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Jauron fans


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1. Why was Terence McGee not replaced earlier? His overall play single handedly made Pennington and Ginn (yes freaking Ginn) look like perennial pro bowlers. Any coach with 1/2 of a brain pulls McGee midway through the first corner and takes a chance on someone else.

Because McKelvin would be worse. He proved that in the SD game.

2. Why was Turk Schonert continually allowed to make horrible play calls, consistently run up the middle, continually run the all predictable shotgun draw and not take 1 shot downfield today? Why didn't Jauron step up and be a real head coach and demand a change in the plays that were very freaking obviously not working. Why is that whenever the Bills put a player in motion it is almost always a run play? I'm a football moron yet I even I can observe this.

Because the Bills still have to run the ball to set up the passing game. If all we did was pass, Miami would blitz every down and Trent would get killed. FUnny you don't mention the running plays that worked. Yes, you are a moron.

3. Why isn't Jauron working with Perry Fewell and encouraging him to practice basic tackling skills with his team, how many missed tackles can we see on the field? How out of position can this defense look against a team that ran a few different formations.

Coaches can coach till they turn blue. Players still have to make the tackle.

4. Penalties.

Which penalties are you referring to? The holding on Dockery that negated Edwards near TD scramble? That was Dockery getting beat. In case you missed it, the O-line was getting beat like a drum all game and Edwards was paying the price.

How did this idiot reportedly get an extension? How is this possible?

Dick, you looked like an asss today in front of a division opponent, thanks.

You'e not exactly looking very smart yourself. Are we supposed to bench every player and fire every coach after we lose a game?



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Jauron is the man, thank god we extended him.


We got beat today; is it acceptable?...no! But, DJ is the perfect coach for the situation we are in, and you people that wanna throw him under the bus rather than have stability, every time we lose....you people are stupid, and crazy


So we lost.


We're 5-2, still in 1st, and we're gonna whoop the Jets next week.


Be happy. Get off Jauron

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Jauron is the man, thank god we extended him.


We got beat today; is it acceptable?...no! But, DJ is the perfect coach for the situation we are in, and you people that wanna throw him under the bus rather than have stability, every time we lose....you people are stupid, and crazy


So we lost.


We're 5-2, still in 1st, and we're gonna whoop the Jets next week.


Be happy. Get off Jauron


You're right, 5-2 is a great start. Better than most expected I think. We all have our standards of success. Mine for Jauron is simply a playoff win followed by another birth in the playoffs at least. Assuming he has the talent (and it appears he has a good young team on his hands), anything less won't erase the poor track record of his past for me. I don't see the need for the front office to have extended him this soon.

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Giving Jauron a three year extention is waving the white flag of surrender to Superbowl aspirations.


Being a Bills fan is like 40 years of marriage without consummation.


I've officially had enough. This year and Juaron will wean me off my Bills addition.


I'll still be a fan, sort of, but of the take them or leave them type. What happens when you get old.


Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?!?!


5-2. Yes, we didn't beat the Titans, Cowboys, New England or whoever to amass 5 wins, but the team is light years ahead of what anyone had to be thinking back in camp and has a nice foundation. If a young team exceeding expectations and showing promise makes you lose interest, then hasta la vista baby. There's quite a paradox in saying you're a "take them or leave them type of fan" (ya know...fan is short for fanatic and I haven't seen too many passive fanatics before). Go buy a Harlem Globetrotters jersey and cheer for them as they beat the Washington Generals for the ten thousandth time...that should provide a fix for your winning jones. But giving up on this team right now? Unfathomable....

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I've officially had enough. This year and Juaron will wean me off my Bills addition.


I'll still be a fan, sort of, but of the take them or leave them type. What happens when you get old.



Then, you should be doing very little, if any posting here on TSW...right?


Can we get that in writing?

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1. Why was Terence McGee not replaced earlier? His overall play single handedly made Pennington and Ginn (yes freaking Ginn) look like perennial pro bowlers. Any coach with 1/2 of a brain pulls McGee midway through the first corner and takes a chance on someone else.


2. Why was Turk Schonert continually allowed to make horrible play calls, consistently run up the middle, continually run the all predictable shotgun draw and not take 1 shot downfield today? Why didn't Jauron step up and be a real head coach and demand a change in the plays that were very freaking obviously not working. Why is that whenever the Bills put a player in motion it is almost always a run play? I'm a football moron yet I even I can observe this.


3. Why isn't Jauron working with Perry Fewell and encouraging him to practice basic tackling skills with his team, how many missed tackles can we see on the field? How out of position can this defense look against a team that ran a few different formations.


4. Penalties.


How did this idiot reportedly get an extension? How is this possible?


Dick, you looked like an asss today in front of a division opponent, thanks.

1. Isn't Youbouty injured? And McKelvin is as green as a rookie could be. Maybe you would have him go bring back Nate Odomes or Thomas Smith. You have what you have, and the coaches know that better than some guy sitting on a couch eating 500 wings that are dripping with grease.


2. So Dick Jauron should go away from letting Schonert call plays, despite the fact that it helped lead us to five wins in the first six games.


3. I don't know how much Fewell works on his tackling, but I didn't notice him missing one. Our personnel on the d-line isn't too good, and guys tend to wear down over the course of a game. I wish we had Miami's line- they have it over us at every position but LT, and until Peters gets back to form, they may be better there as well.


