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Building codes differ everywhere, but a typical standard is a MINIMUM of 1 ADA-compliant parking space, even if that's the only space on your lot. Then it is usually is a factor of 25 beyond that. Therefore, if you own a store and have between 1-25 regular parking spaces, you are required to have 1 handicapped spot. If you have 26-50 spaces, you are required to have 2 handicapped spots, and so on....


I agree, sometimes when you're driving around the lot it looks like overkill, but looking at those numbers, it seems like a pretty fair ratio.


My point exactly but you stated it much better. As for the mopes, I love to see people get all wrapped around the axel complaining and falling over themselves in anger by taking anything I say out of context because actually reading what I wrote and understanding what I wrote would be to hard to do.



Read my posts again, I said I had no problem with handicapped people, just the zoning people who give away, way to many handicapped spots ! Escpecially in San Diego, parking space is a premium and the zoning dept. requires too many handicapped spots, the parking lots are full of cars and 30 handicapped spaces sit vacant.

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My point exactly but you stated it much better. As for the mopes, I love to see people get all wrapped around the axel complaining and falling over themselves in anger by taking anything I say out of context because actually reading what I wrote and understanding what I wrote would be to hard to do.



Read my posts again, I said I had no problem with handicapped people, just the zoning people who give away, way to many handicapped spots ! Escpecially in San Diego, parking space is a premium and the zoning dept. requires too many handicapped spots, the parking lots are full of cars and 30 handicapped spaces sit vacant.

Should I start with this one?

I think it's stupid to have handicap spots to start with.

Or this one?

Park in a regular spot like the rest of us.

Or this one?

If your mobil enough to drive by yourself, then you can park like the rest of us.

Of course I'm probably quoting you 'out of context'.

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Building codes differ everywhere, but a typical standard is a MINIMUM of 1 ADA-compliant parking space, even if that's the only space on your lot. Then it is usually is a factor of 25 beyond that. Therefore, if you own a store and have between 1-25 regular parking spaces, you are required to have 1 handicapped spot. If you have 26-50 spaces, you are required to have 2 handicapped spots, and so on....


I agree, sometimes when you're driving around the lot it looks like overkill, but looking at those numbers, it seems like a pretty fair ratio.


My office building has about 20 handicapped spots out of a total of about 200...one in ten seems pretty excessive, if you ask me.


But then, maybe it's not when you've got people claiming handicapped access for hangnails and split ends...

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My office building has about 20 handicapped spots out of a total of about 200...one in ten seems pretty excessive, if you ask me.


But then, maybe it's not when you've got people claiming handicapped access for hangnails and split ends...

My gym has probably 10 handicapped spots- there is a large portion of the front row. I always found that odd. I have been working out for over 20 years and have yet to see a handicapped person at my gym

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Building codes differ everywhere, but a typical standard is a MINIMUM of 1 ADA-compliant parking space, even if that's the only space on your lot. Then it is usually is a factor of 25 beyond that. Therefore, if you own a store and have between 1-25 regular parking spaces, you are required to have 1 handicapped spot. If you have 26-50 spaces, you are required to have 2 handicapped spots, and so on....


I agree, sometimes when you're driving around the lot it looks like overkill, but looking at those numbers, it seems like a pretty fair ratio.


Sure...pretty fair ratio if 1 of 25 drivers is handicapped. Is that the case? I'm thinking not.

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My gym has probably 10 handicapped spots- there is a large portion of the front row. I always found that odd. I have been working out for over 20 years and have yet to see a handicapped person at my gym


That reminds me of the line on the Virginia State Witholding form VA-4: "If you are legally blind, write '1'."



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Sure...pretty fair ratio if 1 of 25 drivers is handicapped. Is that the case? I'm thinking not.


Probably not...You do have to factor in temporary permits and such for injuries, etc...But even then I'm sure it's not close...


I guess it just seems like a reasonable ratio, because how many places truly have 50+ parking spaces? If your going to a 7-11, chances are, there are about 15 regular spaces and one handicapped space. Nothing wrong there. A Walgreens or CVS might have 30 spaces, and 2 handicapped spots...Again, I don't see the issue. It doesn't seem extensive. It's not like a 1:5 ratio or something like that...


Supermarkets, office buildings, malls, etc. will be the places with hundreds of spots, and they have the closest spaces dedicated to handicapped parking (as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act.) What is the liklihood that you go to a Tops/Wegmans supermarket and ALL of the 300 regular spaces are taken, while the 12 handicapped spaces up front are open? Sure, maybe the primo reserved parking spots are going mainly unused, but it's still not that difficult for the able-bodied to find a spot and make their way to the store.

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maybe they leave thier "I am Handicapped" buttons at home when they go to the gym :P


That's not how you identify a handicapped person. You've got to look for the "I <heart> Gimps" or "Have You Hugged A Cripple Today?" t-shirts. Don't you know anything?

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My gym has probably 10 handicapped spots- there is a large portion of the front row. I always found that odd. I have been working out for over 20 years and have yet to see a handicapped person at my gym


Does your gym have the ADA-compliant automatic door opener??? Maybe they park but they just can't get in.

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Probably not...You do have to factor in temporary permits and such for injuries, etc...But even then I'm sure it's not close...


I guess it just seems like a reasonable ratio, because how many places truly have 50+ parking spaces? If your going to a 7-11, chances are, there are about 15 regular spaces and one handicapped space. Nothing wrong there. A Walgreens or CVS might have 30 spaces, and 2 handicapped spots...Again, I don't see the issue. It doesn't seem extensive. It's not like a 1:5 ratio or something like that...


Supermarkets, office buildings, malls, etc. will be the places with hundreds of spots, and they have the closest spaces dedicated to handicapped parking (as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act.) What is the liklihood that you go to a Tops/Wegmans supermarket and ALL of the 300 regular spaces are taken, while the 12 handicapped spaces up front are open? Sure, maybe the primo reserved parking spots are going mainly unused, but it's still not that difficult for the able-bodied to find a spot and make their way to the store.


Busier places with an overabundance of handicapped parking, it may be an issue though. A mall nearby me here has the main lot off the entrance with roughly twevle rows of spaces, four of which (four rows, not spaces) are handicapped. 33% is pretty ridiculous, particularly when you consider how often those spaces are maybe 50% utilized while non-handicapped drivers can't get a space.


One in 25 seems pretty reasonable to me. But one in ten, or one in three? A pretty idiotic allocation, particularly when you consider what some of the "handicaps" are.

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Should I start with this one?


Or this one?


Or this one?


Of course I'm probably quoting you 'out of context'.


So what's the problem. It's my opinion. You think your opinion is more correct so you can harrass me because you think your right ? Sorry, it doesn't work like that.

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My gym has probably 10 handicapped spots- there is a large portion of the front row. I always found that odd. I have been working out for over 20 years and have yet to see a handicapped person at my gym


There should be a way for a business to get a waiver on the number of spaces they need to comply.


Sure...pretty fair ratio if 1 of 25 drivers is handicapped. Is that the case? I'm thinking not.


That's a good question. I wonder if they didn't do that but by the number of handicap signs in the general public and not by those who really need them.





...and the jury finds Fan in San Diego GUILTY of douchebaggery in the first degree...





So what's the problem. It's my opinion. You think your opinion is more correct so you can harrass me because you think your right ? Sorry, it doesn't work like that.


Why change the subject? You were caught in a lie and called on it deal with it. :D

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Good Job! :D


The VBPD actaually have hanicap parking enforcement officers.

Yes and they also have officers who will ticket civilians skateboarding on the boardwalk. We seen this once and kept yelling stuff at him from a high hidden hotel room view.

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