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Prehistoric shark video...


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Yes, of course they felt compelled to catch this rare being and, of course, it died soon after.


I try not to be too cynical, but deep down I know that mankind eventually will be undone by its own embedded instinct to destroy everything in its environment.


Yes those idiot humans that forced that animal up to shallow waters should be killed.

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Yes, of course they felt compelled to catch this rare being and, of course, it died soon after.


I try not to be too cynical, but deep down I know that mankind eventually will be undone by its own embedded instinct to destroy everything in its environment.


Yes, how ironic that they found this prehistoric creature but couldnt fully study it since it was alive, and then on purely coincidence it dies shortly after they catch it, bastards.

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Yes, of course they felt compelled to catch this rare being and, of course, it died soon after.


I try not to be too cynical, but deep down I know that mankind eventually will be undone by its own embedded instinct to destroy everything in its environment.



I am with you Tuesday....why the hell did they have to catch it?

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Come on, Marv. Draft this mammal.


...um, fish. By the way, anyway read of the Aussie ab' diver that got taken head first, down to the waist by a 3-4 meter juvenile Great White this week? Man won that fight. Sign him Marv. Get 'er done.

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