fairly southern latitude... It ain't the UP of Michigan or northern ONT.) and people venture out onto the stuff.





Alcohol and stupidty do not mix well

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What would be different in B-lo?


I think Buffalo would be a hot spot in the US


sorry for the waste of space but god...todays its 45 degrees out! :nana::thumbsup:

Given the choice--people dont wanna freeze their buns off----Buffalo would be much much more successful economically

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Ice Rescue


Not exactly BFLO, but on the other end of the lake. What a bunch of maroons (no pun intended) Yet, to answer the thread's topic question:


Probably not this.


It is 60.8 degrees just south of Lake Michigan and the ice on the river is breaking.... Even of it is 18 inches in some spots... So, even if it is 45-50 in BFLO (alee of the Lake Erie and the ice)... No doubt some dimwitted ice-fisherman will venture out.


This is where some of your tax dollars go folks... 50 degrees, Feb (fairly southern latitude... It ain't the UP of Michigan or northern ONT.) and people venture out onto the stuff.



So if the ice is questionable, haul your gear out in a flat bottom metal boat. That may be too obvious to people from Ohio.

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So if the ice is questionable, haul your gear out in a flat bottom metal boat. That may be too obvious to people from Ohio.


Exactly! Did you see the ATV's and what not they had out there? I think somebody said that they were crossing onto that part (the floe) via boards...?? :wallbash::wallbash: Also, one of my co-workers was commenting on how the sheriff or somebody was pitching holy hell because it was costing something like 4-5 grand to run the helo per hour.


EDIT: I guess the law enforcment warn these people every year too. I know how they feel, you shold see the marroons that come through the lock on pleasure boats during boating season. I should be the one to talk because in the past few days, I have been hanging over the wall 20 feet down (on occasion) with a propane torch trying to get our sump outlets de-iced... With out a PFD... Shhhh... IT WON'T HAPPEN AGAIN (no PFD)... And this after having to watch cold water immersion training DVD's... <_<<_<

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I think somebody said that they were crossing onto that part (the floe) via boards...?? :wallbash::wallbash: Also, one of my co-workers was commenting on how the sheriff or somebody was pitching holy hell because it was costing something like 4-5 grand to run the helo per hour.

Saw that on the news last night, there was an 8' plank they were using to cross over, and when the wind picked up, the plank fell in the water.

And they did have someone on, not sure if it was the sheriff, saying it costs $4K/hour for the helicopter.

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Saw that on the news last night, there was an 8' plank they were using to cross over, and when the wind picked up, the plank fell in the water.

And they did have someone on, not sure if it was the sheriff, saying it costs $4K/hour for the helicopter.



Think of all "the fun" places around the Great Lakes (BFLO, TOL, CLEV, CHI, etc...) would miss out on if the climate was warm all year!


The nice thing about being down lower on Lake Michigan is that the lake is deeper and bigger and doesn't truly freeze over... People still are lured to the inlets and harbors though... And with a huge population, stupidity usually abounds... I always felt that if BFLO had the population that Chicago has and remained close to Niagara Falls, somebody would always be ending up over it... Or swamped under the Peace Bridge from ill advised stern anchoring. What I am saying is giving the nature of the beast and how treacherous some of the waters around BFLO can be, thank God it doesn't have a "Big City" population... The USCG would surely be working more... <_<



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Think of all "the fun" places around the Great Lakes (BF LO, TOIL, CLEVE, CHI, etc...) would miss out on if the climate was warm all year!


The nice thing about being down lower on Lake Michigan is that the lake is deeper and bigger and doesn't truly freeze over... People still are lured to the inlets and harbors though... And with a huge population, stupidity usually abounds... I always felt that if BF LO had the population that Chicago has and remained close to Niagara Falls, somebody would always be ending up over it... Or swamped under the Peace Bridge from ill advised stern anchoring. What I am saying is giving the nature of the beast and how treacherous some of the waters around BF LO can be, thank God it doesn't have a "Big City" population... The USCG would surely be working more... <_<



That would be be called Darwinism. Unfortunately they reproduce before being taking out of the gene pool, so this will go on for generations.

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