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When thinking about all the anti-Buffalo bashing

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Here is the truth of the matter:


The media KNOWS and abolsutely LOVES making fun of the Buffalo Bills and the city of Buffalo. And I would bet a good amount of cash that these people in the media who love this, egg on the players in interviews because they KNOW it drives Buffalo natives, Buffalo Bills fans, and former Buffalo residents absolutely NUTS.


ESPN has definately bought into this, and most of the time, we all fall for the bait at one point or another.


Tools like Trey Wingo make smart ass comments about Buffalo...commericals they have had make fun of Buffalo...Colin Cownerd IMO will go out of his way to ignore Buffalo or make bad comments just to stir the pot...and of course, fans fall for the bait OVER AND OVER.


Here is a tip: IGNORE THESE IDIOTS. Don't fall for the bait. Who cares what they say anyway. Silence would be the best thing said against idiots on ESPN.

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Great post. You are dead on. We all know Buffalo is a great place to grow up and live.


But, we do tend to be on the defensive about the city and our teams. To the point of sounding whiny and bitchy.


I agree, ignore them and let's hope we can prove them all wrong on the field this year and in the years to come.

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Here is the truth of the matter:


The media KNOWS and abolsutely LOVES making fun of the Buffalo Bills and the city of Buffalo. And I would bet a good amount of cash that these people in the media who love this, egg on the players in interviews because they KNOW it drives Buffalo natives, Buffalo Bills fans, and former Buffalo residents absolutely NUTS.


ESPN has definately bought into this, and most of the time, we all fall for the bait at one point or another.


Tools like Trey Wingo make smart ass comments about Buffalo...commericals they have had make fun of Buffalo...Colin Cownerd IMO will go out of his way to ignore Buffalo or make bad comments just to stir the pot...and of course, fans fall for the bait OVER AND OVER.


Here is a tip: IGNORE THESE IDIOTS. Don't fall for the bait. Who cares what they say anyway. Silence would be the best thing said against idiots on ESPN.


Very true. Buffalonians need to get thicker skin.


I can remember Dan Dierdork doing this on MNF. Back in the Bills glory years he innocently made a comment about teams not wanting to go to Buffalo late in the season and it came out as another bad weather comment. Dierdork got blasted by the Buffalo media and the fans where hostile to him whenever he came to town. The MNF crew that worked with him never let him forget it and they joked about it every chance they got.

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I agree with you.


I also believe that we have to ask ourselves: what is worse:


1. The people who take shots at Buffalo (media, players etc.); or


2. Those of us (myself included and many on this board) who left Buffalo to live/work elsewhere.


I have to believe that the exodus hurts Buffalo and Western New York a lot more than the inane comments of others.


Again, I include myself in this. I love Buffalo. I grew up there. Most of my family is still there. Yet, most of my friends growing up and I live elsewhere.


I left for economic reasons (as most did). I live in Miami. I like Miami, but I love Buffalo. I wish that I had my job in Buffalo. It is fun when you go to a Sabres or Bills game and there are a lot of Buffalo fans there. Yet, it is a bit sad to think that many of those fans left (or had to leave) Buffalo. Think what Buffalo would be like if all of us who left had the same type of jobs back in Buffalo.

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To be honest, I don't think the people in the national media care what the people in Buffalo think. They don't mind ticking off one of the smallest sports markets in the country.

Do you expect them to take cheap shots at New York and upset more than half of thier viewing audience?

I've lived outside of Buffalo for almost six years and you never hear about Buffalo unless it is about the snow storms.

The Bills get their highlights on Sunday's like anybody else, but there are never big feature stories or anything like that on the pregame shows.

Following the Sabres is nearly impossible unless you get the NHL package, listen to WGR on the Internet, scan the box scores in the paper or wait for Barry Melrose's 30-second spot on SportsCenter.

No one in the media outside Buffalo cares about Buffalo.

But don't worry about what us think the national media types think about us — because they don't think about us.

Sadly, until the Bills win the Bowl or the Sabres win the Cup, Buffalo will be a punchline.

God knows what they'd be saying had the Bills won four Super Bowls, but they didn't so suck it up.

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To be honest, I don't think the people in the national media care what the people in Buffalo think. They don't mind ticking off one of the smallest sports markets in the country.

