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Besides following the Bills, what's your hobby?

Arkady Renko

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My hobby is beer tasting.


One keg at a time.

Im actually a member of "The Connoisseur's Club" at a restaurant/bar right near my house. When you drink 100 different beers you get your name painted on the wall in green. If you drink 500 different ones its painted a different color and larger. When you drink 1000 different beers it steps up again and probably liver disease at that point.

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Currently immersed and growing increasingly addicted to Eve Online. Space mmopg.


I thought about trying that out a year or so ago, but they had no free demo, so I never did.


I like playing video games -- Xbox360, Nintendo DS, PC, hopefully a Wii soon.


I like photography. I've taken some pretty good shots I think.


I used to write a lot, and really enjoy it, but other things have taken over. I really should start again. :thumbdown:


I used to make some cool models out of LEGO, but those got packed away when we moved and I havn't unpacked them yet...


Videography is fun too, as is making DVDs (related). The Bills DVDs used to be fun, but then we started to suck, so I haven't made as many. I might do some of our late-season games where we actually started playing well, but we'll see if the other hobbies get in the way. :wallbash:



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I thought about trying that out a year or so ago, but they had no free demo, so I never did.


I like playing video games -- Xbox360, Nintendo DS, PC, hopefully a Wii soon.


I like photography. I've taken some pretty good shots I think.


I used to write a lot, and really enjoy it, but other things have taken over. I really should start again. :wallbash:


I used to make some cool models out of LEGO, but those got packed away when we moved and I havn't unpacked them yet...


Videography is fun too, as is making DVDs (related). The Bills DVDs used to be fun, but then we started to suck, so I haven't made as many. I might do some of our late-season games where we actually started playing well, but we'll see if the other hobbies get in the way. :devil:



They have a 15 day trial now. Here's the link.

Good thing about the game is that the learning curve is steep. Weeds out all the teens. Takes a while to get the hang of it and the game is very deep but thats what keeps it interesting.


I would wait until next year to do resume your videography thing. :thumbdown:

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1) Reading the Daily Racing Form

2) Figuring out ways to get to the OTB without getting a divorce

3) drinking beers at the OTB

4)Playing online poker(severaly curtailed once partypoker shut down to US folks)

5)Burning everything and anything in my outdoor fireplace just to see how it will burn

6)bitching bout my piece o chit VW Toureg

7)seeing how long I can go without cleaning either the interior or exterior of my 96 Explorer(two years running now)

Seriosly now, I have been wrapped up for the last two months coaching my daughters BBall team and my sons hockey skills class. That takes most my free time, but always manage to get a few scheckles on the ponies every week

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I realize that I have nothing approaching a hobby and feel that this something I want to change. What do you folks do as one?


Writing. I write in my spare time, not in a gay way or anything, and not there is anything wrong with that, but i do it because it is something that might make me money some day. I've been published a few times and was recently asked by an editor for the local paper to write a piece about my journey to college from the shambles of my youth. Would have been a real touching piece, but number one they didn't offer me enough money, and number two there is not much i could say without getting my ass kicked by the people that i am associated with based on certain situations that would be discussed in the piece itself.

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Would you have mentioned the mailboxes in the journey? :thumbdown:


Somewhere in there, a mailbox reference would have come up, but we got caught for that, so it's not like we were facing possible indictment.



*EDIT: Should add an LOL or something along those lines due to the fact that a lot of people would think that i feel as though i would face indictment for a petit crime like this.

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walking the back roads and taking photo's.

baking, particularly bread, the smell of fresh baked bread in a house is wonderful

learning new information about computing and putting systems together.

getting up early and visiting local farmers markets and meeting friends there.

riding horses with family


writing stories

taking time to be with family every day..... :thumbdown:

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Usually a hobby is a side effect of a passion. What are your passions? Being a lawyer it may serve you well to take up golf or skiing as those are popular business trips. You already like football, so the next offshoot is gambling, which is big in white collar land. I don't know if you're married or close to it, but any hooby that isn't firmly established beforehand will get nixed by the wife....and it is hard enough keeping ones you already have unless she is into it too. Hopefully you'll make cash and can throw some at her to keep her quiet.


My big hobby is horseracing, and it's also a job. It's one of those, "if you love what you're doing it's not really work" deals. If you are opinionated, like to research, and are decent with numbers, you should catch on quick and have fun. You have to think to make money, but you are entertained as well.

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i am actually coming down to Cary this weekend to visit my sister...any good beer places to visit?


Cary and surrounding towns have some ok places to get beer. You can usually find a few good offerings on tap at either Harrison's or the McGregor Ale House. However, if you are going to be out towards Durham then I'd really recommend these places:



The Federal




Actually now that I think of it you could head out towards my neck of the woods in Holly Springs and go to the tour at the Carolina Brewing Company. Their tours are every Saturday at 1 PM (although I have learned from experience that if you arrive at 12:30-ish they'll still give you a glass to begin sampling). It's self serve free beer until about 2:15 to 2:30. They only shut the taps down for about 30 minutes during the actual "tour". My record is five pints of free beer, but then again I can walk there from my house. :D


Carolina Brewing Company

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I geocache. It's walking in parks and hiking while looking for things with a GPS receiver. It gets me out of the house instead of sitting in front of the TV (except for the Bills).

I geocached around Cazenovia, South, and Como Parks while I was back in Buffalo for Christmas.

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