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Hey LT

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Yelling lights out you didnt pay the bill in their lockerroom is actually kinda funny.

And shows no class


How do you show your better then someone else? By being a good sport and winner and not sink yourself to their level and become classless.


Weither SD deserved it or not, What the Patriots did was classless. The were gloating and showboating infront of the Chargers and their fans like this is a first for them. You would expect a team like the Pats who have won the big game many times recently to show more class and walk off the field congratulating the Chargers on their season and save the gloating and celbration til the lockerroom. I don't blame LT for reacting and being pissed. The guy is showing something rare in this day and age of sports, pride in his team and franchise.


Sorry, but he had a right to be upset and go after them, if this happened and the Bills were the Chargers, everyone here would be looking into petitions to have the pats thrown out of the league

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whatever! what the hell is this "class" you speak of, and how the hell can you tell who has it and who doesn't from your living room?!


if the bills had wandered into SD yesterday with a 9-7 record and eked out a win under those same circumstances, i wouldn't care if all 53 players, coaches, and marv effin' levy himself were yelling and dancing in the middle of the field. it's not like they were screaming into the tv cameras they were going to eat LTs children.


the sour grapes here regarding a game that means ZERO to the bills is astonishing. i hate new england too, but some of you guys pretend the chargers are the bills, somehow. i don't get it. screw their overrated asses! haha rivers, LT, merriman, marty...you GOT BEAT. see you next season.


please tell me what team wouldn't have been dancing and yelling after that win yesterday? NO TEAM, that's who!




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I can't believe anyone's defending Shawn Merriman. The guy's a cheater, a classless junkie and a total arsehole. He DESERVES to be mocked. He acts like an epileptic retard after making a tackle.



I don't think people are defending Merriman. I don't think he deserves to be in the pro bowl.


But in this case both teams are wrong.


Before the shoving match at midfield. LT wouldn't shake hands so he's a sore loser.


Then he runs to get into a confrontation with Patroits players after they act like jerks. Both parties are wrong.

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please tell me what team wouldn't have been dancing and yelling after that win yesterday? NO TEAM, that's who!


A team with a little bit of class would have


Did the Bears taunt Seattle after they won in overtime? Did New Orleans yell stuff at Philly when they beat them in the last couple minutes (and they have the excuse that they have never been there before since this is the farthest they have ever been in team history)? What about the Colts, did they dance on the baltimore Ravens logo or taunt them when they won?


No, they all showed class by shaking their opponents hands at the end of the game and congratulated them on their season and celebrated in their locker room.


The Patriots acted like a bunch of 12 year olds celbrating a Pee Wee football championship, although even some Pee Wee football kids know to show more class and be gracious winners.

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I can't beleive im about to say this.

I really hate the patriots and i despise tom brady.


Everyone, stop whining about this BS.

The Patriots were in the position of being counted out by everyone during the week.

They deserved to let off some steam after humbling a very cocky team on their field.

I have seen much worse celebrations on opposing fields and the only reason

we are talking about this is because of LT's immature behavior.

No he doesn't have the right to get in anyone's face after that loss because he

has to shine the light on himself and his teammates for for giving that game away.

You walk off the field and tell yourself that you'll get them next year.

Blaming the wrong people takes your focus off what the real problem is.

I don't care what anybody on this board or the media says.

LT showed his supreme immaturity and lost a lot of my respect.

Hopefully he learns from this and doesn't display this kind of attitude again.

But Brady and the patriots deserve all the credit that comes there way because they took

advantage of opportunities late in the game. It doesn't matter how the rest of the game went.

LT had better learn that lesson.


The funny thing is that I had the absolute opposite feeling. I was hoping and praying that the Pats would lose, simply because Brady played horribly and DESERVED to lose the game. However, given the stupidity on the part of Marty and some of the Charger players, they gift-wrapped the game for him. Thus, we have another entire week to hear about how great Brady is... rather than what a goat he would have been if Troy Brown doesn't doesn't force that fumble.

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A team with a little bit of class would have


Did the Bears taunt Seattle after they won in overtime? Did New Orleans yell stuff at Philly when they beat them in the last couple minutes (and they have the excuse that they have never been there before since this is the farthest they have ever been in team history)? What about the Colts, did they dance on the baltimore Ravens logo or taunt them when they won?


No, they all showed class by shaking their opponents hands at the end of the game and congratulated them on their season and celebrated in their locker room.


The Patriots acted like a bunch of 12 year olds celbrating a Pee Wee football championship, although even some Pee Wee football kids know to show more class and be gracious winners.

first of all, the bears should be thanking their lucky stars, because they were a huge favorite and they almost choked up a home playoff game to a team they clobbered in october...their reaction to the win reflected the fact that it should never have come to that. the patriots travelled 3000 miles to upset the "best" team on their own field with a heroic 4th quarter comeback...you don't think that's a little different?


second...you have NO IDEA who, out of 53 guys on the bears was doing what, or saying what to whom from your living room! do you think that tiny little pacth of tv screen you see is refelective of everything that's happening on the field?


and if you honestly think the guys on our roster are saints and are such paragons of moral character that they'd never gloat after a win, then your head is so far in the sand i surely am wasting my time discussing this issue with you.


have a great day, and go sabres!

