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Anyone catch this about today about Jauron?


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I for one have had enough of Dicky J's traveling freak show. His lack of emotion and non responsive post game interviews have me :bag: smashing my head against a wall. If he is signed to an extension it would mean three more years of inept transition almost guaranteeing that this team will not stay in Buffalo. I want quality football in Buffalo and it sems that we won't have that for years to come. It makes me wonder , are the players we have had over the last ten years that bad or are the coaches not coaching them to their fullest abilities. Could Trent Edwards, J.P. Losman, Rob Johnson, Doug Flutie, Travis Henry , Antwoine Smith, Peerless Price, Eric Moulds, Willis McGahee, Eric Flowers, Mike Williams and the list goes on and on, have been better if coached properly? Scary!! Wade, Gregg, Mike, and now Dicky have used this team as stepping stone in their NFL careers. None of them left to immediately become a head coach somewhere else. Potential was lost on any player who played under these idiots, including veterans. :unsure:

I can say without a doubt that Antowain Smith's problem here was coaching. He looked like a stud in 97 when Thurman Thomas was coaching him. Bishop Harris screwed him up

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Even a blind squirrel finds a nut now and then....But! This is the AFC East.


The Jets have the best QB to ever play football in Farve


The Patriots have the best current 3x super bowl winning QB in Brady


The Dolphins have 2 time super bowl winning president in Parcels


And The Bills have Turk "the Shotgun" Schonert and Dick Jauron :unsure:

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Mark has a point. Everyone wants to change coaches, coordinators, etc. But we've been doing that for years and it gets us nowhere. We keep hiring the wrong people. What makes you think we'll get it right now?




You do know how bad the Miami and Atlanta organizations were after the 2007 season? They were as low as it ever gets and both were considered huge rebuilding projects that would take years to get back into contention. Well it turns out that football isn't rocket science like Dick Jauron makes it out to be. Those teams made it look easy. So don't let yourself be paralyzed by fear of a coaching change. Three years is a long time to prove you either have what it takes or you don't. Look at how much hatred is shown towards Losman and yet Jauron has a much longer record of losing in this league and yet you still are having consternation regarding whether he needs to be shown the door. When the Bills do hire that great coach you will be laughing at your hesitation towards getting rid of Dick Jauron.

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I for one have had enough of Dicky J's traveling freak show. His lack of emotion and non responsive post game interviews have me :bag: smashing my head against a wall. If he is signed to an extension it would mean three more years of inept transition almost guaranteeing that this team will not stay in Buffalo. I want quality football in Buffalo and it sems that we won't have that for years to come. It makes me wonder , are the players we have had over the last ten years that bad or are the coaches not coaching them to their fullest abilities. Could Trent Edwards, J.P. Losman, Rob Johnson, Doug Flutie, Travis Henry , Antwoine Smith, Peerless Price, Eric Moulds, Willis McGahee, Eric Flowers, Mike Williams and the list goes on and on, have been better if coached properly? Scary!! Wade, Gregg, Mike, and now Dicky have used this team as stepping stone in their NFL careers. None of them left to immediately become a head coach somewhere else. Potential was lost on any player who played under these idiots, including veterans. :unsure:



I don't know. I don't care about temperament or how well a coach performs in a press conference. I just want W's.


Wade was a player's coach. Gregg was an in-your-face guy. Mularkey was brought in to help bolster mental toughness. Jauron was supposed to be cerebral. Funny enough, Bill Parcells' mantra when he enters a new situation is the following: "You need to identify the things you do that are making you lose -- and then don't do those things." It's so simple, it's almost elegant, isn't it? All three of the other teams in our division bear some semblance of his imprint. He took over each of these teams (Pats in 93, Jets in 97, Dolphins in 08) when there were literally the worst team in the league the year before -- and made an immediate impact.


If I were Jauron (and staff), I would quit trying to show everyone how smart I am. And STOP trying to draw up plays that go counter to conventional wisdom! (Sometimes it is OK to run the ball on 3rd and 1!) In fact, I would REALLY dumb down the offense (in particular), and stick with a small playbook that isn't too difficult for the players to master. Think that would cut down on wasted timeouts? WRs running poor routes? Maybe get a guy like Hardy, who seems to have trouble knowing where to lineup on each play, more involved?

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I don't know. I don't care about temperament or how well a coach performs in a press conference. I just want W's.