Do you expect them to take cheap shots at New York and upset more than half of thier viewing audience?

I've lived outside of Buffalo for almost six years and you never hear about Buffalo unless it is about the snow storms.

The Bills get their highlights on Sunday's like anybody else, but there are never big feature stories or anything like that on the pregame shows.

Following the Sabres is nearly impossible unless you get the NHL package, listen to WGR on the Internet, scan the box scores in the paper or wait for Barry Melrose's 30-second spot on SportsCenter.

No one in the media outside Buffalo cares about Buffalo.

But don't worry about what us think the national media types think about us — because they don't think about us.

Sadly, until the Bills win the Bowl or the Sabres win the Cup, Buffalo will be a punchline.

God knows what they'd be saying had the Bills won four Super Bowls, but they didn't so suck it up.



I was born near NYC, but have loved the Bills with passion since 1975. I've been to the city/games several times and have nothing but good things to say about the people, the food, and the area. I can honestly say the average Joe in the street does not really have anything bad to say about Buffalo...the fact is the weather in Chicago and Boston is just as bad. It is the media that hypes up the jokes because money drives everything in television and Buffalo does not represent high Neilsen ratings to these clowns who call themselves impartial journalists.


It is ESPN that is the national joke...that EVERYONE knows!!!!

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People have the need to make themselves feel superior but putting others down. Since making fun of peoples skin color, religion, ethnic origin, and sexual orientation are all off-limits, all that's left is making fun of places like Buffalo.



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People have the need to make themselves feel superior but putting others down. Since making fun of peoples skin color, religion, ethnic origin, and sexual orientation are all off-limits, all that's left is making fun of places like Buffalo.





Only certain ethnic origins/religions are off-limits. The key word is certain...not all.

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Here is the truth of the matter:


The media KNOWS and abolsutely LOVES making fun of the Buffalo Bills and the city of Buffalo. And I would bet a good amount of cash that these people in the media who love this, egg on the players in interviews because they KNOW it drives Buffalo natives, Buffalo Bills fans, and former Buffalo residents absolutely NUTS.


ESPN has definately bought into this, and most of the time, we all fall for the bait at one point or another.


Tools like Trey Wingo make smart ass comments about Buffalo...commericals they have had make fun of Buffalo...Colin Cownerd IMO will go out of his way to ignore Buffalo or make bad comments just to stir the pot...and of course, fans fall for the bait OVER AND OVER.


Here is a tip: IGNORE THESE IDIOTS. Don't fall for the bait. Who cares what they say anyway. Silence would be the best thing said against idiots on ESPN.


I think a lot of Buffalonians like to rip on Buffalo too. A lot of people who cal buffalo home like to use the city as a scape goat for their current lot in life. I am not trying to denegrate, however, I have seen it too many times for it to be conincidence. A lot of friends of mine still in the area agree that the general populus feeds the cumulative inferiority complex of the region. Anyway, please nobody take this out of context - I love the area, but firmly believe that "we" are our own worst nightmare...

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People have the need to make themselves feel superior but putting others down. Since making fun of peoples skin color, religion, ethnic origin, and sexual orientation are all off-limits, all that's left is making fun of places like Buffalo.




What if you are a gay religious person of color from Buffalo?

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Very true. Buffalonians need to get thicker skin.


I can remember Dan Dierdork doing this on MNF. Back in the Bills glory years he innocently made a comment about teams not wanting to go to Buffalo late in the season and it came out as another bad weather comment. Dierdork got blasted by the Buffalo media and the fans where hostile to him whenever he came to town. The MNF crew that worked with him never let him forget it and they joked about it every chance they got.

Mark schelerth? said today that buffalo is a class organization and called willis a douchebag (in so many words) so not everybody bashes buffalo

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Mark schelerth? said today that buffalo is a class organization and called willis a douchebag (in so many words) so not everybody bashes buffalo



Noone here is saying everyone bashes Buffalo....a majority do...and IMO a good amount of the ones that do bash Buffalo do it to get a reaction, and it usually works...and gets them ratings.


Sad cycle.

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Noone here is saying everyone bashes Buffalo....a majority do...and IMO a good amount of the ones that do bash Buffalo do it to get a reaction, and it usually works...and gets them ratings.


Sad cycle.

Peter Noone bashes Buffalo too?? Oh the humanity!!!

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