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James Hardy

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Guns are for puzzies. Anyone who stands behind a document written hundreds of years ago as justification for owning a gun is a moron and a coward. Guns a re a vicious circle of problems. People like you love them for some odd reason (I have my suspicions, such as it's instant balls or guts or someone makes you feel confident, which you aren't without it) and say "they're for protection." To which I respond: protection from what? And you and the others respond "from other people with guns" and always fail to see the idiocy, hypocrisy and irony of that argument.


The next time I hear a ration pro-gun argument will be the first.


You were looking for a fight here by insinuating that the guy's use of thw word piece was a shot your fifth amendment rights. Typical gun-owner, anything not pro-gun is anti-gun so rally the retards.

It's the second admendment douchebag suck my dick. who's retarded now?

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Laugh all you want. Gun violence and murder is clearly a serious problem in this country, and the US record is uniquely bad on this issue. I don't know about you, but I'd like to see less of it myself.

I hate to tell you but puting a ban on guns isn't going to solve it. Don't have to be a rocket scientist. Anyone with common sense knows that banning firearms will not make criminals give their guns up. Violence will only increase because what then I ask do criminals have to be afraid of? They can walk up to any house and steal and murder whoever they want because the law abiding citizen gave his guns up and now he has no protection....think about it.

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That, I think would be the best case scenario.


The neighbor saw him "showing" the gun to his father, and got scared and called the cops.


Doubtful, but I guess we can be hopeful.

That's what I think happened....some people nowadays see a gun and freak for whatever reason.

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A little sensitive about owning guns? I grouped Hardy who wielded a gun at his dad, with Harrison who is being investigated in a shooting outside his restaurant.


By saying how many harrison HAD and why did he need that many? yea had nothing to do with hardy since he had ONE. YOU made a POINT about how many HARRISON OWNED.


uncalled for and had nothing to do with anything.

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How is it nonsense?


What about the situation from the eyewitness shows a need for Hardy to have pulled his gun?

Take a psychology class dude, about 80% of the time an "eyewitness" didn't see what they though they saw, eyewitnesses are worthless. fyi.

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Do you need a license for your knife?


A knife is a utility tool that can have many uses as compared to a handgun that you are licensed to use in life threatening situations only.


If you pulled out your gun, and started shooting the tops off the packages, then yes, they should call the cops on you.

wow that's one of the saddest things I think I have ever read. I just lost all respect for you, not that you care..but just wow.

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Whats JC have to do with this? Something tells me that you are firing off rounds at a target out your window right now, the board is dripping with anger!!


Whats everyone got their panties all in a bunch about gun laws for? Bottom line is that if I were Hardy from here on in, no matter what happened with his dad, I would become invisible. With Goddell suspending J Allen for DUI's along with the pacmans henrys etc, and Hardy having a prior record, dont make yourself more of a blip on Goddells radar screen coming into the league as a rookie...before even signing a contract. We all heard from him around the draft how much he has 'matured' and grown up - when these stories come out, people will make assumptions (including his bosses) and that aura will follow him around.


Did I mention guns should be outlawed?

is that so?... y?

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anyone who owns a gun is an idiot. no one needs them. they are for police only. if there is any weapon involved police should be able to come in and just arrest everyone. you can trust the cops.


also, i'm a vegitarian








cereal tho, people are saying he should just abandon his family. sure. this guys dad is a bad dude, don't tell me just because hardy is big and strong he has nothing to fear from his father. an average sized dude with a real will to kill you could do it in seconds with any number of house hold objects.





omg lmao :rolleyes:

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This thread reveals a bit about the people that post on this board.

I don't like quite a few of you out there.


And here I wanted so badly for you to be my Most Bestest Friend Forever...


Nobody loves me, everybody hates me, guess I'll go eat worms... :rolleyes:

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This thread is even more amusing now with spammy guy :rolleyes:

It is? You have a strange sense of humor.


Can a mod change his avatar to a can of spam?

Don't tempt me.

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