Wade was a player's coach. Gregg was an in-your-face guy. Mularkey was brought in to help bolster mental toughness. Jauron was supposed to be cerebral. Funny enough, Bill Parcells' mantra when he enters a new situation is the following: "You need to identify the things you do that are making you lose -- and then don't do those things." It's so simple, it's almost elegant, isn't it? All three of the other teams in our division bear some semblance of his imprint. He took over each of these teams (Pats in 93, Jets in 97, Dolphins in 08) when there were literally the worst team in the league the year before -- and made an immediate impact.


If I were Jauron (and staff), I would quit trying to show everyone how smart I am. And STOP trying to draw up plays that go counter to conventional wisdom! (Sometimes it is OK to run the ball on 3rd and 1!) In fact, I would REALLY dumb down the offense (in particular), and stick with a small playbook that isn't too difficult for the players to master. Think that would cut down on wasted timeouts? WRs running poor routes? Maybe get a guy like Hardy, who seems to have trouble knowing where to lineup on each play, more involved?

The temperment speaks volumes about him. He can't come up with anything to help this team, it shows in his face, it shows when he gives excuses for not throwing the red flag into the field. One of the major problems with this team is Ralphs short arms. His unwillingness to pay top dollar contracts with signing bonuses to good players and good coaches. Parcells makes impact because players know it is perform or sit, no non-sense football, no non-sense prep. This coaching staff is alot like Max Afinogenov, 90% they only out smart themselves :unsure:

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The fact simply is that if Lindell makes the two kicks against SF we lose 10-9 instead of 10-3. Once could make the case that if only we were closer in the game we would have scored again, but this fantasy approach can easily be taken by someone claiming that if the score was closer SF would also had more incentive to score.


The simple mathematical fact is that if Lindell had made 2 three point FGs we would have had 6 more points.


It is a mathematically fact that SF would have gotten balls differently as well which means rest of game could be played differently. By missing the long FG it made a big difference in game.


Based on that the rest of your argument does not hold water.

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Yeah, if only Trent had played in the last 6 games like he did in the first 6, we'd be at worst 9-3 and Dick Jauron would be a coaching genius.



The point is that Trent, JP, Dfense or anyone else played like they did in the first 4 games. It's all part of the Jauron legacy, get alot out of your players early in the season to mask the rest of the dismal season you know they're going to put up. It's the same old story year after year with him here in Buffalo,

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I saw this little tidbit today on Jauron's potential status at the end of the year from Mark Gaughn's live chat online at the news' website. Obviously it is only Mark's opinion, but he is and always has been very close to the team. This will be sad if true, but anyhoo....


11:04 [Comment From Nick]

Yes or No Jauron is back next year

11:04 Yes.

11:04 If they lose the last four and do it in an ugly fashion, then obviously they may have to make a move. But I don't see a change coming. I don't see it at all.


11:05 [Comment From Nick]

Why it makes no sense to bring him back

11:08 Well, I think Ralph Wilson and Russ Brandon are tired of changing coaches. They've done it so often. It's a revolving door in this organization. I think Jauron has a good relationship with Wilson. That's a big factor. I think they like their coordinators. How many times can you change coordinators and re-do your whole offensive system? You just keep spinning your wheels and getting nowhere. What if Trent Edwards has to learn a whole new offensive system next year? Then you have to wait even longer to figure out if he's the guy. You bring in a new coach and start over, and now you're dumping a bunch of your young guys and rebuilding for when, 2012? Granted, if you have the wrong guy in place, continuity is no good -- see Matt Millen. But I think the Bills want to give continuity a chance. ... Now. ... If they get blown out down the stretch and give up ... the picture changes.




Also, i cannot claim the following stats as something i took the time to research myself, but i thought these numbers were very interesting and telling about Jauron. I found them on another message board, so kudos to the original poster. Check these numbers out though...


FACT: Dick Jauron has been head coach in 128 games in his career.


FACT: Dick Jauron has won a total of 56 games in his career.


FACT: Of those 56 wins, 14 games came against teams with a winning record.


FACT: In the 43 games that Dick Jauron has been head coach of the Buffalo Bills, he has beaten TWO (2) teams with a winning record.


FACT: With the exception of the 2006 victory against the NYJ, Dick Jauron has never won a game versus a team with a winning record by more than 9 points.