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A team with a little bit of class would have


Did the Bears taunt Seattle after they won in overtime? Did New Orleans yell stuff at Philly when they beat them in the last couple minutes (and they have the excuse that they have never been there before since this is the farthest they have ever been in team history)? What about the Colts, did they dance on the baltimore Ravens logo or taunt them when they won?


No, they all showed class by shaking their opponents hands at the end of the game and congratulated them on their season and celebrated in their locker room.


The Patriots acted like a bunch of 12 year olds celbrating a Pee Wee football championship, although even some Pee Wee football kids know to show more class and be gracious winners.


Oh please. From what I read and heard, the Chargers were doing a loads of talking the week prior to this game. Not only to the media but to their friend and ex-teamate Caldwell. About what they were going to do to the Pats and how the Pats didn't have a chance. They deserved to get the Merriman's "lights out" dance (now were copyrighting in your face dances?!) shoved into their collective faces. If you can't take it then don't do it to other teams that you beat up on them during the regular season. I have zero sympathy for LT or the Chargers on this stupid topic.

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first of all, the bears should be thanking their lucky stars, because they were a huge favorite and they almost choked up a home playoff game to a team they clobbered in october...their reaction to the win reflected the fact that it should never have come to that. the patriots travelled 3000 miles to upset the "best" team on their own field with a heroic 4th quarter comeback...you don't think that's a little different?


second...you have NO IDEA who, out of 53 guys on the bears was doing what, or saying what to whom from your living room! do you think that tiny little pacth of tv screen you see is refelective of everything that's happening on the field?


and if you honestly think the guys on our roster are saints and are such paragons of moral character that they'd never gloat after a win, then your head is so far in the sand i surely am wasting my time discussing this issue with you.


have a great day, and go sabres!

I'm sure some players do gloat a little during the hand shakes, but we are talking about a large group of players removing their helmets and immatating one player while dancing on the home teams logo. That puts them on the same level as Terrell Owens a guy not known as the classiest player in the league.

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Oh please. From what I read and heard, the Chargers were doing a loads of talking the week prior to this game. Not only to the media but to their friend and ex-teamate Caldwell. About what they were going to do to the Pats and how the Pats didn't have a chance. They deserved to get the Merriman's "lights out" dance (now were copyrighting in your face dances?!) shoved into their collective faces. If you can't take it then don't do it to other teams that you beat up on them during the regular season. I have zero sympathy for LT or the Chargers on this stupid topic.

And the pats showed their class by lowering themselves to the same level of the Chargers and Merriman. No one is saying the Chargers were classy, people are just saying the Pats showed no class by gloating about a victory

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he was the best player by far in that game (both teams) and it's a crime that he didn't get the ball more than he did, especially on all those third and fours and that second last chargers' series. he's a great -- one of the best i've ever seen.


the chargers receivers, who were left lightly covered deliberately by Belichick, suck. Schottenheimer was outcoached.

I couldnt believe he didnt get the ball once on that last drive. No wonder Shott has never been to the Super Bowl

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All week the Chargers were talking trash. The had set up a victory dinner ifor after the game. They were already printing up hats and shirts about the SanDiego Super Chargers. They were talking about the plans for the Victory parade after winning the AFC and the Super Bowl. It was all no one can stop us , we are the best and etc.. 9 Pro-bowl players *1 in everything and we are going to crush everyone. The Chargers constantly talked trash throughout the game, I can see how some of the NE players got a little disrepectfull. after hearing this all week and all game.

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All week the Chargers were talking trash. The had set up a victory dinner ifor after the game. They were already printing up hats and shirts about the SanDiego Super Chargers. They were talking about the plans for the Victory parade after winning the AFC and the Super Bowl. It was all no one can stop us , we are the best and etc.. 9 Pro-bowl players *1 in everything and we are going to crush everyone. The Chargers constantly talked trash throughout the game, I can see how some of the NE players got a little disrepectfull. after hearing this all week and all game.



T-Shirts and hats are pre printed on SO many different occassions.


Again, there are New England message board awaiting your registration.


Tell Smerlas I said hello and to go f himself

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All week the Chargers were talking trash. The had set up a victory dinner ifor after the game. They were already printing up hats and shirts about the SanDiego Super Chargers. They were talking about the plans for the Victory parade after winning the AFC and the Super Bowl. It was all no one can stop us , we are the best and etc.. 9 Pro-bowl players *1 in everything and we are going to crush everyone. The Chargers constantly talked trash throughout the game, I can see how some of the NE players got a little disrepectfull. after hearing this all week and all game.

It's a simple case to loving to dish it out but not being able to take it. Feel's a little different when the shoe's on the other foot. They deserved all the disrespect the Patriots coiuld throw at them.

Didn't any of you catch their antics when they played the Bills?

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They beat you. They can gloat. Don't like it? Win the damned game.


Just what did LT do to lose that game, pray tell? Pats didn't "win". SD gave them the game. Clearly had more talent than the Pats.

It's just like the Pats to "gloat" like the classless fools they are. They should breathe a sigh of relief that some dubious non calls and their own childish ghetto "jawing" at SD players coaxed a few personal fouls out of the physically superior Chargers.No way they win without it.

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