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We WILL be trading up...


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and drafting Adrian Peterson. Marv is a sly old cat, he has a game plan. There's a reason we signed all of those offensive lineman this offseason, Thats to block for AP!!!!!!! Do we need defensive help? yes. Did we need offensive help last year, and only draft defense? You cant fix every hole in the offseason, you do what you can to make your team better, AP makes our team better. If you dont like the fact that he is an injury risk, GET OVER IT!




Said this a couple times before. Look at Marv's history, he has never traded up for his first pick. The only thing that comes close is Bennett, which he fought every inch of the way.

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I think a more likely scenario would be for a run to occur on defensive ends and watching Denver try to frantically move up to get one at #12. Trading down to #21 and still getting a top notch LB is possible plus it could net Denver's two third rounders or their second rounder and the eqivalent points for their forth rounder (which was already traded away). The Bills would then have a lot of flexibility to move back up into the first or move up or down in the second to get targeted players. I would much rather see this than trading up and casting all our eggs in one basket, so to speak.

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i am going to preface this by saying that i want the bills to draft defense first and rb in the 2nd round.


1) To say that peterson is "not that much better than lynch" is naive. while injuries have severely hindered and possibly left a plagued legacy, peterson may still be considered one of the finest college backs in 10 years. i would actually listen to that argument.


2) There is no rational thought that brings me to the prediction that peterson will be there at 12. if not cleveland than surely houston, after the bush debacle last year, how does the texans organization not take AP?


3) so have 5th round OT's, whats that have to do with the price of tea in china?


4) agreed!


I agree Peterson is better than lynch, at least it appears that way. But the difference is not so great that it warrants giving up a 2nd round pick or next years first round pick to move up and get him.


Why do you assume that houston will take Peterson?


1) They passed on Reggie Bush last year

2) They just signed Ahman Green to a 4 year/23M contract

3) Besides A. Green, they also have Ron Dayne, Samkon Gado, Wali Lundy and Dominick Davis/Williams on the roster.

4) They have not had a winning season EVER (correct me if i am wrong here) and have a ton of holes to fill, not just RB.


And, 2nd round RBs have had a VERY GOOD track record. Probably as good as 1st rounders. Point is, its likely that Kenny Irons or Tony Hunt will be as good or better than Peterson/Lynch. You cant say this about most any other position.


All things considered, unless Cleveland moves down and stays in the top 11, or Tennessee moves into the top 11, I have about a 95% confidence that Peterson will be available at 12.

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ahman isnt getting any younger and while there is quite a log jam there with their rb situation, that can be easily remedied with off season cuts. the night is still young. if peterson is there at twelve then i would have to change my tune and say snatch him up or trade down, preferably the latter. good post though.

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and drafting Adrian Peterson. Marv is a sly old cat, he has a game plan. There's a reason we signed all of those offensive lineman this offseason, Thats to block for AP!!!!!!! Do we need defensive help? yes. Did we need offensive help last year, and only draft defense? You cant fix every hole in the offseason, you do what you can to make your team better, AP makes our team better. If you dont like the fact that he is an injury risk, GET OVER IT!





People who say "Mark My Words" and are wrong should be sent to Saudi for 90 lashes.

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Why do we need a RB with the 1st pick? It seems that our defense is more important than our offense right now because of the loss of Fletcher and Clements.We signed really good linemen who can guard for our RB's right now. WHY DO PEOPLE WANT A RB WITH THE 12TH PICK WHEN THERE ARE BIGGER THINGS TO WORRY ABOUT ON THE DEFENSE?

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I don't see Houston taking Peterson either. Too much money in Green to be the main back, and too many holes to fill for a bad team.


Now that I've said that about Houston, I don't think we have many "holes" to fill.


LB: We are talking about the player that will put Ellison or Spikes on the bench. I definitely want to improve at LB and really like Willis, but not because we have "holes"


DT: Triplett, McCargo, Kyle, Hargrove for two spots. I know everybody wants Ted Washington back, but it isn't happening. I think we can add someone here as well, and Hargrove could go back to end / special teams / depth and Kyle could drop to 4th in the rotation, but it will take a quality player to do so, not just someone to fill "holes"


CB: Youboty / McGee / KT / Greer. Doesn't scare off a lot of teams, but I think Youboty will emerge and fill more of Nate's shoes than expected. We are a much better team with a new starter and McGee battling KT for nickel, so I do consider this pretty close to a hole, but not one that can't be filled with one of our 3rd rounders.