FACT: Of the 14 wins against teams with winning records, he has won by an average of 4.6 points in those games.


FACT: Of those 14 wins against teams with winning records, only 4 times has Jauron beaten a team by more than 3 points



As many of us have already said many times, i am just done with this guy. And, don't give me crap about rebuilidng for 3 years after a coaching change. I only need to reference two abyssmal franchises that seemed to do ok with a recent wholesale change....Dolphins and Falcons. Enough said for me.



Dude, if you're gonna try to make a point, at least have some data to back it up.

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That is my single biggest concern with replacing Jauron. There's no guarantee that they'll bring in anyone worth a dang to replace him. It can get worse... a lot worse.

Disagree. Ineptitude with a new face, still has a new face.

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FACT: Dick Jauron has had unprecedented personnel control over this team.


Unless of course you think Marv or Russ Brandon overruled him, which is highly unlikely.


FACT: .500 isn't enough to cut it in the NFL, especially after 2, maybe 3 seasons with this team.

So hire a General Manager. The point you're making has nothing to do with the ability of our Head Coach to be our Head Coach.


And as Rich points out, you know no better than I do whose really running the show. I would presume its mostly based on Guy/Modrak's opinions.

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How exactly is this a fact, and what data is this based on?


It's a matter of example. I can't believe Marv Levy felt the need to take 3 DB's in the first 4 rounds of 2006 while neglecting the OL and DL for that season.


Marv had been out of the game 9 years when he became GM. I'm confident that Marv leaned on DJ to make personnel decisions that year and next, based on information from Guy and Modrak.


Enter Russ Brandon this year. I'm confident he didn't tell DJ about NFL personnel during this past off-season, and leaned on the HC for his experience. Again, Guy and Modrak provided the scouting reports.


I understand a team making the decisions on players. The beauty of the Bills front office organization is no one knows who does what. So placing blame anywhere is immediately questioned.

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It is a mathematically fact that SF would have gotten balls differently as well which means rest of game could be played differently. By missing the long FG it made a big difference in game.


Based on that the rest of your argument does not hold water.

I totally and completely agree with the obvious statement that if things happened differently they would not be the same (basically the difficult stance you are upholding with your argument).


What I disagree with is the argument I was responding to that the exact nature of the difference if Lindell had made the two chipshots was that the Bills would be 8-4 right now. Its a stretch to even argue that the Bills for sure would be 7-5 if Lindell had made the two FGs in the SF game. Its an even bigger stretch to somehow argue that Lindell has shown some great failing as a player because he went wide right on a 40+ kick that we would be 8-4.


Could be, but its is a huge leap of faith to claim we would be.


I guess faith is all we have left.

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After reading this, and watching the Bills play the last few years, there's only one thing to say about Jauron...HE SUCKS AS A HEAD COACH! HC's should teach, lead, motivate and inspire. Tricky Dick can't do but maybe one of those at a time. Look he's a nice enouogh guy...yeah very cerebral like Marv, but lets be honest...Marv was an AVG HC in his stint as the KC HC...he was successful here because he had one of the greatest self motivating, egotistic, feed off each other teams, and he was perfect to lead them...kept them under control so to speak. However that approach wont fly here with this group. They're too young and need someone who can light a fire under them and make them BELIEVE they're better than they are, because in reality THEY ARE! This would also include getting some coordinators who aren't afraid to go out and WIN a game instead of playing not to lose. Tricky Dick = average coaching fodder. I'd take Turner Gil at this point...the man showed more heart and emotion last night than DIck has in YEARS!

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It's a matter of example. I can't believe Marv Levy felt the need to take 3 DB's in the first 4 rounds of 2006 while neglecting the OL and DL for that season.


Marv had been out of the game 9 years when he became GM. I'm confident that Marv leaned on DJ to make personnel decisions that year and next, based on information from Guy and Modrak.


Enter Russ Brandon this year. I'm confident he didn't tell DJ about NFL personnel during this past off-season, and leaned on the HC for his experience. Again, Guy and Modrak provided the scouting reports.


I understand a team making the decisions on players. The beauty of the Bills front office organization is no one knows who does what. So placing blame anywhere is immediately questioned.


no accountability is demanded from anyone in the organization regarding the football product.


however, Ralph puts a much higher priority on selling tickets and generating revenue- at the expense of the football product


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