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Who is the best bill you ever met?

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In the late 70's my sister was married to Phil Villapiano's best friend. I was fortunate enough to go to a party at Phil's house after a home game. One of the nicest guys I met there was Conrad Dobler. He sat and talked to me and a friend of mine for over an hour. Phil Villapiano was a great guy also. But , of the more popular Bills , Bruce Smith was really great when I ran into him at Pure Platinum in Fort Erie. And , as far as being a great guy to get autographs from , Doug Flutie made sure my 2 daughters got auto's and pictures taken with him one year at training camp. He was super nice that day.

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Brian Moorman was the nicest


JP was pretty nice too, when he had his broken leg he arrived to a game a lil after most of the team, and he threw the ball around the parking lot with us for a bit.


Lawyer Milloy was the most fun, met him and Trey Teague at the sundower. Moulds was there too but he was unapproachable. Milloy actually gave me 40 bucks to give the stripper and made her whip my friends ass with a belt on stage... Lawyer was laughin so hard.


Eric Studsville the runningbacks coach is by far the nicest bills coach or player i have ever met. Used to talk to him b4 games when i had season ticks.

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When I was about 8 years old (34-78-83 happened to be with me) we were getting autographs @ Fredonia State college when we approached what we thought was a player. Anyway, @ the same time we both ask him "are you a Bill?".......he replied, "nope, I'm a Jim". At 1st we were completely confused until we saw what he wrote.......it happened to be Jim Ritcher.


After he happily signed his autograph he talked for a minute and went off to practice. Very nice guy. He was all smiles the whole time. (unlike Joe Ferguson)

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OLD school .

Jack Kemp....Ernie Warlick,,,Butch Byrd........



Bills I can recall meeting are Jack Kemp, Ernie Warlick, Paul McGuire, Al BeMiller, Joe O'Donnell, Billy Shaw, Juice, Bobby Chandler, Tony Greene, Jim Kelly, Kent Hull, Carleton Baily, Andre Reed, Bruce Smith, Phil Hansen, and John Butler.


I meet Billy Shaw at the Hall of Fame the year that Jim Kelly got in. He was a great guy to talk to.


John Butler was awesome. He spent about 30 minutes talking football with me while outside of "Pilot Field" before a Bisons game one July afternoon.


Reed was super nice to my kids.


Hansen was very kind. Bruce was a bit aloof.


Chandler and Greene were quiet gentlemen that used to come into the Boardwalk Cafe (Delaware and Great Arrow) for dinner a lot. I was a busboy there and got to take care of their table a lot. Few players today conduct themselves like they did. Class acts all the way.

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Met quite a few even though I'm not a Bill's fan.


My son and I had the opprotunity to be in the Seneca Nation's Casino Box for a pee - wee football team he plays for. It was the Nation's gift for the boys winning the league title. Damn times change, when I played we certainly didn't get stuff like that.


Anyway. It was when Ritcher got honored for the wall of fame. After halftime who comes in but Ritcher, Smerlas, Joe Delamelere(SP?). There were some others that I didn't recognize also. I gave Ritcher my seat so him and his wife could eat and he starts talking to my son about football and stuff like he knew him all his life. He talked to us for about a half an hour. I told my son he should let him eat in peace, but Ritcher would have none of that. He is a better person than he ever was a football player and he was damn good at football. One thing I found hard to believe was how small he is. He would be a small running back nowadays I think.


I got some great pics with all the guys and my son, they were all good guys.

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My best friend had a house party back in 1996 and Eric Moulds and Gabe Northern (both rookies at the time) showed up in a pimped-out Lexus SUV. They hung around for about 45 minutes and then took off. Eric was very nice but mostly quiet. Gabe (who was ginormous!) was hamming it up real good with the ladies. At first I thought that it was unusual that a WR would hang out with a DE but then I realized that they went to LSU together.


My dad was also paired with Mark Kelso in a golf tournament and he had a great time with him.

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I've met Jim Kelly, Thurman Thomas, Andre Reed, Bruce Smith, Henry Jones, Howard Ballard, and Steve Tasker. They were all really cool to me with the exception of Bruce. He was a bit of an ass. I scammed press passes for the Pro Bowl week when I was stationed in Hawaii two years in a row. One of the guys I worked with used to drive House around during college and he hooked me up meeting him. We went to dinner and Howard picked up the whole bill, and was very nice. Tasker was an awesome person too.

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Tom Sestak, Paul Maguire at their bar in Cheektowaga especially Tom he died to young and on my all Bills team.



I used to go there (Sestak's and Maguires) quite a lot when in lived in Cheektowaga. I met Jim Kelly and he signed my son's football jersey. Saw OJ at the brick bar once, blondes were all over him like flies on :worthy: . Kind of an appropriate analogy now that I think of it. Ran into Doug Flutie once, afterwards I wished I had been driving a truck when I ran into him. We used to hang out at the hotel the Bills stayed at when they came here o play, most of the 90's teams were good guys, Reed was kind of stand-offish though.

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When I was about 7 or 8, my sister was dating a "star" player from the UB football team. He had a try-out with the Bills, and managed to make it through the final cuts. Along the way, he became good friends with a handful of Bills players. One of them was kicker John Leypoldt.


As it turned out, one weekend during the season (mind you, this was before they had bye-weeks) Leypoldt and a bunch of his Bills teammates (all the white guys) gathered to help set up a pool hall that, if memory serves me, Leypoldt was building, in Buffalo. He invited my sisters' boyfriend, and he, in turn, braught me along. I got to meet a load of Bills players that day (Joe D was the one I remember most), and they were all very cool. I got a bunch of autographs, some of the guys I don't even remember now. But, Leypoldt and Joe D were awesome.


Also, I met Ted Cottrell in a hotel in New Orleans, the night before the Bills/Saints game in 1998. He was very intense, but seemed to genuinely love talking football with the fans. The whole time though, it seemed like he was keeping his eye out for his guys, so they wouldn't get in any trouble. We saw him a few times during the weekend, just "patroling" the hotel, and the street.


On the same trip, my buddy and I met Leon Seals and his son, in the smoking lounge of the Super Dome, during halftime. He seemed genuinely thrilled that we recognized him, and was prodding his son, as if to say "see....somebody remembers your old man..." Good guy...

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I met Jim Ritcher at a Canes-Sabres game last April. My cousin and I talked to him for 10 minutes between periods. I asked him what he thought about Marv being brought back as GM. He called Marv a greybeard, but added that he was sure that he would make the OL a priority.

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My best friend had a house party back in 1996 and Eric Moulds and Gabe Northern (both rookies at the time) showed up in a pimped-out Lexus SUV. They hung around for about 45 minutes and then took off. Eric was very nice but mostly quiet. Gabe (who was ginormous!) was hamming it up real good with the ladies. At first I thought that it was unusual that a WR would hang out with a DE but then I realized that they went to LSU together.


My dad was also paired with Mark Kelso in a golf tournament and he had a great time with him.



Moulds didn't got to LSU he went to Miss State.

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I've actually run into Jim Ritcher quite a few times down here in Raleigh since I've been here, real nice guy.


Met several of the 90's Bills. But the one that stands out at the most was when I worked at Athlete's Den in the Como/Appletree Mall in Cheektowaga, Darryl Talley came in and I talked to him for about 45 minutes to an hour. Very down to earth person and didn't act like I was wasting his time or anything.

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