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Tux of Borg

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Mariano rivera better freakin suck it up! I know its not all him, but goddammit he needs to hold the freaking lead. I hope we can jump all over schilling and cruise to victory, but David F***ing Ortiz is my new Dan Marino! Go yankees!

Pitching Matchup:


Boston - Schilling (1-1, 7.45 ERA); 2-1, 6.65 ERA vs. New York in 2004.


New York - Lieber (1-0, 2.63 ERA); 2-0, 3.42 ERA vs. Boston in 2004


I don't think Schilling will make it past the 3rd inning.  What is your game day prediction?


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Pitching Matchup:


Boston - Schilling (1-1, 7.45 ERA); 2-1, 6.65 ERA vs. New York in 2004.


New York - Lieber (1-0, 2.63 ERA); 2-0, 3.42 ERA vs. Boston in 2004


I don't think Schilling will make it past the 3rd inning.  What is your game day prediction?



I'm going to stand by my pre-series prediction of Yanks in 6. I don't see how Schilling can perform at his usual level with that type of injury. If they can get him out of there early then hopefully they can expose their overworked bullpen as well, although the Yankees' pen isn't too far behind in terms of being overworked. Either way, it should be another great one.

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Personally, I think Schilling is crazy for doing this- I hope we dont see a career ending injury to a potential hall of famer.


Boston turns in another admirable performance, but NY wins on a ninth inning homer from A-Rod, 3-2.


Yankees win...theeeeeeeee Yankees win.

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I say Yankees 16 Red Sox 12. A-Rod walk off Grand Slam in the bottom of the 9th. Both pens are wasted. Yanks are at home and the last at bat has been big in this series. Schilling's ankle will fall off on the mound in the 3rd and the Yankees grounds crew will have to scoop it up and dump it in the trash. Boston literally has nobody else to start this game unless they run Arroyo out there on 0 days rest, Pedro on 0 days rest, Lowe on 1 day of rest or Wakefield on 0 days rest after pitching 6 innings in the last three games. Start doing that and guys are putting their careers in jeopardy. They could always bring in Gascanic or Mendoza but that's pretty much suicide as well. Boston did everything to get to Game 6 and now they have nobody left to pitch. I bet Schill gets shelled and everybody Boston has will try and throw an inning or even just to two or three batters. At least for NY, Lieber was watching Game 5 at home on his couch. He doesn't have to be perfect tonight or pitch a complete game, just good enough to get through 7 or 8 innings and this one is over.

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In fairness I hope tonight fox will show all the 90 year old grannies, five year children, nuns and priests, women and men , children and others all in tense nervousness for a Yankee win as they showed Sox fans last evening.




They wont, Im sure they will have live shots from some bar in Boston, all those 21 year old fans who has suffered since 1918 :)

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