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FSU College Republicans offer new scholarship


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So as usual, in fine PPP tradition, your inuendo trumps my facts, Got It!


Bye Now!


Aside from the UNCF Liberty Scholarships (for family members of 9/11 victims) can you show me an example of a non-minority student who has received a "general" UNCF scholarship?


I'm not saying it hasn't happened, but I have never heard of such an example.


The only reason I question it, is that the name of the organization itself, combined with the fact that their Liberty scholarship explicitly says "regardless of race or color" makes me doubtful that any caucasian has ever received a general UNCF scholarship.

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\Americans should be very proud of how far we have come in this regard.



Yeah. Just last night, a black man won an Oscar for Best Actor, and no one noticed he was black, just five short years after everyone fawned over another black actor for winning Best Actor...and being black.


Forrest Whitaker being recognized as a great actor and not a black actor...that's progress...

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The only reason I question it, is that the name of the organization itself, combined with the fact that their Liberty scholarship explicitly says "regardless of race or color" makes me doubtful that any caucasian has ever received a general UNCF scholarship.


The UNCF supports the traditionally black colleges. I'm not sure if they helped Bruce Jenner out at Grambling or not.

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The UNCF supports the traditionally black colleges. I'm not sure if they helped Bruce Jenner out at Grambling or not.


But the UNCF will issue a scholarship to anyone regardless of race...just like the Klan's bylaws say they admit anyone regardless of race.

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Here is a link to the web page that lists the national scholarships offered by the UNCF. Please find for me any requirement that the recipient be 75% of any race or ethnic designation in order to qualify for a scholarship. UNCF Scholarships


And just to further clarify, here is a link to the College Republicans Home Page, please note the purpose of the organization and the reason it exists. Then compare that to the UNCF Home Page, again noting the purpose of the organization along with the reason it exists.


If after reading all of that, you still cannot understand why the College Republican's scholarship offer (If it really exists, I couldn't find any mention of it on their web-site) is racist, while the scholarship offers from the UNCF are not racist, there is very little I can do to help you.

I have not commented at all on whether what the kids at FSU are doing is racist or not. You seem to have made some assumptions, but whatever.


The UNCF bills itself as a "minority higher education assistance organization ... and has distributed more funds to help minorities attend school" than anyone but the government. I had not been aware of UNCF awarding scholarships to persons not of African descent. According to their website they do, but it would be interesting to know whether any of the individual scholarships awarded do have racial criteria. I would expect that some do as they appear to be started by individual/private donors, but don't know that. If so, it would appear that they are racists by your definition.


It would also be interesting to see how small the percentage of non-African descended students that are awarded scholarships are.

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So as usual, in fine PPP tradition, your inuendo trumps my facts, Got It!


Bye Now!


Don't be a buffoon. If I, as a white guy, applied for a UNCF scholarship, I would be SUMMARILY sent to the back of the line.




My God, you're making Molson look brilliant.

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Don't be a buffoon. If I, as a white guy, applied for a UNCF scholarship, I would be SUMMARILY sent to the back of the line.




My God, you're making Molson look brilliant.


Back of the line. Who knows? Did you apply to Morehouse?


I bet that white chick in the first season of Different World got some money.

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Back of the line. Who knows? Did you apply to Morehouse?


Yeah. I did. :blink:


What's your point here? If the UNCF gives out, hypothetically, 5000 scholarships a year and 10 go to white people (a statistic I'd doubt would be even that high), it's still an inherently racist organization.

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Yeah. I did. :blink:


What's your point here? If the UNCF gives out, hypothetically, 5000 scholarships a year and 10 go to white people (a statistic I'd doubt would be even that high), it's still an inherently racist organization.


My point is this: The 39 or 40 schools that are members of the UNCF are historically black schools.

If you applied to Morehouse or Grambling, or Howard and were denied a scholarship because of race then you

have a great case.

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My point is this: The 39 or 40 schools that are members of the UNCF are historically black schools.

If you applied to Morehouse or Grambling, or Howard and were denied a scholarship because of race then you

have a great case.


