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Pretend for a second...


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If the Bills never existed period, I probably never would have started watching NFL football. If they ceased to exist now, I would take a couple of years off to recover, and observe the league to see which squad could cause me the most agony on a week to week basis. Pretending they don't exist is sounding like a better option all of the time.

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Which NFL team could you see yourself becoming a fan of, and why?


I missed the AFL Championships, was only 5 and 6 years old for those. But starting with the '68 season, when I went to my first games at the old Rock Pile, I've been hooked on the Bills these past 40 years. There will be no other NFL team I could ever see myself becoming a fan of. At my age after all these years living through the highs and lows of Buffalo football....featuring...


*Some God-awful teams in my first years as a fan from 1968 to 1972 to root for.

*The Electric Company blocking for the Juice (it sickens me to mention him as a fond football memory, but it is.)

*Some God-awful teams including O.J. from 1976 to 1979 to root for.

*Chuck Knox & the Bermuda Triangle.

*Storming the field (security was not what it is today) after the 1980 win over Miami to end the 10 year jinx.

*Fergy's sprained ankle against the Chargers in the playoffs.

*Bill Simpson's interception in the playoffs against the Jets.

*Knox quitting for Seattle.

*Kay Stephensen and Hank Bullough's twin 2-14 seasons, maybe the worst God-awful teams to root for ever.

*Jim Kelly going to Houston of the USFL after being drafted by the Bills in '83.

*Bill Polian bringing Kelly back to Buffalo in '86.

*Levy and those Hall of Famers during their run of 5 AFC East Championships, 4 AFC Championships and 4 SB losses.

*Wade Phillips and his underrated under-appreciated 29-19 three year run, and unfortunate 0-2 playoff record.

*The past nine years of more God-awful teams and mediocre teams to root for.


...I have invested way too much emotion and money to ever start over as a fan of any other franchise.

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*Wade Phillips and his underrated under-appreciated 29-19 three year run, and unfortunate 0-2 playoff record.



Yeah maybe they should bring Wade back. Seems like he's always on shaky ground in Dallas. Ted Cottrell needs a job as well.

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Probably the Lions. I hate myself with a passion.


Here's my list of favorite teams in other sports outside of the Bills and tell me who hates themselves more...


NHL - Sabres

MLB - Cubs

NCAA - Arizona State (at least we have a few baseball championships of course I wasn't alive)

NBA - Kings


That list is utterly pathetic. I lived in Buffalo as a kid and my dad was born and raised there, but he was in the Air Force so we moved and these are the loser teams I follow. There is no reprieve for me in any season, they all end the same.


Might pull for the Fins since I'm in their area now. Might actually be sweet revenge if the Bills move to Toronto. They would have to change the name anyway, so bye bye.


I would rather have that serial killer motivated by my NFL fandom blow my head off than ever put on dolfelons gear.


But if the Bills ceased to exist the NFL would cease to exist in my mind and I'd be all about college football and I don't think I'd purposely watch another NFL game.

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Broncos...I always loved them during the Elway years, particularly before they finally won a Super Bowl. Other possibilites: Redskins, Browns, Saints or Texans


For some reason, though, my sister keeps sending me Seahawks gear...I never wear it...I could use that as my "starter kit" for Seahawk fandom...but probably not. That team is one of those handful of NFL teams I have no feeling about, positive or negative, they just exist.

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I'm gonna take a lot of sh-- for it, but its gotta be the patriots.


They are everything I wish the bills would be. Such good coaching and potential maximizing. I can't !@#$ing stand them as a current bills fan, but i mean if the bills were out of the equation, you gotta love a team like that.


Keep this in mind: They demolish teams year in, year out, starting completely random dudes. Matt Cassel, Benjarvus Green Ellis, Sammy Morris, random cornerbacks, random wrs, and all of these guys look like stars. We draft evans, reed, parrish, hardy, and lynch all in the 1st 2 rounds of the draft and can't get sh-- out of them.

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I'm gonna take a lot of sh-- for it, but its gotta be the patriots.


They are everything I wish the bills would be. Such good coaching and potential maximizing. I can't !@#$ing stand them as a current bills fan, but i mean if the bills were out of the equation, you gotta love a team like that.


Keep this in mind: They demolish teams year in, year out, starting completely random dudes. Matt Cassel, Benjarvus Green Ellis, Sammy Morris, random cornerbacks, random wrs, and all of these guys look like stars. We draft evans, reed, parrish, hardy, and lynch all in the 1st 2 rounds of the draft and can't get sh-- out of them.



I used to take a lot of sh-- here for saying that everyone here who hates the Pats so much, would absolutely sh-- themselves if the Bills were near as good, for precisely the same reasons that you list...I had a lot of begrudging respect for them...the cheating thing sort of took a lot away, for me, though...now I am back to just hating them...

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