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Vince Young may be done for good

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Apparently the Titans are ready to move forward with Kerry Collins as their starting QB even after Young returns from his injury, which should be in 4 weeks, maximum. But Young's psychiatrist has described him as "extremely depressed" and Young is talking about being done with football permanently. Now, this isn't the first time we've heard talk like this from Young. After his first season, he considered quitting.


Personally, I feel bad for the guy if this is all true. I think we often incorrectly assume that talented athletes just automatically have the correct mental and emotional make up to be athletes and handle failure. People have slowly begun to realize that Young just isnt a very good passer, and that might be wearing on him alot.


But this should make the Titans, who possibly have the NFL's best defense, a better team now that they have a competent pocket passer behind center.

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Apparently the Titans are ready to move forward with Kerry Collins as their starting QB even after Young returns from his injury, which should be in 4 weeks, maximum. But Young's psychiatrist has described him as "extremely depressed" and Young is talking about being done with football permanently. Now, this isn't the first time we've heard talk like this from Young. After his first season, he considered quitting.


Personally, I feel bad for the guy if this is all true. I think we often incorrectly assume that talented athletes just automatically have the correct mental and emotional make up to be athletes and handle failure. People have slowly begun to realize that Young just isnt a very good passer, and that might be wearing on him alot.


But this should make the Titans, who possibly have the NFL's best defense, a better team now that they have a competent pocket passer behind center.


The horrible thing about "extremely depressed" is that it's really freakin' deadly. The great thing about it is that it's really freakin' treatable.


Regardless...I haven't heard any statements from Young's pshrink (any psychiatrist - I haven't even heard if Young's seeing one or not) so far. What's more, I would question the professionalism and competence of one that divulged such information.

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The horrible thing about "extremely depressed" is that it's really freakin' deadly. The great thing about it is that it's really freakin' treatable.


Regardless...I haven't heard any statements from Young's pshrink (any psychiatrist - I haven't even heard if Young's seeing one or not) so far. What's more, I would question the professionalism and competence of one that divulged such information.


"Call for help


The Titans had concerns about Young even before late Monday night.


After Young balked at having the MRI on Monday, Fisher went out and talked to him at his Brentwood home, spending over an hour with him. The Titans also sent a psychologist, Dr. Sheila Peters, and Tina Tuggle, the team’s Director of Player Development, to meet with Young to try and encourage him.


The psychologist said Young was extremely depressed and expressed concerns to the team about Young’s safety. Later, Young left the house and sped off in his Mercedes Benz without his cell phone. He couldn’t be found for some time, which prompted a phone call to Fisher.


Fisher then called police, who began searching for Young. When Young was finally tracked down, he met with Fisher and police at Baptist Sports Park and eventually went home."



That's from the Nashville Tennessean, the equivalent of the Buffalo News, I assume



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Guest dog14787
The horrible thing about "extremely depressed" is that it's really freakin' deadly. The great thing about it is that it's really freakin' treatable.


Regardless...I haven't heard any statements from Young's pshrink (any psychiatrist - I haven't even heard if Young's seeing one or not) so far. What's more, I would question the professionalism and competence of one that divulged such information.



Good point, almost makes you wonder how much of the info is even true. :thumbsup:

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"Call for help


The Titans had concerns about Young even before late Monday night.


After Young balked at having the MRI on Monday, Fisher went out and talked to him at his Brentwood home, spending over an hour with him. The Titans also sent a psychologist, Dr. Sheila Peters, and Tina Tuggle, the team’s Director of Player Development, to meet with Young to try and encourage him.


The psychologist said Young was extremely depressed and expressed concerns to the team about Young’s safety. Later, Young left the house and sped off in his Mercedes Benz without his cell phone. He couldn’t be found for some time, which prompted a phone call to Fisher.


Fisher then called police, who began searching for Young. When Young was finally tracked down, he met with Fisher and police at Baptist Sports Park and eventually went home."



