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TMQ - Draft Review

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People should read the entire article. I'm going to bookmark it and read it / post it next year before the draft. Lots of people around here gave me sh-- about this opinion the past few months and said I was adding to the noise around here for posting it. That said, Easterbrook may be better at expressing his thoughts in writing than I am. I think he gets paid to do it or something. :unsure:


His point? That even the professionals get the draft wrong. Therefore, fans shouldn't get all pissed because what they think they know doesn't happen on draft day. Fans don't know crap about evaluating players. So they should shut up and not pretend they do.



please submit your resume to support these opinions :D

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It does seem like were finally past the Donahoe era -present uni's notwithstanding. It's just a shame this franchise has had so many of these incredible flops that have effectively wiped out 5-7 seasons: Saban bailing on us (TWICE!); Rauch's lunacy; Harvey Johnson/Kay Stephenson/Bullough/Williams/Mularky and fiasco's with Polian, Knox & Phillips.


Not trying to be a Negative Nancy. I, too, am finally excited about a competitive team. But having followed the Bills throughout their history means I'm getting old and with the future in peril, this may be the one last best shot to finally exorcise past demons and lay to waste the perception we were only great in the AFL (with apologies to Samvaca and the original Bills).


Jauron's coaching record, Edwards and Turks' inexperience still temper my enthusiasm, but we are finally back on a level playing field with talented and skilled players and opponents will once again FEAR THE THRONG at the Ralph. We can't impact the future of the franchise and if the end is in sight, at least we have a solid team worthy of one last great hurrah to devote to.


It's what we do best :D


Go Bills!

Well said!

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please submit your resume to support these opinions :D


Do I need a resume to prove that I don't know poop about evaluating players?


Here's my resume on evaluating players:


1. Ryan Leaf rules!

2. Eli Manning sux!

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The new uniforms are okay, I guess, but I'm getting old and like the Jim Kelly era colors and think we ought to stick with them. I don't think the uniform colors are going to be the thing that wins us a superbowl though. Jauron is on the right track and he's got a few more personnel improvements (not many) to make before he worries about the uniforms.

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EULA - End User License Agreement. You see it on software. Means that no matter how bad the software is, or how bad it messes up your computer, or how much money it costs you or your business in doing so, only the end user is at fault. Not the people that wrote the software. Whatever the guarantee the software has, it basically says "Whoops! We didn't mean anything we said in the product marketing! We didn't mean to say that the software should do what it says it does!"


Thanks, got it.


Reminds me of a Dilbert where Dilbert is talking to a salesman who asks about the new software. Dilbert tells him that as soon as it's installed it immediately erases every file of the users computer. The salesman says "Great! creates memory!!"

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Thanks, got it.


Reminds me of a Dilbert where Dilbert is talking to a salesman who asks about the new software. Dilbert tells him that as soon as it's installed it immediately erases every file of the users computer. The salesman says "Great! creates memory!!"


It is also what keeps (most) people from loading Mac's OS X onto PC's.

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the Judge, Frank Easterbrook, isn't just a big proponent of EULA's - he's one of the most famous judges in the country and a leader of the law and economics movement - which is at least interesting, even if you don't agree with half of it

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I am surprised Brandon has not addressed those uniforms yet, he is a big marketing guy....switching those uniforms is a great opportuniy to make some serious coin.



NFL merchandise is shared equally. The Bills get 3% no matter what their unis look like.

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you know, even if we don't do any better on O (which is virtually impossible, but even if) we have kick ass special teams and D now.


that and a great running back (and physical o line) give us a good shot at just punching guys in the face all day and coming ahead a winner.

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the Judge, Frank Easterbrook, isn't just a big proponent of EULA's - he's one of the most famous judges in the country and a leader of the law and economics movement - which is at least interesting, even if you don't agree with half of it


There's something to the law and economics movement, however the idea that an EULA could basically allow CR owners to in effect do an end around the rights and limits of copyright law seems silly to me.

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I'm no math wiz but the more you sell the bigger the 3% is...right?


Yes, but such benefit is divided by the other 32 teams, so it's minimal. The Bills are better off if fans buy more tickets rather than more jerseys, assuming the even division of licensing revenue is correct.

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I'm no math wiz but the more you sell the bigger the 3% is...right?


well, yes, but if the point was to make some "serious coin" - I doubt the revenue from that 3% would increase substantially. If they wanted to double their income they would have to sell enough merchandise equivalent to all the other teams combined. Given how far fetched that scenario is - "serious coin" would not be made by Ralph.

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well, yes, but if the point was to make some "serious coin" - I doubt the revenue from that 3% would increase substantially. If they wanted to double their income they would have to sell enough merchandise equivalent to all the other teams combined. Given how far fetched that scenario is - "serious coin" would not be made by Ralph.

So in other words, when the Bills rolled out those new uniforms early in 2000, 31 owners collectively went, "WTF, were not getting any return off those." Maybe that is why they hate Ralph.

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