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James Hardy

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I'm just thinking that inventing a time machine, actually breaking the time barrier, choosing to use this incredible breakthrough to go back in time and rewrite history so that last Bills season didn't actually happen, but that a completely different season happened, one in which Marshawn Lynch of THE BILLS, ran for 2400 yards and 31 TDs, is MORE likely than Kiera Knightley giving you a simple 5 minute lap dance any time in the future. It's just sad.


Not if we assume Keira Knightley is going to give me a lap dance tonight. In which case, Keira Knightley is going to give me a lap dance tonight.


See how that works? That's why Hardy's a felon...

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And you sir, are entitled to your opinion. As for me, I never realized how simple you are.


If you don't think, or are unable to at least accept the possibility that your stance on this issue is in any way clouded by the fact that you are a Bills Fan, and Hardy is a Bill, then you are not a literal fool.


My stance is plain and evident.....I am not surprised by the incident. I also hope that the kid gets help, because I want him to play well for the Buffalo Bills, and not hurt anyone. My stance is clear. I think that you are the one hopping around in a state of blind idiocy.


That said, have a great day! :rolleyes:


If i'm reading this correctly;


the rest of us are blind idiots for waiting to hear all the evidence and circumstances before we crucify the kid, but you are the clear and unclouded mind on the issue in assuming that the kid is a trouble maker and needs help because you think he pulled a gun on his dad.

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I knew that cheap shot was going to come from somebody....I just thought it was going to involve a nightstick, blah, blah....too bad NYC is now an example of how you do things right = reduce crime/get results, and Philly and DC are the exact opposite.


So there, sticking up for my man Bill. :rolleyes: I am going to argue with him about drafting O line no matter what till I die, but I am not gonna let anybody give him crap for being part of a major change/doing a job that everyone thought was impossible.


Bill knows I'm just funnin' him.



And if you go back to the thread on that particular subject, you'd see that I said the same thing I'm saying here: you don't know, so don't assume from third-hand media reports.

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Not if we assume Keira Knightley is going to give me a lap dance tonight. In which case, Keira Knightley is going to give me a lap dance tonight.


See how that works? That's why Hardy's a felon...

You're some kind of highly medicated manic-depressive supergenius and I bet you can't even conjure up in your own twisted little head the possibility that Kiera Knightley might actually give you a lap dance some day.

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You're some kind of highly medicated manic-depressive supergenius and I bet you can't even conjure up in your own twisted little head the possibility that Kiera Knightley might actually give you a lap dance some day.

He's tried. Just can't make the math work. Keeps coming up 3.5.

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You're some kind of highly medicated manic-depressive supergenius and I bet you can't even conjure up in your own twisted little head the possibility that Kiera Knightley might actually give you a lap dance some day.


I really wish you hadn't missed the gist of the whole "reality is subjective" thing... :rolleyes:

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Stop arguing about his right to own a gun, it has nothing to do with this. He had a permit for it so it was legally owned right now this very minute.


Should he be carrying it? NO...take it to the local PD and turn it in.

Y not, who are you to tell him what to do? Damn problem with this country today too many liberals, beerball i'm not saying you are one, but jeeze it's his right to own one, I hope the police are going to give him money for the gun guns aren't cheap, i don't care how much money he is making you don't just hand someing over that is probably worth more than $500.00 for nothing ..... police or not.

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1) maybe he'll end up like Marvin Harrison - HOF - who has what, 26 guns registered?? Dont you think after # 20, the state would be like, 'ok Marvin, honestly, why do you need a 21st gun registered?'


2) WR's are a different breed, and think character (more so than other positions) should play a HUGE role in drafting/siging someone. Until I'm proven wrong (which I hope I am), i still would be much happier with Limas Sweed who was proclaimed the hardest worker and highest character WR of the upper tier.

He probably collects them, just like people collect baseball cards, I know families with more than 50 guns, they collect them it's legal and there is nothing wrong with it. The people who own 20 or more guns aren't the people shooting other people on the streets fyi. Oh and another thing if the 2nd amendment is abolished guess what, I hate to tell you but the crime rate is just going to increase. Because criminals are not going to hand their guns over to the police, only law abiding citizens will and guess what, those people aren't commiting crimes!!! :rolleyes:

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A robber is going to think damn twice about goiing into a store if he knows that the owner might shoot him because he has a gun. I go to a college in the area and while it will never happen I wish college kids could carry handguns on campus. That way I would know for sure that no wack jobs would come into these classes and start shooting people and take me out too i'd be able to protect myself and save other people's lives as well.

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I hate guns. But it's legal and he has a right to own them. I want to hear a statement from Hardy. This doesn't bode well for his behavior issues. They guy has at least one blot on his recent history. This would make it two.


I hope the Bills put in behavior clauses in his contract. I would also make him attend anger management/counselling sessions on a "voluntary" basis before all this gets out of hand.


Where's there's smoke....



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Y not, who are you to tell him what to do? Damn problem with this country today too many liberals, beerball i'm not saying you are one, but jeeze it's his right to own one, I hope the police are going to give him money for the gun guns aren't cheap, i don't care how much money he is making you don't just hand someing over that is probably worth more than $500.00 for nothing ..... police or not.

Dude. Sarcasm.

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Here are two possible scenarios:


Setup: Mothers' Day at the Hardy house - BBQ, Beers, Steak, Ribs, Burgers etc...


Scene 1 - Take 1 - And....ACTION!


Ex-convict Mr. Hardy gets belligerent and threatens Mrs. Hardy with a steak knife.

James turns to his father and says "Put the knife down you low-life, pathetic excuse for a father!"

[Mr. Hardy refuses and advances even further]

James pulls his registered, legal handgun out and points at his father: "I swear if I have to do it I will! This isn't prison, dad. You can't go around threatening people! Gosh!"

Father apologizes. Everyone is ok. They all eat cake.






Scene 2 - Take 1 - And....ACTION!


Mr. Hardy: This steak is perfect! Can you pass me the A1, please?

James (pulls out gun): To hell with A1. I wanted KC Masterpiece! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!

Family screams and everyone runs for cover.




I give you these two ridiculous scenarios (that are based on absolutely nothing) because that's what we know...nothing! We have no idea what the situation was before the altercation. All we know is "guns = bad" and we're ready to crucify the fan-proclaimed "Savior of the Bills."


I'm reserving judgement until if/when we hear more details. A lot of people on these boards compare these stories to their own lives and are blown away. When you throw an ex-con and a handgun into any situation it can get pretty hairy very quickly. No charges have been filed. No problem.

I love this post :rolleyes:

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I wonder what the supertards on the buffalobills.com message board are saying about this. I can't get myself to go look. It's like kraptonite to me.


Probably something on the order of "I like ketchup!"

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Concealed carry permit holders almost never commit gun crimes.


When TX allowed CC several years ago, there were dire predictions of blood in the streets. Didn't happen. Same was said about KY a few years ago. The carnage failed to materialize.


And consider VT - a liberal, largely Democratic state that allows CC without any permit. Note that VT has low crime rates. :rolleyes:


VT's laws:



Thank you, exactly what i said although i feel stupid responding to the 4th pag of 19 but i'll get there

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