RB: Yep, this is a hole right now. I think A-Train will have a good year, but he needs to split the load with some young legs. I don't think Peterson makes sense but would be tempting at #12, and I'm sure Lynch will be considered too. But this just screams 2nd rounder to share the load and hopefully turn into one of the many 2nd round RBs who excels in the NFL.


So we have a hole at RB, should really add a decent CB, and wouldn't mind a LB. I don't think we rule out trading up because we can't afford to sacrifice a pick, but instead because the cost of moving up exceeds the added value we would get out of that player.

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and drafting Adrian Peterson. Marv is a sly old cat, he has a game plan. There's a reason we signed all of those offensive lineman this offseason, Thats to block for AP!!!!!!! Do we need defensive help? yes. Did we need offensive help last year, and only draft defense? You cant fix every hole in the offseason, you do what you can to make your team better, AP makes our team better. If you dont like the fact that he is an injury risk, GET OVER IT!




Marv is a smart old cat and there is no way that he goes offense with his first pick.



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Why do we need a RB with the 1st pick? It seems that our defense is more important than our offense right now because of the loss of Fletcher and Clements.We signed really good linemen who can guard for our RB's right now. WHY DO PEOPLE WANT A RB WITH THE 12TH PICK WHEN THERE ARE BIGGER THINGS TO WORRY ABOUT ON THE DEFENSE?


What running backs? Williams and Thomas?


Not even the Denver or SD lines can turn those two into a running game. The Bills need to find a starting running back at some point. If not the draft then after the mid summer cuts.

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I got the response I was looking for. MARK MY WORDS in all caps sure got got people fired up.


For those who say Marshawn Lynch will be our pick if AP is not there, must not follow in the theory that Marv is drafting character. He is not a character guy, meanwhile AP is very much so. Those that are happy in their pants about kenny iron and michael bush....please! Have you seen highlights of these guys? They cant even make people miss on the college level, I cant imagine either being more then a situational back in the pros. Irons to small, Bush to slow. Hunt and brandon jackson are the only guys I see as having the potential to be and everyday back, but neither have the experience. Trading one pick to get the best RB to come out since LT isnt too much. We have holes....we arent going to fill them all this year. Quality before quantity people!

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What running backs? Williams and Thomas?


Not even the Denver or SD lines can turn those two into a running game. The Bills need to find a starting running back at some point. If not the draft then after the mid summer cuts.

Wow, hell must be getting colder, I agree with a Deluca post. Williams is a situational back at best, and Thomas is a backup/1b back, not a 1a top back

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I got the response I was looking for. MARK MY WORDS in all caps sure got got people fired up.


For those who say Marshawn Lynch will be our pick if AP is not there, must not follow in the theory that Marv is drafting character. He is not a character guy, meanwhile AP is very much so. Those that are happy in their pants about kenny iron and michael bush....please! Have you seen highlights of these guys? They cant even make people miss on the college level, I cant imagine either being more then a situational back in the pros. Irons to small, Bush to slow. Hunt and brandon jackson are the only guys I see as having the potential to be and everyday back, but neither have the experience. Trading one pick to get the best RB to come out since LT isnt too much. We have holes....we arent going to fill them all this year. Quality before quantity people!


eeeeaaasssssyy there capt. hyperbole.


i like how people knock michael bush after watching his "highlights". watch some college football games and youd see how good he is and i f'ing hate louisville...lets go mountaineers. maybe we should just wait til steve slaton next year!

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We already have a big back in A-train.

I do not want anymore 240 lb backs coming off of a leg/knee injury. (Willis)


We need back that can catch some passes and take it to the house.


Marv will not go after Bush. We need someone that is lightning in a bottle. Who that is? I don't exactly know. But wasting a pick on Bush who wasn't able to run at the combine becuase he wasn't completely healed yet and is a bigger back than Willis is crazy if you ask me.

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Yeah but he wasn't healthy enough to run at the combine.

Reminds me too much of Willis all the way around.

Give me a healthy back that is ready to compete right now.


Bush is too darn big to be a great back. Thats what were going for here......someone that can be great.

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