4. Penalties happen when you are being outplayed.


He got an extension, because he has gotten the team heading in the right direction. He took over a perennial loser and is just in his third year. If you want knee jerk reactions, go cheer for Dallas or Oakland

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This game was a bigtime defeat for us, but it was also the same type of game that Arizona was. Our opponent was coming off of two straight losses and had us coming in to their house, at 4-0 and 5-1. That equates to a HUGE game for them! If they lose that game at home, it doesn't bode well for the rest of their progress as a young team that is trying to make a name for themselves (just like the Bills). Going 0-3 for any stretch of a season isn't good for any team, much less one that's trying to build.


In both of our losses this season, the home team came out with their backs to the wall in a "must win" situation. For those people who were questioning why the line was only 1 point prior to the Dolphins game and why we were underdogs going into AZ at 4-0, this is one of the main reasons. Lets not forget that the Cardinals and Dolphins aren't the Cardinals and Dolphins that they have been in years past, either.


As a young team, we can expect some more of these losses and mistakes. For example, one thing that I wouldn't expect is for Trent Edwards to try and extend the ball over the pile again. I can honestly say that he will probably never do that again in his career, but it takes what happened yesterday to really get the point across to him.


The real test for this team is next week, at home, coming off of a road loss, and playing against a midseason Brett Favre. That game is the real test because it's a game that we have to win in order to stay competitive in the division. I don't think that we're at the point yet to win games that we shouldn't, but this season, if we can win the games we're supposed to, then we have a good shot at making the playoffs, and we'll hopefully roll into next year as a serious contender.

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You're right, 5-2 is a great start. Better than most expected I think. We all have our standards of success. Mine for Jauron is simply a playoff win followed by another birth in the playoffs at least. Assuming he has the talent (and it appears he has a good young team on his hands), anything less won't erase the poor track record of his past for me. I don't see the need for the front office to have extended him this soon.

You make some good points but Jauron's contract expires in about 3-4 months. How long would you wait? If they have a successful playoff run , his price goes up and other teams might look at him.

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You make some good points but Jauron's contract expires in about 3-4 months. How long would you wait? If they have a successful playoff run , his price goes up and other teams might look at him.


I would have waited until the team got through this stretch of division opponents. Hopefully it's an incentive laiden deal with a big bonus for playoff success.

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My only "big" complaint was sticking with McGee, and I've already read all the "but McKelvin....." . People....the two TD's shown on SportsCenter are not the only two plays McKelvin has been on the field for. He HAS been making strides, but I know it's hard to see for the folks who only focus on the plays shown on the highlight shows. I don't think McKelvin would have held Ginn to 0 catches or anything, but it's not a good move to leave a CB who was clearly WAY less than 100% out there after the first quarter. Anyways, I'm just a little tired of hearing "McKelvin abused, torched, burnt repeatedly, etc when he has gotten better but has been on the wrong end of a few SportsCenter play which is all people focus on. This game wasn't fair to McGee and showed my only big complaint with Jauron, waiting way too long to make certain changes.

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The McGee thing drove me crazy. It was pitch and catch all day long. What seemed like a 15 yd cushion by Mc Gee was unreal. I`m sorry but I would have put McKelvin on him or Corner on him and let them go to school. The thing that will knock us out of the play-offs,if we make them is the lack of a speed rushing D-End. Not a high motor second effort D-end . This gives the better Qb,s in the league more looks at 2nd 3rd receivers and the weak corner spot longer to have to cover. Damn this loss sux <_<

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Although our pass rush=RJ the one time it could be cancelled out is those bad weather playoff games if we were lucky enough to get them. Then neither team would have a pass rush!!! <_< Unfortunately, if we made it to the Super Bowl that game is played in nice weather or a dome.

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1. Why was Terence McGee not replaced earlier? His overall play single handedly made Pennington and Ginn (yes freaking Ginn) look like perennial pro bowlers. Any coach with 1/2 of a brain pulls McGee midway through the first corner and takes a chance on someone else.


2. Why was Turk Schonert continually allowed to make horrible play calls, consistently run up the middle, continually run the all predictable shotgun draw and not take 1 shot downfield today? Why didn't Jauron step up and be a real head coach and demand a change in the plays that were very freaking obviously not working. Why is that whenever the Bills put a player in motion it is almost always a run play? I'm a football moron yet I even I can observe this.


3. Why isn't Jauron working with Perry Fewell and encouraging him to practice basic tackling skills with his team, how many missed tackles can we see on the field? How out of position can this defense look against a team that ran a few different formations.


4. Penalties.


How did this idiot reportedly get an extension? How is this possible?


Dick, you looked like an asss today in front of a division opponent, thanks.


Ok. I'll defend the 2 losses if you excoriate Jauron for the 5 wins.

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Here is my most important take away from this game.


How Trent bounces back - This was trents first bad game all year. How he comes back and responds to this will be very important to the team as a whole. Just as important as the two comeback wins in week 2 & 3. We will know going into the monday night game if we are a contender or if we are going to get our hopes up for another year of if New England loses by 40 pt and the Jets tie and Indy wins out we are in type of years.


PS Peters was awful again. Won't make pro bowl, won't get extention.

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Jeez i could imagine if you all were Bengal fans...



Bills are a solid team and are too good of a team to start a losing streak. But you never know.. seems like it happens every year usually at the beginning of the season though. Im ready for the Bills to start their November run.

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5-2......1st place in the AFC East with second best record in the conference. Did you think they were going to win every single game the rest of the season? Did Bill Bellichek stink b/c Miami beat the Pats when the Dolphins were horrible and the Pats won the SB?

Relax...it's one game. Let's see how the season plays out.

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