That's from the Nashville Tennessean, the equivalent of the Buffalo News, I assume




Wow. You didn't even quote the article correctly. :D It wasn't "his psychiatrist", it was a psychologist who'd never met him before. It was an opinion based on not even one interview (with at least one other people present). And the psychologist was so worried that she apparently left him alone (which, if someone is "extremely depressed", no responsible mental health professional would ever do). And then everyone flipped when he went to a friend's house without asking permission? :thumbsup:


That's either some really sh------- writing, or a really sh------- psychologist. Likely the writing. It does sound like Young needs help dealing with things, and I would hope if it rises to the level of actual illness he gets an appropriate diagnosis (which, given the described circumstances, I'm certain the psychologist did NOT do) and treatment. But given the way players like Dmitrius Underwood and Barrett Robbins were perceived and treated, I doubt it would ever happen.

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Wow. You didn't even quote the article correctly. :D It wasn't "his psychiatrist", it was a psychologist who'd never met him before. It was an opinion based on not even one interview (with at least one other people present). And the psychologist was so worried that she apparently left him alone (which, if someone is "extremely depressed", no responsible mental health professional would ever do). And then everyone flipped when he went to a friend's house without asking permission? :thumbsup:


That's either some really sh------- writing, or a really sh------- psychologist. Likely the writing. It does sound like Young needs help dealing with things, and I would hope if it rises to the level of actual illness he gets an appropriate diagnosis (which, given the described circumstances, I'm certain the psychologist did NOT do) and treatment. But given the way players like Dmitrius Underwood and Barrett Robbins were perceived and treated, I doubt it would ever happen.


Hey man, lay off. I got the information from the first post from a friend, and then I found the article after somebody questioned the truthfulness of it.

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Guest dog14787

Something Vince Young needs to realize , it doesn't matter how good you where in college, the NFL is a different beast.


In my opinion its unfair of the Titans fans to expect miracles out of such a young and inexperienced QB.


Even if your name is Vince Young.



I'm not saying Buffalo is perfect and yes, maybe we have gotten a little complacent when it comes to failure (it was the superbowls :thumbsup: ), but I think Buffalo for the most part, shows a little more class then to boo a young player like Vince Young if he played here in Buffalo.

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Wow. You didn't even quote the article correctly. :D It wasn't "his psychiatrist", it was a psychologist who'd never met him before. It was an opinion based on not even one interview (with at least one other people present). And the psychologist was so worried that she apparently left him alone (which, if someone is "extremely depressed", no responsible mental health professional would ever do). And then everyone flipped when he went to a friend's house without asking permission? :thumbsup:


That's either some really sh------- writing, or a really sh------- psychologist. Likely the writing. It does sound like Young needs help dealing with things, and I would hope if it rises to the level of actual illness he gets an appropriate diagnosis (which, given the described circumstances, I'm certain the psychologist did NOT do) and treatment. But given the way players like Dmitrius Underwood and Barrett Robbins were perceived and treated, I doubt it would ever happen.


Obviously it is all rumors at this point...


Either way, it sounds like the important people in Vince's life, his family and his team, are extremely concerned. Hopefully that's step 1 in him getting treatment, if the medical professionals decide that is the way to go (and if he is open to it.) Depression is legit and much more serious than any ligament injury would ever be. Like Tom said, there is a culture of perception, both to the illness and the treatment, that sheds a stigma of weakness in a testosterone-filled workplace like an NFL locker room.


Hopefully Vince is just bumming out about his leg injury, as would be normal for any pro athlete. Perhaps a combination of the leg injury and a bruised ego? The Tennessee fans were giving Vince an earful, but what can you say? My father was in Yankee Stadium and heard Mickey Mantle get booed. It happens all the time, and no one is immune. He can't let that get him down.


If he's disappointed in himself, we all understand that, and I think we'd all agree it would be normal if he WASN'T. If it's more than that, hopefully the medical pros diagnose it and Vince is receptive to treatment.

