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Jackson move will be right up there with Pisarcik handoff

Steve O

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I swear somebody did this back in the late 80s. I think it may have been Jerry Rice or another 49er. I was too young at the time for my memory to be completely trustworthy, but the play has always stuck in my mind. The reciever spiked the ball forward as crossing the plane.

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That's so awesome I loved the stop picture last night where it shows him in the air and the ball coming out.


me too.


the best part was watching westbrook completely ignore him when he came over to thank him after the score.


I missed that but that is as it should be. I hope he got a dressing down by his teammates at halftime. :lol:

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DeSean Jackson is one lucky man.


Andy Garcia should make him run 100 laps after practice all week.

Don't you mean Andy Reid? :lol:


Personally, I would have benched him for the rest of the half and maybe the rest of the game if he wasn't my most explosive receiver. I then would have sat him for the first half of the next game.


I don't think that's worth a suspension, but maybe tearing him a new one in front of the entire team.

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From the espn.com recap


The unbelievable part of Jackson's goof: He did it before. In a 2005 high school all-star game, Jackson spread his arms for a swan dive into the end zone, only to land at the 1.



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I don't know if this would make me a bad GM, but I wouldn't even draft someone like this. I don't care how good he is.


I absolutely loathe people who do stupid things like this.

Whatever! Dumb as that ONE play might have been, if he keeps averaging 100+ yards per game I and YOU would learn to deal with it! Think about it: if the 'Girls can cheer for TO so ludly after he trashed their star 5 years ago it goes to show that as long as you produce for THEIR team, the fans will love you no matter what!

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You don't punish your team over a rookie's mistake. You scream at him, etc..


Secondly, it never cost the Eagles the game. To me it's funny, bizarre, and I can honestly say I've never been more confused in my life watching the game.


There are rookie mistakes and then there are just plain old stupid, moronic, brain dead, fartknocker, mistakes.



I don't know if this would make me a bad GM, but I wouldn't even draft someone like this. I don't care how good he is.


I absolutely loathe people who do stupid things like this.



Whatever! Dumb as that ONE play might have been, if he keeps averaging 100+ yards per game I and YOU would learn to deal with it! Think about it: if the 'Girls can cheer for TO so ludly after he trashed their star 5 years ago it goes to show that as long as you produce for THEIR team, the fans will love you no matter what!


I think if other receivers are available in the draft that are almost as good it would be a good idea to take them instead.

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