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"The Sopranos" Final Season Thread

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I'm not sure if this qualifies as a spoiler but just in case, I'll put it in yellow:


I had a meeting at HBO a couple weeks ago and got to watch some of the trailers for the last season in their screening room and talk with some people there about the show. I was told me that the season was pushed from January to April due to Chase finally agreeing to do one (possibly two) feature films. This decision forced Chase to "rethink" the ending of the series he had already scripted and shot (parts of). They had to re-tool it to leave open the possibility of a film franchise. What this means, I'm not sure. But it probably means Christopher, Tony, Medow and Carm all survive -- if not more. I wouldn't be surprised to see the show go out on a cliff hanger now. Which personally would annoy the hell out of me.

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I'm not sure if this qualifies as a spoiler but just in case, I'll put it in yellow:





I had always heard the reason the season was delayed, was that James Gandolfini injured his foot during the first week of shooting for the first batch of episodes for the final season. I also remember seeing photos of him, at some Hollywood event, with crutches....just saying....

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I had always heard the reason the season was delayed, was that James Gandolfini injured his foot during the first week of shooting for the first batch of episodes for the final season. I also remember seeing photos of him, at some Hollywood event, with crutches....just saying....


That was discussed too. It happened. But they still were on track for an earlier release than April.

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That was discussed too. It happened. But they still were on track for an earlier release than April.



I assumed that it was put on in April, because Rome ended, and where HBO is concerned, one drama replaces another. I remember the last time there was that super long delay, part of it was because HBO wanted it to start when one of their other dramas (Six Feet Under possibly) came to an end.

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I just learned this last night... Silvio (Steven Van Zandt) is actually a guitarist for Bruce Springsteen. I'm sure everyone else knows this and I'm the exception... but I thought this was cool.

He has that same stupid expression on his face when he plays guitar.-Comicbook like.

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I had always heard the reason the season was delayed, was that James Gandolfini injured his foot during the first week of shooting for the first batch of episodes for the final season. I also remember seeing photos of him, at some Hollywood event, with crutches....just saying....


This is what I heard as well, that the delay on this last batch of episodes was due to Gandolfini's injury.

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This is what I heard as well, that the delay on this last batch of episodes was due to Gandolfini's injury.


I know that played a part -- I'm just going off what was told to us. And, for what it's worth, they weren't producers on the show. They were the network execs for the film department, not OP. So it could be a bit of both.

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I know that played a part -- I'm just going off what was told to us. And, for what it's worth, they weren't producers on the show. They were the network execs for the film department, not OP. So it could be a bit of both.


i didn't read your yellow text until now. interesting.

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Chase wrote the role of Sil for Steve.


Legend has it, Little Steven auditioned for the part of Tony Soprano, originally. They liked his "prescence", even though they realized he was kind of limited as an actor...so Sylvio was born...imagine how different the show might have been?

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Legend has it, Little Steven auditioned for the part of Tony Soprano, originally. They liked his "prescence", even though they realized he was kind of limited as an actor...so Sylvio was born...imagine how different the show might have been?


Chase is on the Season One DVD talking with Bogdanovich IIRC saying something to the effect - "I wanted him in this. I had to write a part for him." You're right about it being different with him as Tony. It would not have flown very far. Can't argue with the success they've had in casting.

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Chase is on the Season One DVD talking with Bogdanovich IIRC saying something to the effect - "I wanted him in this. I had to write a part for him." You're right about it being different with him as Tony. It would not have flown very far. Can't argue with the success they've had in casting.


Yes, that's how I heard it about Little Steven. Chase wrote Syl for him after he auditioned for Tony (which how absurd would that have been).


The only major character that I have a slight problem with is Meadow. She is hot as shiit but she is really limited as an actress. Now, granted, she has gotten better over the seasons (if you look at season one compared to season 5 or the first half of six, for example), but she has a tendency to fall into the trap of whining instead of emoting, which limited actresses often do because well....they just don't have the talent necessary to pull off portraying complex emotion on screen. But she does at least look the part, however, and did I say she was hot as hell? :wallbash:

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Yes, that's how I heard it about Little Steven. Chase wrote Syl for him after he auditioned for Tony (which how absurd would that have been).


