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to put the NFL is better than NHL argument to rest


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This one goes out to the hockey crazies who think the NHL is more successful than the NFL. As much as I love hockey and the Sabres, Buffalo will always be a football town. Nationwide, hockey does not have near the influence as football.





oh yeah I forgot to mention the Stanley Cup is not even in the top 10 here

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Football more popular than Hockey in the US?!?!?!?!?!?!

Bold, Bold argument sir! :blink:



thank you for your excellent opinion sir. I was actually referring to DeLuca 1967 who believes hockey blows the NFL out of the water in this country.

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It's better because it makes more money? It seems to me that you're conflating two arguments. You can unequivocally state that the NFL is more popular and makes more money than the NHL. Case closed, as the best running back in the NFL might say.


However, and perhaps even because of the NFL's success, the NHL is a better sporting product right now. Its games are cheaper. The game itself is not broken up by countless commercial breaks. The flow of play is engineered so that the best athletes will excel. In the NFL, every last detail has been corporatized, and the larger playing field means you get a great TV product but a lesser clue of what's actually going on in the game.

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I'm not jumping on either side here, but how does football being the #1 sport in the US have anything to do with which sport is more popular in Buffalo? Since football is #1 nationally, does that mean that it's the #1 sport in every single town in the country? Why not simplify that even further. If it's the #1 sport in every single town, it must be the #1 sport in every single household too.

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I love some NFL fans that get all macho and excited about "well look at how popular the league is and all the money it makes" and the game is so much better then everyone else etc...


I love football, but who give a flying f that it makes so much more money then the NHL?


Why do fans of football have to point these things out? It is like it gets some NFL fans off or something...


It sounds like "look at the NFL and all it's power, isn't that impressive! We are better then anything!!!"


Sounds very childish IMO.


Who cares!


I love both sports.

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I'm not jumping on either side here, but how does football being the #1 sport in the US have anything to do with which sport is more popular in Buffalo? Since football is #1 nationally, does that mean that it's the #1 sport in every single town in the country? Why not simplify that even further. If it's the #1 sport in every single town, it must be the #1 sport in every single household too.


No. Not necessarily. I think professional sports leagues rankings are determined by a vote of the Electoral College. It's the majority vote in all the polling districts within each State which determines which league gets the total number of electoral votes which the state receives - based on their percentage of population compared to that of the entire country. That number is multiplied by the reciprocal of the number of out-of-work tuna canners that would be caused if the Republicans insist on making the minimum wage hike universal for all US States and Territories. That also ensures more beer will be drunk during commercials of the winning league's TV broadcasts and their fans will have the all-important bragging rights for at least a year.


That clear it up?

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HOCKEY SUCKS PLAIN AND SIMPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




We've got a winner for most pointless post on the earth.


Marauders has a serious hate-on for hockey....per chance was your heart broken by a member of the US women's hockey team? Or let me guess, you bet your life-savings on the Russians in the 1980 Olympics.


Why are we even debating which sports are better? It's apples to oranges. If you like football more, good on you. If you're rallying behind the Sabres sweet run, then good for you.




We can all agree that baseball sucks right? :worthy:

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DeLuca 1967 = wgr55 sports staff member (most likely Schoop)


Check out classic DeLuca 1967


The quality of football in the NFL sucks. That's just a fact. It is far below that of the NCAA.


NFL football is 10 minutes of action and 3 1/2 hours of talking about what happened in the ten minutes. Please try to dispute this fact.


The NFL is number one with sports fans for two reasons. Gambling and beer. Ban beer from the parking lots and stadiums and you couldn't get 25,000 to an NFL game.


It's great to go to an NHL game and not have drunk morons falling all over the place. Pissing themselves. It's great to see young fans going to Sabre games. A place where they don't have to watch grown men puking.


Tell me again why the NFL is so great.

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HOCKEY SUCKS PLAIN AND SIMPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Totally incorrect.

The most worthless sport on Earth is cricket.......closely followed by baseball.


.....then again......after watching the Olympics I discovered there were an awful lot of what I thought were 'recreational activities' which are apparently 'sports'.

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It's better because it makes more money? It seems to me that you're conflating two arguments. You can unequivocally state that the NFL is more popular and makes more money than the NHL. Case closed, as the best running back in the NFL might say.


However, and perhaps even because of the NFL's success, the NHL is a better sporting product right now. Its games are cheaper. The game itself is not broken up by countless commercial breaks. The flow of play is engineered so that the best athletes will excel. In the NFL, every last detail has been corporatized, and the larger playing field means you get a great TV product but a lesser clue of what's actually going on in the game.

Popularity does not necessarily = Quality as far as entertainment is concerned. See just about any mainstream movie. Formulized crap. Music? See hip hop. Nuff said. American Idol? Most popular show? Yeah but c'mon.

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Hockey will never be more than a regional sport. People are just not interested in it---if Buffalo wins the Cup nobody outside the area will #1 know and #2 nobody would care even if they did know. It is a sport beaten out by both bowling and poker for ratings. When your all star game gets about 400k viewers total in the country, you know nobody cares.

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The quality of football in the NFL sucks. That's just a fact. It is far below that of the NCAA.


NFL football is 10 minutes of action and 3 1/2 hours of talking about what happened in the ten minutes. Please try to dispute this fact.


The NFL is number one with sports fans for two reasons. Gambling and beer. Ban beer from the parking lots and stadiums and you couldn't get 25,000 to an NFL game.


It's great to go to an NHL game and not have drunk morons falling all over the place. Pissing themselves. It's great to see young fans going to Sabre games. A place where they don't have to watch grown men puking.


Tell me again why the NFL is so great.


Because, I, like almost the rest of this country will watch almost any NFL game that they will put on television - no betting, no beer - I will watch. I have not watched a hockey game not involving the Sabres in at least 10 years. I think Dave Keon was playing then.


The NHL all-star game was beaten in the ratings by Andy of Mayberry on TV Classics. I am not kidding about this.


I would like less drunks at the Bills game as well, but that is more a reflection on tailgaiting than football fans. College football ratings are continually lower than the pros, unless your team is playing or it is a particularly intruiging matchup, no one cares except locals and alumni. The numbers speak for themself and a lot of us do not gamble on the games and the NFL is the only sport that I will watch regularly without a rooting interest.

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