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Guest dog14787
Hey man, lay off. I got the information from the first post from a friend, and then I found the article after somebody questioned the truthfulness of it.


When you enter a post here at TBD it will be scrutinized. If incorrect in any way, shape, or form, you will probably hear about it.



I wouldn't let it get to ya, just don't let it happen again or the sharks could tear you to pieces :thumbsup:

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Regardless of the details and intricacies of the timeline over the the last few days, it seems clear that there is something going on with Young. Whether it is as simple as trouble adjusting to the pressure of being a NFL starting QB or is something more serious, I really hope they get it under control before he starts down the Barret Robbins path.


When you enter a post here at TBD it will be scrutinized. If incorrect in any way, shape, or form, you will probably hear about it.



I wouldn't let it get to ya, just don't let it happen again or the sharks could tear you to pieces :thumbsup:

At least he didn't claim to have sources "deep within the organization" or claim that he saw Young at the Buffalo airport...

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Zach Greinke, the pitcher for the Kansas City Royals, had similar problems. He missed an entire season because he was depressed and he just didn't feel comfortable in his own skin. In the end, he was diagnosed with Social Anxiety Disorders and put on meds, and he made a full return to being a starting pitcher this year, after a bit in the bullpen last season. Young might need to take some similar time off to clear his head and figure out exactly what's wrong with him.

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He certainly doesn't look like the guy that was a hero in Texas, carving up all comers and showing up big when it mattered most. I think he's just upset at the injury and how much more difficult the NFL is compared to college.


That night in the gay bar dancing around with his shirt off changed everything...

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Apparently the Titans are ready to move forward with Kerry Collins as their starting QB even after Young returns from his injury, which should be in 4 weeks, maximum. But Young's psychiatrist has described him as "extremely depressed" and Young is talking about being done with football permanently. Now, this isn't the first time we've heard talk like this from Young. After his first season, he considered quitting.


Personally, I feel bad for the guy if this is all true. I think we often incorrectly assume that talented athletes just automatically have the correct mental and emotional make up to be athletes and handle failure. People have slowly begun to realize that Young just isnt a very good passer, and that might be wearing on him alot.


But this should make the Titans, who possibly have the NFL's best defense, a better team now that they have a competent pocket passer behind center.

The guy is still a great great football player. Use him in a way to show his talent. They screwed up slash stewart as well. What a waste that was.

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The guy is still a great great football player. Use him in a way to show his talent. They screwed up slash stewart as well. What a waste that was.

What is the best way to show his talent when he's not a good passer and can't read defenses that well?

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Guest dog14787
Lookie lookie here, I have depression/anxiety disorders my own self. If he choses to end his football career tomorrow, more power to him.


What if it ended up being a bad decision and was made when he was in the wrong state of mind?


What if, when all is said and done, he ( in his mind) has nothing to live for anymore, his hopes, his dreams gone, then what?


Some people can handle the boo's, the letting people down, letting yourself down, and just get back up and do it all over again, some people can't.


Vince Young just doesn't know how to lose , its not in his vocabulary.

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I of course feel bad for Vince......and hope that he can recover from his depression


From a football standpoint....that guy has found a way to beat us every time I think.....and like my chances much better going against the Titans (should we have to later on) with Kerry Collins at QB.

Well since VY has only played us once and won that game.... :thumbsup:

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What if it ended up being a bad decision and was made when he was in the wrong state of mind?


What if, when all is said and done, he ( in his mind) has nothing to live for anymore, his hopes, his dreams gone, then what?


Some people can handle the boo's, the letting people down, letting yourself down, and just get back up and do it all over again, some people can't.


Vince Young doesn't know how to lose , its not in his vocabulary.

Quite honestly... if he can't handle the boo's or letting people down; then he needs to find a different job. Because let's face it, no one that's in the public eye pleases everyone all the time. And no one has ever won every football game they've ever been in. So, again, if he can't handle the criticism and failures that comes with being a star in the NFL - it really is best for him to just retire and do something else with his life. He'd probably be a happier person in the end.

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