The only major character that I have a slight problem with is Meadow. She is hot as shiit but she is really limited as an actress. Now, granted, she has gotten better over the seasons (if you look at season one compared to season 5 or the first half of six, for example), but she has a tendency to fall into the trap of whining instead of emoting, which limited actresses often do because well....they just don't have the talent necessary to pull off portraying complex emotion on screen. But she does at least look the part, however, and did I say she was hot as hell? :wallbash:


Agreed. I've never warmed up to Jamie-Lynn Sigler's portrayal of Meadow. :wallbash:

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Yes, that's how I heard it about Little Steven. Chase wrote Syl for him after he auditioned for Tony (which how absurd would that have been).


The only major character that I have a slight problem with is Meadow. She is hot as shiit but she is really limited as an actress. Now, granted, she has gotten better over the seasons (if you look at season one compared to season 5 or the first half of six, for example), but she has a tendency to fall into the trap of whining instead of emoting, which limited actresses often do because well....they just don't have the talent necessary to pull off portraying complex emotion on screen. But she does at least look the part, however, and did I say she was hot as hell? 0:)



I honestly don't find her that attractive. I *know* I'm in the minority, but she just doesn't do it for me. The only other actor that never sat quite right was Tony B (Season 5; Tony's Cousin.). I'm not quite sure why, either.

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Honestly, I think people watch it for different reasons. Some are disappointed, but it never has disappointed me at all. I am so glad that Chase does not succumb to the clamorings of the public, and stays true to his vision for the show, and keeps the characters intact. Tony Soprano is one of the greatest tv characters ever, and James Gandolfini (who I expect will never find another role close to this in his career) is just fugging amazing as that character. I am going to miss this show, like no other. I think it is the only show I have wathced on tv, in years, where I had to see each new episode on its' first airing...at its' best, the show sends actual shivers down my spine...



Dead on here. What TV character has ever been more interesting or intriguing as he developed through a series? I can't think of any. I've been watching season 2 on A&E and some of those episodes are just fantastic.


I can't wait for Sunday....the DVR is set. ;)

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Dead on here. What TV character has ever been more interesting or intriguing as he developed through a series? I can't think of any. I've been watching season 2 on A&E and some of those episodes are just fantastic.


I can't wait for Sunday....the DVR is set. ;)


Tony Soprano may be the greatest TV character ever.


He is certainly on the short list. :blink:

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I honestly don't find her that attractive. I *know* I'm in the minority, but she just doesn't do it for me. The only other actor that never sat quite right was Tony B (Season 5; Tony's Cousin.). I'm not quite sure why, either.


Interesting, you didn't like Buscemi? That's almost sacrilege, imo ;)

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Just finished the Season 6-B (?) premiere "Sopranos Home Movies"...I really enjoyed it...in typical Sopranos fashion, it starts more story-lines than it does resolve old ones. Some of the funniest scenes I they have ever put together in one episode.


No spoilers, just enjoyed it a lot...and I was on the edge of my seat the whole time....the one small second that made me laugh the most, during Tony & Carmella arguing, Tony's cell-phone rings...he flips it open, they show Moltisanti (who hadn't been in the episode at all) and he says "Hey Tone, just wanted to call and wish you a happy belated birthday..." Tony just hangs up in disgust. Just the look on Imperioli and Gandolfinis' faces is priceless...


BTW- Meadow is still a babe, but AJ's new girlfriend, Blanca is going to give her a late run for the money...my gawd she is gorgeous!

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Just finished the Season 6-B (?) premiere "Sopranos Home Movies"...I really enjoyed it...in typical Sopranos fashion, it starts more story-lines than it does resolve old ones. Some of the funniest scenes I they have ever put together in one episode.


No spoilers, just enjoyed it a lot...and I was on the edge of my seat the whole time....the one small second that made me laugh the most, during Tony & Carmella arguing, Tony's cell-phone rings...he flips it open, they show Moltisanti (who hadn't been in the episode at all) and he says "Hey Tone, just wanted to call and wish you a happy belated birthday..." Tony just hangs up in disgust. Just the look on Imperioli and Gandolfinis' faces is priceless...


BTW- Meadow is still a babe, but AJ's new girlfriend, Blanca is going to give her a late run for the money...my gawd she is gorgeous!


So is Bobby going to go to jail for that piss poor murder job?

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