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Oldest electronic item in your house...

Just Jack

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How did you manage to steal that guitar???


Before my parents split, my dad had alot of old electronics stuff, like a Radio/8-track/record player that still worked, plus a huge box of 8-tracks and records


I got it for $15 - in 1975. :rolleyes:

Nickel bags were $5 and an o.z. of Mex was $15. :rolleyes:

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I have a transistor radio (Sesame Street, Ernie and Bert, probably a collectible) from 1972, and an Erector Set dating back to the '50s.


The oldest electrical item in my house, though, would be the Korean-War-era wiring in the living room. :oops:

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I have a 100 watt Pioneer receiver I bought in 1973. I have it hooked up in my garage so I have some music out there when taking care of the yard work.


We've got the same thing at my mom's house in buffalo. Pioneer receiver, circa early 70's, hooked up in the basement. I dont know if this predates it or not, but my dad had hooked up his old reel to reel player to the receiver, and it still works.

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We've got the same thing at my mom's house in buffalo. Pioneer receiver, circa early 70's, hooked up in the basement. I dont know if this predates it or not, but my dad had hooked up his old reel to reel player to the receiver, and it still works.


My father still has his in his living room...still has better sound than anything I've ever owned. I keep telling him when he dies I'm taking that receiver, his turntable, and his Abraxas LP...

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I have a 100 watt Pioneer receiver I bought in 1973. I have it hooked up in my garage so I have some music out there when taking care of the yard work.

Your neighbors are getting tired of listening to ABBA. Maybe you could switch to Air Supply?

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The oldest electrical item in my house, though, would be the Korean-War-era wiring in the living room. :lol:

Half of our house was running off one fuse, yes fuse, when we moved in. And it wasn't seperated by rooms, it would be an outlet here, a switch there, like they just tapped off the nearest wire run whenever they added something.


And a friend of ours, her house still has some rooms with knob and tube wiring.

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Half of our house was running off one fuse, yes fuse, when we moved in. And it wasn't seperated by rooms, it would be an outlet here, a switch there, like they just tapped off the nearest wire run whenever they added something.


:lol: Sounds kind of like my house. I've been looking for quotes to "normalize" the panel (I've got a main and two subs - but at least they're breakers and not fuses) and do a heavy-up. Of the four I've talked to, one gave me an estimate, two flat-out said "No thanks" without even looking at it, and one said "You have TWO main breakers! How the !@#$ can you have two main breakers????" and left the house laughing...

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Fixed it for you Knight!





:thumbsup: Thanks... :lol: It gets unplugged when not in use... I've thought about building a computerized interface (to control the track switches and the speed) using something like LabView and an updated power supply.


Can you even insure knob and tube wiring anymore? :thumbsup:

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