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from that same Ross Tucker piece in SI

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• Different philosophies can affect free-agent decisions. With millions of dollars at stake, players look for any edge to prolong their careers. For this reason, free agents have been known to sign with the team with the less-taxing offseason program if the financial offers are similar between two clubs.


Parcells, for example, favors timed squats and hang cleans, which many players feel leads to additional wear and tear on their joints and serves to shorten their career. The emphasis of Parcells and his disciples on increasing strength and explosion may reap short-term benefits but cause long-term harm.


Other strength coaches, like the Bears' Rusty Jones, place a premium on injury prevention, thus heavily emphasizing stretching, nutrition and body composition. This often enables players to feel their best and prepares them for the pounding their body will have to endure. Any NFL player will tell you they would rather feel completely healthy than make any type of strength gains as they head into training camp. Jones' presence and reputation around the league offers the Bears a leg-up as free agents make their decisions.

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After last year, I feel like he was the biggest free agent loss for the Bills. He was one of the best if not the best conditioning coaches. The Bills have not been the same since he left. Frankly, I think he could be a bigger loss that Pat Williams.


Did the Bills lose Takeo Spikes because they let Rusty Jones go?


I remember an article by Don Shula that stated one of the biggest reasons for the Dolphins turn-around when he took over was because the of the changes he made to the teams conditioning.

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maybe not-


but chances are that his program would have kept a few players off of our record IR performace from last year

They had 14 guys on IR including a few of their stars.




I think it was stupid for letting Rusty Jones go, too. For what it's worth. I just think last year for the Bills was freakish.

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They had 14 guys on IR including a few of their stars.




I think it was stupid for letting Rusty Jones go, too. For what it's worth. I just think last year for the Bills was freakish.

I had commented a few months ago about Rusty Jones. I felt his departure may have had some effect on the rash of injury's this past year. Although I got flamed for this, I still think it might be partly true. We should never had let Rusty Jones go.

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After last year, I feel like he was the biggest free agent loss for the Bills. He was one of the best if not the best conditioning coaches. The Bills have not been the same since he left. Frankly, I think he could be a bigger loss that Pat Williams.


Did the Bills lose Takeo Spikes because they let Rusty Jones go?


I remember an article by Don Shula that stated one of the biggest reasons for the Dolphins turn-around when he took over was because the of the changes he made to the teams conditioning.



No. You can be the most well conditioned athlete and still get hurt. I think the Bills made a good by move by promoting Allaire up to the head position after getting rid of the idiot meathead brought in to run things. Allaire worked under Jones and picked up on a lot of the principles that Jones follows plus throwing in a couple of his own. I have liked what I have read about his training program.


As KTFBD mentioned, the injuries last year were definitely freakish.

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I had commented a few months ago about Rusty Jones. I felt his departure may have had some effect on the rash of injury's this past year. Although I got flamed for this, I still think it might be partly true. We should never had let Rusty Jones go.


Having a good trainer like rusty jones can help prevent injuries like pulled hamstrings, pulled groins, ect. Having him here wouldn't have prevented the injuries to POZ, Ko, KE, and someone like JP. No amount of injury prevention could have stopped those injuries.


No matter what trainer we had last year, we would have had a ton of players on IR.

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I, for one, think that was the biggest blunder of the Mularkey era, and I will never forgive him for that.


At the same time, thinking that any particular recent injuries were a result of this, or that last year's IR debacle would have been better with him, is pure folly.

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I, for one, think that was the biggest blunder of the Mularkey era, and I will never forgive him for that.


At the same time, thinking that any particular recent injuries were a result of this, or that last year's IR debacle would have been better with him, is pure folly.

If it was not for Hank Bullough, Mularkey would have been the worst coach in Bills History.

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But we were talking about whether Rusty Jones helped the Bears avoid injuries, or could have helped the Bills last year. :)

No we weren't (or at least I wasn't). I alluded to the relative attractiveness of the Bears as a place to go to. Money is obviously the key factor, but I think Tucker's point is that all things being equal, Chicago is an attractive destination for players. However, they're a draftcentric team, and the owner has been cheap for a long time despite being one of the most lucrative teams in sports. All of this being said, the best player (in my estimation) on the defensive free agent market this year signed with Chicago (Lance Briggs).

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