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Is Shockey coming to Buffalo?


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When Shockey is healthy and focused his game is unstoppable.

watch Antonio Gates and Jason Witten, then watch Jeremy Shockey. Shockey had a great rookie year and has not been the same player since. Shockey and Darryl Johnson drop more passes then any player I have watched the past few years

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watch Antonio Gates and Jason Witten, then watch Jeremy Shockey. Shockey had a great rookie year and has not been the same player since. Shockey and Darryl Johnson drop more passes then any player I have watched the past few years




blah....blah.....blah......... Shockey only dropped 4 passes last year. hell, Dallas Clark dropped 12 of them. for the record, Gates dropped 5 and Witten dropped 6. try again. :lol:

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For the life of me I dont get people.....when healthy he is one of the best TE's in the game........but we dont want him....:lol:



What a shock - you and I are on the same page (for a change ha ha). Shockey for basically a 2nd and 4th? We'd still have 8 picks left and, now, the only weakness at WR? We are talking about a game-breaking player at the TE position? There are , what, two others of his caliber in the league? And now people people use his attitude as making him "not worth it"? Are you guys nuts? He doesn't get arrested, doesn't do drugs, he gets angry when he loses. Also, he HAS grown up a bit. I, too, live in the Giants area (NJ) and have watched (with glee) the troubles. But Trent is NOT Eli. Trent can handle Mr. Shockey.


If the Bills make this trade, I'd (blank) in my pants.



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If its true I'd do that in a second. We still have a 4th rd conditional pick, a 3rd rd pick and our 1st. So yeah. IF it's true I'd be happy with it. I'm not holding my breath


2nd, 4th and conditional pick!? I'd have serious reservations about the sanity of the Bills FO if that happened. I'm not sure I'd want him on the team for free. He seems to be a chemistry killer.


Please god let this be a late night talk show host talking out of his hind quarters. 3 picks for Shockey? :lol:



too much for Shockey. I hope we did not pay that



it is a very crazy price. I have a lot of confidence in our front office and I am convinced that there is no way they would pay that. A straight 4th round pick I am ok with, any pick in addition I have a serious problem with


Agreed with all that would be dumb.



For the life of me I dont get people.....when healthy he is one of the best TE's in the game........but we dont want him....:D


There are a few things that go into evaluating a guy for a team. Can he play? Does he have injury problems? Is he going to add to team chemistry or bring it down? How old are they? Are they on the upswing or downswing of their careers? How much is it going to cost to get them. These questions carry different weight depending on the circumstances.


Can Shockey play? He's inconsistent going from great to bad in streaks. Does he have injury problems? Yes and they are serious enough to weight heavily. Is he going to add to team chemistry or bring it down? He's had tantrums on the sideline and sold out his QB. After he got injured the Giants came together and played over their heads. That may be a coincidence but given his history it doesn't look good for him. He'll be 28 when the season starts. That's not bad a TE can last til 35 - 38 but given his injury history it's a big question. Is he on the upswing or downswing of his career? Hard telling, if he's on the upswing it will probably only last two or three more years, at best, before the downswing occurs. Finally how much will he cost? After answering all the questions I come away thinking I wouldn't really want him at all because he's too much trouble in the lockerroom and on the field. If you add the cost of getting him it totally makes it a ridiculous acquisition.


This why you will see many of us on this board thinking certain acquisitions are a bad move. (i.e. signing Nate Clements. Put him through the question test and he fails. In this case pretty much due to one thing and that's cost. The Bills signed a few FA's for what they would have paid Clements alone.)



When Shockey is healthy and focused his game is unstoppable.


The key word there is WHEN

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The Bills have no TE and have not had a good one since Jay Riemersma left. A game breaking TE changes the way a defense plays. They HAVE to prepare for him.


We simply will have to agree to disagree.


By the way, has Shockey ever played for a good QB?

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The Bills have no TE and have not had a good one since Jay Riemersma left. A game breaking TE changes the way a defense plays. They HAVE to prepare for him.


We simply will have to agree to disagree.


By the way, has Shockey ever played for a good QB?


The Bills have a few TE's. None are the quality of Shockey WHEN he's on his game. How much does a former Pro Bowl TE help when he's sitting on the bench?

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I agree with most here that the price as described is too high. However, I find myself saying that I might do it if I had another deal in the works to recoup one of those picks.


For example, if the trade between Philly and Tampa goes through and Tampa gives up their second (#52) for Lito Sheppard, then Philly could trade that second to us as part of a trade allowing us to move back from 11 to 19 in the first.


The points work out (#11 is 1250) and #19 (875) + #52 (380) = 1255


This way in essense we would have moved back from 11 to 19, 41 to 52 and traded a 4th for Shockey. Not sure about the conditional pick but hopefully it's not too high next year so I am sort of ignoring ithe unknown. IMO, they can have a high pick (4th or higher) ONLY if the Bills make the playoffs AND Shockey goes to the Pro Bowl. Otherwise it should be a late pick with the bounty they are already getting.


If we then pick a WR at 19 (Thomas, Sweed, Hardy), we have our new WR and TE going into the second round. Critical remaining needs are down to CB and C, with depth along both lines, LB depth and S depth left for late in the draft (day two).

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it is a very crazy price. I have a lot of confidence in our front office and I am convinced that there is no way they would pay that. A straight 4th round pick I am ok with, any pick in addition I have a serious problem with


I don't know why people would say the price is too high. He's a pro-bowl caliber player at his position. Where are you going to get that for a 2nd round pick? A 4th round pick usually gets you a guy who is iffy to make your team and/or contribute much. I think a 2nd and a 4th is very fair for a player like this and Frankly, the Bills could use a little "attitude" on this team - especially on offense. I love the idea of getting him.

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Shockey is a good, not great player, this would be vastly overpaying, and he can be a big pain in the a$$ if he isn't given the ball as often as he'd like.


That said, Shockey would be an instant hero in Buffalo - he fits in with the Buffalo fan base in looks, attitude and demeanor more than any player in the NFL. Not saying that would justify the move, but I do think it would be a perfect marriage.

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Fightclub nailed it. The only way they give up that many picks is if something else is in the works by trading back. We wouldn't want to be completely out of the second round. Shockey is twice as good as anyone we could draft. I would take him in a heartbeat.

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it is a very crazy price. I have a lot of confidence in our front office and I am convinced that there is no way they would pay that. A straight 4th round pick I am ok with, any pick in addition I have a serious problem with


Exacty...I'm a U Fan and I've NEVER been too high on Shockey...His talent can't be questioned much...But the injuries seem to be consistant and the attitude has always rubbed Me wrong...I don't think He's a fit for The Bills...Just My opinion... :lol:

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