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The "popular" QB isn't so popular anymore. Trent still has a FEW VOCAL diehard fans, but the rest of us see him for what he really is.

Yes, he is a young QB with a terrible offensive line, few offensive weapons and a fan base that is the same as any other fan base in the league

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Continuity isn't a goal unto itself. What did continuity get the Detriot Lions when they stuck with Matt Millen for 8 years?


Sure changing things might bring about more suckitude. We've seen that; we're Bills fans after all. But, the surest way to guarantee more suckitude is to cling to what is proven to not work from angst over the unknown, fears that making a change equates to another bad decision making process and won't pay off again. One has to have a bit of courage and the conviction that he can make the right decisions in order to achieve greatness. Great success rarely meets up with those that are timid and otiose.

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because it takes YEARS for units to click and YEARS for players to learn the depths of their playbooks.


This is the first full year for these players in this offense (Turk's offense), playing together, learning each others styles, learning the timing. I know its built on Fairchild's but it;s still different.


And to that point, it was Turk's FIRST YEAR as an OC. Yes, he made mistakes, but you have to assume that he will learn from them.


You simply cant keep blowing up the organization every year and expect better results. Players and coaches alike need to be able to find their groove. Something that the impatient fans never allow them to do.



Hmm, I guess Parcells and the Dolphins didn't get that memo.


To Dr. D. - Cease and Desist. This is a demand that the recipient (you) refrain from a certain behavior or face legal action. Let it also be noted this is the first such action taken in this forum, and should be considered in a very real and legal sense as a first step. Failure to act will be also noted, in which case a permanent injunction against said activity may be sought.

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Continuity isn't a goal unto itself. What did continuity get the Detriot Lions when they stuck with Matt Millen for 8 years?


Sure changing things might bring about more suckitude. We've seen that; we're Bills fans after all. But, the surest way to guarantee more suckitude is to cling to what is proven to not work from angst over the unknown, fears that making a change equates to another bad decision making process and won't pay off again. One has to have a bit of courage and the conviction that he can make the right decisions in order to achieve greatness. Great success rarely meets up with those that are timid and otiose.


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The "popular" QB isn't so popular anymore. Trent still has a FEW VOCAL diehard fans, but the rest of us see him for what he really is.


And this is from the guy who thought JP was the answer. LOLOLOLOLOL


Trent may not be great, but for a 2nd year guy with no real #2 he's pretty good. He's played decent in 7 games with no great games, and some stinkers. Overall I'm happy with that for a 2nd year guy with no true #2, or #1 depending on how you look at it as I really don't consider Lee a true #1.


He also did that before the running game showed up.

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Well then you could make the same argument that if TE was on a team with better coaches, you'd see more from him too.


I have always maintained & still do that JP has POTENTIAL. All the EXCUSES given for Trent can be multiplied by 5 & applied to JP. When he goes to another team & has a chance to develop under GOOD coaching, we will find out if it was ONLY potential.



You're right he did regress, but only because he started his 2nd year playing much better than most expected. I wouldn't call that regressed. He also has played much better at many times to give up on him. Is he the answer, I don't know, but I do know at times he's looked great , played as well as maybe the top 10 QB's in the league. While JP has show promise at times, (though not at al lthis season) I can't recall JP ever looking like a top QB, just more a case where IF he kept improving he might become good.


I alo am a person who at the time was lobbying for JP, but have given up. I also do see TE doing many things than JP never did. Is weather a concern with TE, yes, but certianly not anywhere near ready to give up on him yet.


A young INJURY PRONE QB that can't stay on the field, & for WHATEVER reason did not develop but in fact REGRESSED GREATLY, who has NEVER shown ability to play halfway decent in poor weather. That is what those of us aside from the Trent DIEHARDS see. Most of us don't think another 3 years of 7-9 is better than the CHANCE of improvement that COULD happen with a house cleaning.
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To Dr. D. - Cease and Desist. This is a demand that the recipient (you) refrain from a certain behavior or face legal action. Let it also be noted this is the first such action taken in this forum, and should be considered in a very real and legal sense as a first step. Failure to act will be also noted, in which case a permanent injunction against said activity may be sought.