Well, then maybe they have an image problem. Perhaps they should rename themselves to the UNJFNCF...the United Not Just For Negroes College Fund.


That would certainly clarify the spirit of their mission, wouldn't it?

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Well, then maybe they have an image problem. Perhaps they should rename themselves to the UNJFNCF...the United Not Just For Negroes College Fund.


That would certainly clarify the spirit of their mission, wouldn't it?


If only Lou Rawls was with us today to answer that....

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I always thought he and Jerry Lewis should have combined telethons and pushed for college scholarships for black kids with muscular dystrophy.



Hey LADY! You'll never find another love like mine?




That would be Pay Per View TV in someplace like France.

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I have not commented at all on whether what the kids at FSU are doing is racist or not. You seem to have made some assumptions, but whatever.


The UNCF bills itself as a "minority higher education assistance organization ... and has distributed more funds to help minorities attend school" than anyone but the government. I had not been aware of UNCF awarding scholarships to persons not of African descent. According to their website they do, but it would be interesting to know whether any of the individual scholarships awarded do have racial criteria. I would expect that some do as they appear to be started by individual/private donors, but don't know that. If so, it would appear that they are racists by your definition.


It would also be interesting to see how small the percentage of non-African descended students that are awarded scholarships are.


The interesting part of this discussion is the fact that the thread was started with a post about the (supposedly real, but I still can't find anything on it with the exception of Ramius' post) FSU College Republicans Scholarship. The UNCF was thrown into the discussion by someone else as a supposedly racist organization whose racist policies are embraced because it represents minority on majority racism rather than the traditional majority on minority racism.


I tried to subtly show just how ludicrious that position is by linking to the two organizations web pages. But apparently there are a few people here who cannot get past the fact that the UNCF has the word Negro in it's name. Apparently in many eyes that is enough to make it a racist organization.


The number of scholarships awarded to white males by the UNCF is totally irrelevant to the original question. It doesnt matter if it is zero or 99.9% of all scholarships awarded. The fact of the matter is that the UNCF is an organization set up and run for the purpose of supporting a finite number of traditionally black colleges and universities. that is it's sole reason for existing. And to the best of my knowledge it does what it is designed to do.


I can't find any evidence of racial profiling in their scholarship program.


The College Republicans however are a recruitment arm of the Republican Party. A political party which supposedly has a big tent policy. You know, a party that includes Americans of all races, religions, and sexual orientations.


And they do have a racial profiling element in their scholarship requirements.


Therefore the UNCF policies are non-racist while the FSU College Republicans Policies (with regards to their supposed scholarship, only) are racist.

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The interesting part of this discussion is the fact that the thread was started with a post about the (supposedly real, but I still can't find anything on it with the exception of Ramius' post) FSU College Republicans Scholarship. The UNCF was thrown into the discussion by someone else as a supposedly racist organization whose racist policies are embraced because it represents minority on majority racism rather than the traditional majority on minority racism.


I tried to subtly show just how ludicrious that position is by linking to the two organizations web pages. But apparently there are a few people here who cannot get past the fact that the UNCF has the word Negro in it's name. Apparently in many eyes that is enough to make it a racist organization.


The number of scholarships awarded to white males by the UNCF is totally irrelevant to the original question. It doesnt matter if it is zero or 99.9% of all scholarships awarded. The fact of the matter is that the UNCF is an organization set up and run for the purpose of supporting a finite number of traditionally black colleges and universities. that is it's sole reason for existing. And to the best of my knowledge it does what it is designed to do.


I can't find any evidence of racial profiling in their scholarship program.


The College Republicans however are a recruitment arm of the Republican Party. A political party which supposedly has a big tent policy. You know, a party that includes Americans of all races, religions, and sexual orientations.


And they do have a racial profiling element in their scholarship requirements.


Therefore the UNCF policies are non-racist while the FSU College Republicans Policies (with regards to their supposed scholarship, only) are racist.


So you're basing the fact the the FSU College Republicans scholarship racist on what exactly? Just by the fact that they are Republican? Because according to you, you're not even sure if their scholarship exists. But then again it's on a message board, so it must be true.

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