Always exciting when the only person amused is yourself. Another definition for this is jerking off.

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ANYONE that can't see Trent is INJURY PRONE is BLIND or lying to themselves. Trent has played well at times in GOOD weather against BAD teams. He still has not proven anything except the fact he CAN'T STAY HEALTHY.

I'd say Buffalo Bills quarterbacks have been pretty injury prone over the last decade......comes from having bad OL's, I guess

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lol, John Gruden says the worst word used in the NFL is "Potential" and that nothing will end a player's or coach's career faster.


the few excuses given for trent HAVE BEEN applied to JP more than 5 times over.


the fact that you are still talking about JP on this team shows that you are not thinking about this in a rational way. the kid has proven that he does not deserve to be a starter. its sad, i really liked JP too, i really wanted him to succeed. but that aint happening here so get over it.

You don't have to tell me anything about Gruden. I listen to him every Monday morning on WDAE. I'm ONLY talking about JP because I was RESPONDING to another post ABOUT HIM. Believe me I'm over JP in Buffalo, but am SADDENED & DISTRESSED about the direction this team is headed. If Dick stays another year we will be looking at a BORING team going 7-9 again. Just my OPINION, but I would like the Bills to FIRE Jauron, & bring in a Vet QB to COMPETE with Trent next OFFSEASON. If Trent beats him out GREAT, but HOPEFULY he will be good enough to win some games WHEN Trent is INJURED next year.

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a ROOKIE has potential. a first year starter has potential.


a guy who has been in the league 5 years and cant get it done does not have potential anymore.

In one of your posts you defend Trent by saying it takes " YEARS for a unit to click and YEARS for players to learn the depths of their playbooks" JP has NEVER had more than 1 year with ANY playbook or unit. so YES he does STILL have POTENTIAL, & if you believe what you said to be true about the time it takes then you are a HYPOCRITE.

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Im not arguing that Jauron will take us to the Super Bowl, or that we should keep him because of his amazing in-game decision making.


Then what's the freaking point of keeping him? If you can admit NOW Jauron is incapable of leading this team anywhere in the future, all you are doing is delaying the inevitable and wasting time hoping for something that will never happen.


I do however, support keeping him so we dont do to ALL of our bright young talent the same thing that was done to JP. We have a young team that is mostly adjusting to the NFL.




The coaching staff is stupid and incompetent, and incapable of developing young talent. But let's keep them anyways because it may have a negative influence on the players if we get rid of the bad coaches.


While I do not have a lot of faith in Jauron to know when to throw the replay flag, I also do not have a lot of faith that we would bring in anyone better than him.


This says:

"I'll choose to stay with the known incompetence, because I am afraid of the unknown."


Id rather give the players we have, the chance to grow into the system of the coaches we have, and give the coaches a chance to grow with them. Rather than take the chance that they might be able to change philosophy a half way into their learning process.


What, you mean like a philosophy of winning? Yeah, that would be terrible for the young guys. It's better to stick with the philosophy of underachieving that only a Dick can deliver.


Ive already addressed the Miami/Atlanta anomaly and pointed out that we do not have Parcells and we do not have Arthur Blank's money. I understand that Mike Smith was a no name coach before this, but there is more going on down here with the Falcons than just the coach. The change is coming from the Owner down, and we know that isnt going to be the case with the Bills.


If we were going to bring in Cowher, I'd help Jauron pack his bags. I'm not crazy about him by any means. I simply think he is the lesser of two evils. We've seen over and over, in Buffalo and throughout the league, what constant turnover can do. There have only been a couple examples of teams turning it around in one year, and most of the time, those turn arounds dont last.


And we have seen over and over that sticking with a consistent loser only leads to more losing, never winning.


Time to end the Dick "Kotite" Jauron era.

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